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The Cornerian Complex


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Guest Mr. Mario

'I'm going to look for the plasma matieral myself once I kill my boredom...' Butch thought to himself while he headed to the aracde to play some games that were currently inside...

He walked by some arcade machines, seeing none that interested him...that was until he saw his long lost favorite game of all time called "Fallin 3" waiting to be played by someone...most likely Butch. He saw that some of the credits have already been inserted in the game, so he pressed the start button and began to start the game...

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A passing by Balsa heard the open aired conversation and turned towards Rex and salvador. "Barca attacked you?" she deadpanned, seeing the lines in the wall where barca had slammed Salvador into.

"Yes and no. She slammed me into the wall there but I don't think it was willing. Probably an accident." Salvador explained.
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"Yes and no. She slammed me into the wall there but I don't think it was willing. Probably an accident." Salvador explained.

"Oh, thanks, ill bhave to thwack her a few times at home" Balsa muttered before righting herself. "Mind if i tag along with you guys? i need something to do"

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"Oh, thanks, ill bhave to thwack her a few times at home" Balsa muttered before righting herself. "Mind if i tag along with you guys? i need something to do"

"Well I'm okay with it, after all there isn't much to do here with only 2 people. What do you think Rex?" Salvador answered.
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"Hmm? oh yeah...sure, sounds great!" He quickly replied.

"Here, follow me, and ill show you what ive got."

They walked back into the city and the Fox led them to a wareehouse. They went in.

"Okay....stay right here a moment, and ill get it ready." Rex sadi; and with that, he disappeard from sight.

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"this place is filthy" balsa commented, clearing her lungs of the naucious fumes. Gagging and sputtering, she ran out of the door and lost ehrself in a bathroom, coughing up what seemed to be a lung. (gnight yall im gonmna go to bed)

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"Farewell Balsa, so Rex what exactly did you want to show me?" Salvador wondered.

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"this place is filthy" balsa commented, clearing her lungs of the naucious fumes. Gagging and sputtering, she ran out of the door and lost ehrself in a bathroom, coughing up what seemed to be a lung. (gnight yall im gonmna go to bed)

(alright see you then; good night!)


"Farewell Balsa, so Rex what exactly did you want to show me?" Salvador wondered.

Only there was not answer...at least not yet.

Thats when lights turned on, and before the Kryx lay a rather large metalic "walker" !

There was spomeone in the cockpit, but it was hard to tell whom was at the controls of the mechinaion.

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Only there was not answer...at least not yet.

Thats when lights turned on, and before the Kryx lay a rather large metalic "walker" !

There was spomeone in the cockpit, but it was hard to tell whom was at the controls of the mechinaion.

Salvador took a few steps back. He couldn't see inside the cockpit of it, but he suspected that it was Rex. "Is that you Rex? If not then step out of the vehicle." Salvador spoke.
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"Oh, it's me!" Rex said over an outward speaker; his voice sounded different though.

"This is what i wanted to show you; Feast your eyes on the Amplified Mobility Platform! I thought i'd bring this along with me, so i could see how it's systems would handle in a cxity environment."

"Basically, it allows me to be stronge than average infantry man; allowing me to become just as tough or tougher than you!"

I could show you it's comabt capability...if you'de like!" the Marine said ove the intercom.

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"Oh, it's me!" Rex said over an outward speaker; his voice sounded different though.

"This is what i wanted to show you; Feast your eyes on the Amplified Mobility Platform! I thought i'd bring this along with me, so i could see how it's systems would handle in a cxity environment."

"Basically, it allows me to be stronge than average infantry man; allowing me to become just as tough or tougher than you!"

I could show you it's comabt capability...if you'de like!" the Marine said ove the intercom.

"Yeah I'm pretty sure that suit of yours is stronger then me, but don't think all kryx can be defeated so easily. May as well show me what it can do though." Salvador said admiring the machine.
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"Alright.....but there's a problem; i dont have any targets to shoot at....." Rex replied.

"Do you have any ideas?" the Fox asked as he continued to look about the controls and did a self diagnostic of the suit.

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"Alright.....but there's a problem; i dont have any targets to shoot at....." Rex replied.

"Do you have any ideas?" the Fox asked as he continued to look about the controls and did a self diagnostic of the suit.

"Lucky for you I'm a sniper. We keep targets with us at all times." Salvador said taking a few disks out of a pouch on his belt and throwing them in the air. They started hovering and landing in different places around the warehouse and manifesting into humanoid creatures. "Go ahead. Test it out." Salvador offered.
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Cracking his fingers and puting on motion-sensor gauntlets, he "grabbed" a rather larger gun from a table and "walked" (i put quotations fro that moment because he is controling the suit) towards the targets and stopped.

He checked the suits specially designed weapon- the GAU-90- and aimed at the targets.

"You may want to cover your ears!" Rex yelled a he pulled the trigger.

The Gau went off producing a rather large sound as it's 30mm caliber rifle fired at one of the targets and blew it to bits.

Then, the suit started in a run and Rex raised the gun up with both of the suit's arms and then brought it crashing down on the target; slcing it almost cleanly in two.

And then pulled out a rather huge knife out of one of the suit's compartmewnts and kicked the target down, and then pounced right on top of it and stabbed it multiple times; he repeated all three tyes of attacks on all the taregts and saved one for last.

"If you think these are beautys, check thison out:

Rex put the GAU-90 down and picked up a new weapon, and fired it away from the btoh of them; it was a rather large flame thrower.

"This thing could roast a pig....while it's still alive!" he remarked as he walked up to the last target.

He fired the 'thrower one last time to make sure it wa working proporly, and then proceded to roast the last target-it did last long; all that ws left of it was a few chars and cinders...mabye some slag her and there.

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"Nice work Rex, showed those targets who's boss. But keep away from me with that flamethrower. Safety reasons and all." Salvador told him.

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"Rex opend the cockpit, as Salvador made said statement, "Oh dont worry, your safe with me...!" he said smiling with a smirk.

"What's even better, I've used this very suit in many combat situations....the scars tell alot of stories..." he said as if he were somewher else for a momnet.

Well, what's next? I've pretty much just have this suit, a pistol, rifle, and the knife i showed you earlier....what have got?" the Marine asked with curiousity.

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"Rex opend the cockpit, as Salvador made said statement, "Oh dont worry, your safe with me...!" he said smiling with a smirk.

"What's even better, I've used this very suit in many combat situations....the scars tell alot of stories..." he said as if he were somewher else for a momnet.

Well, what's next? I've pretty much just have this suit, a pistol, rifle, and the knife i showed you earlier....what have got?" the Marine asked with curiousity.

Salvador pulled out his sniper and assembled it quickly. "This is my signature weapon. IT can switch round type from the flick of a switch to fire, corrosive, explosive, and electric. It's a very formidable weapon and packs enough punch to knock down that suit of yours, provided I hit it in the legs. Let me show you how it works." He said as he threw a target. He then took aim and fired from a fair distance away. "I'd be glad to show you the other variants as well." Salvador said
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"Well actually, this suit's gryoscopic systems and other systems prevent it from falling, but let see whatcha got!" Rex commented as he put the rifle down and got into a comabt stance wit hte suit; bracing.

He had been knocked down before...but thats because what ha knocked him down lifted him off the ground....

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"Well actually, this suit's gryoscopic systems and other systems prevent it from falling, but let see whatcha got!" Rex commented as he put the rifle down and got into a comabt stance wit hte suit; bracing.

He had been knocked down before...but thats because what ha knocked him down lifted him off the ground....

"Okay but remember you asked for this." He switched the sniper's round to explosive and took am at the hydraulic of the suit. He fired a shot and it hit directly in the suits leg connector. The suit started to wobble and fell leaning on the wall. "If that wall wasn't there you'd have trouble getting the suit back up. Have anything else you want me to shoot at?" Salvador joked.
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"Ouw....N=no; thats all for now...ow.." Rex said clenching his teeth threw the intercom.

He tried to walk normally, but the suit limped and it would compenasate.

Greeaat...ill need to fix that joint.... again.... he thought wiht a hint of annoyance.

He parked the suit as best he could and hopped out of it.

"That's quite the weapon you've got there....very intersting..." He mused.

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"Ouw....N=no; thats all for now...ow.." Rex said clenching his teeth threw the intercom.

He tried to walk normally, but the suit limped and it would compenasate.

Greeaat...ill need to fix that joint.... again.... he thought wiht a hint of annoyance.

He parked the suit as best he could and hopped out of it.

"That's quite the weapon you've got there....very intersting..." He mused.

"Yeah it's a KMS-5000. Only master snipers can get there hands on them. Their expensive, hard to make and use a complex ammo design that even I barely understand. I call it Reaver. It is one of the most powerful weapons in the Kryx army and anyone who has one has earned it through kills." Salvador explained.

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Rex nodded, "well, ive got to get to work and fix this thing;-he gestured towards th AMP suit-you got anyone else as friends on this planet?" he asked.

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Rex nodded, "well, ive got to get to work and fix this thing;-he gestured towards th AMP suit-you got anyone else as friends on this planet?" he asked.

"Well I do have a few friends here, some people in a squad of space marines, this guy called stacker although I haven't seen him in awhile, Balsa, and that's probably it. Two of my other friends left though, not sure if they're coming back. How about you?" Salvador asked.
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Rex stopped working for a momnet-as if thinking-

"I havent any friends....at least not on this planet..." Rex said slowly, "i kind of just arrived 3 days ago...trying to get my bearings....and then imet your in the restuarant."

"can you describe your friends....in a nut shell or at least some description of who ro what they lok like?" the Fox asked, as h continued to work on the damaged hydraulic.

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Rex stopped working for a momnet-as if thinking-

"I havent any friends....at least not on this planet..." Rex said slowly, "i kind of just arrived 3 days ago...trying to get my bearings....and then imet your in the restuarant."

"can you describe your friends....in a nut shell or at least some description of who ro what they lok like?" the Fox asked, as h continued to work on the damaged hydraulic.

"Well you met Balsa. She is a good person, although she is harsh and hard to get to know, then there's Reigan nice guy who serves in that squad, he is unlike his comrades however seeing as he doesn't hate me." Salvador joked. "As for stacker he's misunderstood and kind of dark. He's constantly looking for something although he's never told me what it is. I haven't seen him in awhile. Oh and some other guy named Fawkes. He's cheerful and I've never seen him in a bad mood. Although he is a rare sight because of what he is and  that he is rearely seen here." Salvador said.
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