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I am teh Yoshiness

Fire Yoshi

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Hello everyone. :)  I be Fire Yoshi, a Starfox loving guy who also so happens to be a Starfox hating guy. lol

Some things about me:

My real name is Brett, so call be by that if you'd like. :)

I'm also a member of the KLA (Krystal Lovers Assn.), so this is all old news for you cross over types.

My interests are Motocross/dirtbikes, videogames, working out, and cooking

My favorite color is red

My favorite videogame character is Yoshi, second Knuckles, third Krystal. My least favorite is Daisy (from the Mario series)

Things I hate are incredbly high heights, tomatoes, bees, and people who think that they're "know-it-alls"

Well, I could tell allot more, but my lazy button won't let me progress any further.  :P

All in all, I'm happy to be a member here, and I hope you all can accept me. :)

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I'm sure you'll get along with most people as long as you don't anger them.

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Welcome to SF- O and remember have fun and don't feed the bears

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Welcome to the board Yoshiness. :P

What happened to that "witty reply" of yours? :P

Tell about your cat!

I was going to, but I didn't want to type three paragraphs on how awesome he is. lol  All I'll say is that his name is Snowball.....and he is a little piggy. :3

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What happened to that "witty reply" of yours? :P

Slipped my mind while dealing with other furry drama last night, oh well. :)

Why don't you "make yourself useful" and post up all your Krystal works? :P

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I was going to, but I didn't want to type three paragraphs on how awesome he is. lol  All I'll say is that his name is Snowball.....and he is a little piggy. :3

He's a cutie^^

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