Vulvokunvrii Posted November 29, 2010 Share Posted November 29, 2010 Thats when Rex finshed the repairs."Very intersting group of people; she's all finished, lets just not do that again!" He chuckled, but then held his leg for a moment the pain still hadn't gone away yet.Thats when there was a small explosion, and there was a figure at the door; only ti disappeared from sight."*cough cough* What the hell was that?" Quartich inquired fro everyone who was present in the room. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Shaper Posted November 29, 2010 Share Posted November 29, 2010 Thats when Rex finshed the repairs."Very intersting group of people; she's all finished, lets just not do that again!" He chuckled, but then held his leg for a moment the pain still hadn't gone away yet.Thats when there was a small explosion, and there was a figure at the door; only ti disappeared from sight."*cough cough* What the hell was that?" Quartich inquired fro everyone who was present in the room."I don't know, but it's probably in here with us." Salvador said looking around the large warehouse. He used his vision to look around the area. "Get in that suit, something's in here." Salvador said walking around the area slowly as if waiting for something to strike. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Vulvokunvrii Posted November 29, 2010 Share Posted November 29, 2010 "Roger that" Rex said as he made his way throught the darkness-the lights ha gone out too-.The Suit powered up and the two men began to search.Now, in someone else's POV.....He had cut the power with a Force palm to short out he circuit box and then blow his way through the door woth an Aura Sphere; over kill, but it got the jon done.Lucario, the pokemon prowled through the darkness, but stopped at a new sound; and he knew what it was,Amplified Mobility! he thought aloud as he stopped moving and then peered out of the darkness to get a better look; then he poked it back so he couldnt be seen.Second POv.....' not getting any readings.....the target is either not moving..or its a Marine or marine affiliated; im walking blind in here." Rex reported, checking the GAU-90 and sweeping the area around him. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Shaper Posted November 29, 2010 Share Posted November 29, 2010 Salvador had seen movement on a crate. He couldn't make any shapes out but he didn't need to. He pulled one of his knives out and threw it directly at the source of the movement. He was rewarded with a small grunt. "There! It's over there!" He yelled as he ran towards the creature. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Vulvokunvrii Posted November 29, 2010 Share Posted November 29, 2010 Lucario had hopped upon a crate to get a better view of who was in the AMP suit; only to have a knife come straight at his face!He dodged it as best he could and was rewarded with a hit in the arm; he then lept away and landed somewhere else and hid for a moment to examine the wound.mmm....this...was *wince* unexpected...... Lucario said to himself; apparently, the AMP trooper wasnt the only occupant of the this building.He closed his and focused with the Aura; there was indeed a man...and he was familiar.....he re-opened his eye in time to seethe wall come crashing down and he ducked out of the way; but just barely...."I think i know where it is!" Rex exclaimed, "Get ready to see what this baby can do!"The Marine rushed aty the wall and went full force; enough to knock it off of it's foundation and onto the floor.He saw some kind of blue figure on the ground and he pointed his gun at it; thinking it was something else........ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Shaper Posted November 29, 2010 Share Posted November 29, 2010 Lucario had hopped upon a crate to get a better view of who was in the AMP suit; only to have a knife come straight at his face!He dodged it as best he could and was rewarded with a hit in the arm; he then lept away and landed somewhere else and hid for a moment to examine the wound.mmm....this...was *wince* unexpected...... Lucario said to himself; apparently, the AMP trooper wasnt the only occupant of the this building.He closed his and focused with the Aura; there was indeed a man...and he was familiar.....he re-opened his eye in time to seethe wall come crashing down and he ducked out of the way; but just barely...."I think i know where it is!" Rex exclaimed, "Get ready to see what this baby can do!"The Marine rushed aty the wall and went full force; enough to knock it off of it's foundation and onto the floor.He saw some kind of blue figure on the ground and he pointed his gun at it; thinking it was something else........Salvador tackled the figure knocking him over, he pulled another knife out and prepared to stab him with it. It was then he noticed that the man he was about to kill was Stacker. "Hold on a second! Stacker what the hell are you doing here?!" He asked angrily. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Vulvokunvrii Posted November 29, 2010 Share Posted November 29, 2010 "I can put a bullet in his leg, sir!" Rex visiously offering through the cockpit.....Salvador...? Well, what are you doing here? I was tracking someone to this seemingly abandoned warehouse..... Stacker [artially answered; staring at the knife, and then back at the Kryx."Well?! what are you waiting for Salv? Kill him!" Quartich yelled. (he is halucinating, thats why he's going nuts) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Shaper Posted November 29, 2010 Share Posted November 29, 2010 "I can put a bullet in his leg, sir!" Rex visiously offering through the cockpit.....Salvador...? Well, what are you doing here? I was tracking someone to this seemingly abandoned warehouse..... Stacker [artially answered; staring at the knife, and then back at the Kryx."Well?! what are you waiting for Salv? Kill him!" Quartich yelled. (he is halucinating, thats why he's going nuts)"Calm down Rex, this is Stacker, apparently he's looking for someone. Well whatever he's doing here he's not going to kill us." Salvador answered letting go of Stacker and putting the knife away. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Vulvokunvrii Posted November 29, 2010 Share Posted November 29, 2010 Rex kept the rifle raised; not convinced, but then lowered it some-indicating he wasnt going to shoot.The Cockpit opened, and the suit put the rifle down."Stacker huh? What hte hell is he? I've never seen his kind in all my life!" Rex said as he got the suit to walk over alot closer to get a good view.Lucario propped himslef up so he was sitting up, still holding his arm where it had been hit by the first knife. He closed his eyes to view this....sentient's Aura.Re-opening his eyes, he was a littel surprised; the ping in the Aura had him tracking this man, and he almost succeeded in killing the former.The Pokemon looked up at the Marine-i mean, he'd have to be if he was manning an AMP suit-Do not be alarmed....i am not here to hurt you.... he siad trying to say it calmly; the wound felt like it was getting worse.Augustus (that's his first name) shook his head for a moment and said, "W-what was that? Is he telekinetic or something?" about to rub his head when he saw a large metalic hand instead of his own; he pulled his hand out of the motion sensor gaunlet and rubbed i head himself. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Shaper Posted November 29, 2010 Share Posted November 29, 2010 Rex kept the rifle raised; not convinced, but then lowered it some-indicating he wasnt going to shoot.The Cockpit opened, and the suit put the rifle down."Stacker huh? What hte hell is he? I've never seen his kind in all my life!" Rex said as he got the suit to walk over alot closer to get a good view.Lucario propped himslef up so he was sitting up, still holding his arm where it had been hit by the first knife. He closed his eyes to view this....sentient's Aura.Re-opening his eyes, he was a littel surprised; the ping in the Aura had him tracking this man, and he almost succeeded in killing the former.The Pokemon looked up at the Marine-i mean, he'd have to be if he was manning an AMP suit-Do not be alarmed....i am not here to hurt you.... he siad trying to say it calmly; the wound felt like it was getting worse.Augustus (that's his first name) shook his head for a moment and said, "W-what was that? Is he telekinetic or something?" about to rub his head when he saw a large metalic hand instead of his own; he pulled his hand out of the motion sensor gaunlet and rubbed i head himself."I'll try to explain. He's some sort of creature unlike any in this galaxy. He uses some kind of ability called the "aura" to send telepathic messages in order to speak. He can also use them to know the intentions of people and even do strange attacks with them which is what he used to break the door. Beyond that I don't know but he isn't going to kill you."Salvador explained. "Besides you've never seen something like me either, you just rarely draw attention to it." He stated. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Vulvokunvrii Posted November 29, 2010 Share Posted November 29, 2010 "....I understand....i think...." Rex said as he powerd down the suit and hopped out of it."Well, Mr...uh Stacker im Augustus Quartich, but people just call me Rex ; nice to meet you!" the Fox said as he extended a hand.Likewise....Quartich.... Lucario replied a he extended a paw and the two men shook. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Shaper Posted November 29, 2010 Share Posted November 29, 2010 "....I understand....i think...." Rex said as he powerd down the suit and hopped out of it."Well, Mr...uh Stacker im Augustus Quartich, but people just call me Rex ; nice to meet you!" the Fox said as he extended a hand.Likewise....Quartich.... Lucario replied a he extended a paw and the two men shook."Alright I hate to ruin the moment but let's get down to buisness. First of all Stacker what are you doing here and why did you need to break the door down like that?" Salvador questioned. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Vulvokunvrii Posted November 29, 2010 Share Posted November 29, 2010 Stacker turned his head to look at salvador and said, Before Butch and i parted, i had detected....a presence, and i deemed it necessary to investigate it....The pokemon then turned to Rex and the said, You are that presence....there is something....about familiar....Rex leaned back a little and said, "Me? What about me? Im just a simple Marine...among other things....". he looked towards Salvador; the Kryx had know hat his secreat was, but fi this....creature was telekinetic, he could be read like an open book.... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Shaper Posted November 29, 2010 Share Posted November 29, 2010 Stacker turned his head to look at salvador and said, Before Butch and i parted, i had detected....a presence, and i deemed it necessary to investigate it....The pokemon then turned to Rex and the said, You are that presence....there is something....about familiar....Rex leaned back a little and said, "Me? What about me? Im just a simple Marine...among other things....". he looked towards Salvador; the Kryx had know hat his secreat was, but fi this....creature was telekinetic, he could be read like an open book...."Well if so then you've come for information, what do you need to know?" Salvador asked trying to draw attention away from Rex as he wasn't immune to telepathy. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Vulvokunvrii Posted November 29, 2010 Share Posted November 29, 2010 While i could simply search his mind for clues as to what and who he is better to explain it the old fashion way; what can you tell me about....him...? Lucario said as he tended to his wound a little. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Shaper Posted November 29, 2010 Share Posted November 29, 2010 While i could simply search his mind for clues as to what and who he is better to explain it the old fashion way; what can you tell me about....him...? Lucario said as he tended to his wound a little."Well I don't know much about him myself. Your better off doing a mind sweep but mind what your reading from him. You have to stop after you have the information you require." Salvador stated. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Vulvokunvrii Posted November 29, 2010 Share Posted November 29, 2010 "Well I don't know much about him myself. Your better off doing a mind sweep but mind what your reading from him. You have to stop after you have the information you require." Salvador stated. The pokemon nodded,turned fully to the Fox, and closed his eyes-4 appendages hovering as he did so."Uhh...what's he doin?" Rex asked; that when he felt someing....something in his mind!"W-what are you....doing...?" Quartich inquired as he gripped his head gently, as h felt the unknown presence enter his mind.Be calm the voice answered, It is me Stacker....i am...within your mind; do not be alarmed....i am not here to harm you....only to "search" you...Well....make it fast; i dont like it when i've got Alien presences in my mind Rex said mentally.That's wierd...why am speaking within myself? he wondered aloud.That is because i have....manipulated your mind; tricking it to "think" that nothing is wrong....its far too complicated to explain. the pokemon started.Moments later, Stacker began to penetrate the "defenses" of Rex's mind.What he began to see were bits of what he ahd done in the past: He had a Father....his face was familiar, but that infprmatin was locked from him-and he did not want to risk dmageing this man's mind to get that hunk of gold.He searched a little deeper: His father had gone away for six years or never came back....he had joined the USCMC and was sent to a planet who's name remained yet another mystery.Quartich started to wince and then he grunted; trying to cope with the small ossulations of pain. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Shaper Posted November 29, 2010 Share Posted November 29, 2010 "Calm yourself Rex. If I can take a hit from a Utahraptor and be fine you can handle this. And try not to see him as a threat or your subconscious will interrupt the process and we'll have to start all over." Salvador told Rex. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Vulvokunvrii Posted November 29, 2010 Share Posted November 29, 2010 Rex didnt respomd verbally but slight ly nodded his head as he surpressed a twitch and attempted to caslm himself to make Lucario's job easier.The pokemon continued deeper in the ocean that was thi Marines' thoughts and memories.Now...where have i seen you before.....? Lucario himself wondered aloud.Thats when the flash back hit him: He (Stacker) saw many men and women around him, all dressed in some kind of ceremonial dress, and some where in the middle of them all with thier hands claspted behind thier backs looking poised and refined; it was a ceremony of some kind!Lucario walked amongst sepia colored men nd women-they were totally unaware of his presence, due them being projections of thought. He then stopped as he saw Rex, only slightly younger...sort of...-combat can weather some folks i guess - .Rex was being awarded a metal of honor of a sorts, and he accepte it without emoton. Stacker looked about and then saw himself within the vision!He was wearing a cerimonial dress like everyone else,This must have been happening when i visited Earth a few times.... (thats why he hasnt been seen too much; while he had been away, the marine corps ahd evolved in to he USCMC)Thats when Lucario started to wince; he wasnt used to seeing himself in someone else's past, and not rememebring it or knowing of it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Shaper Posted November 29, 2010 Share Posted November 29, 2010 "Alright that's enough, Stacker leave Rex's mind. It's becoming too dangerous right now. We'll have to continue this later." Salvador advised Stacker. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Vulvokunvrii Posted November 29, 2010 Share Posted November 29, 2010 "Alright that's enough, Stacker leave Rex's mind. It's becoming too dangerous right now. We'll have to continue this later." Salvador advised Stacker.Either Stacker didnt hear him, or he didnt care; for he had continued the vision anyway.Something poked out in the vision-they wee now in a party- and beckoned the pokemon to follow it.The vision of the party disappeared and he was now in a vast jungle; only it wasnt jungle Stacker had ever seen.He walked for a liitl while, taking the sights, sounds and smells.Thats when he heard exsplosions from a far; he jumped at said noises, but then ran towards them-he need ed toknow what they weere, for they might be important.What he saw....he had never seen or wished to see what he was witnessing before need to....see this..... was he managed to get out. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Shaper Posted November 29, 2010 Share Posted November 29, 2010 Either Stacker didnt hear him, or he didnt care; for he had continued the vision anyway.Something poked out in the vision-they wee now in a party- and beckoned the pokemon to follow it.The vision of the party disappeared and he was now in a vast jungle; only it wasnt jungle Stacker had ever seen.He walked for a liitl while, taking the sights, sounds and smells.Thats when he heard exsplosions from a far; he jumped at said noises, but then ran towards them-he need ed toknow what they weere, for they might be important.What he saw....he had never seen or wished to see what he was witnessing before need to....see this..... was he managed to get out.Salvador was confused at this statement. He knew how to access one's mind but he didn't want to risk being trapped in it. He decided to take the chance and touched his hand to Rex's head. The vision was instantaneous and he could see everything that was going on. "What the hell is going on here? He thought aloud Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Vulvokunvrii Posted November 29, 2010 Share Posted November 29, 2010 I-i dont know....but it feels....wrong...somehow.... the pokemon answered.They saw various aircraft and ground forces firing muniotions at an enemy the visionarees couldnt see. Just then there was a yelp of terror; there was a flying creature of some kind making off with a flailing Marine! Stacker tensed and preped an Aura sphere; onlythe Aura sphere didnt do anything to eh passed through the flying beast....Lucario felt a sense of grief: Even if it wasnt men under his command, it pained him to see other Marines to die.The group moved through the jungle some more; "dodging" gunfire and shrapnel.An M577 APC, and a squad of Marines passed right through them; unaware of their presence.Lucario wondered aloud: What is this place...? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Shaper Posted November 29, 2010 Share Posted November 29, 2010 I-i dont know....but it feels....wrong...somehow.... the pokemon answered.They saw various aircraft and ground forces firing muniotions at an enemy the visionarees couldnt see. Just then there was a yelp of terror; there was a flying creature of some kind making off with a flailing Marine! Stacker tensed and preped an Aura sphere; onlythe Aura sphere didnt do anything to eh passed through the flying beast....Lucario felt a sense of grief: Even if it wasnt men under his command, it pained him to see other Marines to die.The group moved through the jungle some more; "dodging" gunfire and shrapnel.An M577 APC, and a squad of Marines passed right through them; unaware of their presence.Lucario wondered aloud: What is this place...?"I don't know but we need to get out of here before something bad happens"Was Salvador's response as he attempted to pull Rex and Stacker from the mind set. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Vulvokunvrii Posted November 29, 2010 Share Posted November 29, 2010 NO! No....we are soo close to it....i can feel it... Lucario exclaimed; which was wierd...even for him.They pressed on a little further and then heard a familiar voice; thats when Rex was no longer with them!Lucario seeemed to be in a trace like state an mindlessly walked through tthe carnage, towards what he sought for.He saw an AMP suit crouching in an unusual manner; as if the occuplnt was holding something or someone down."This is for my Son.Of.A. B#tch!There was the sound of metal piercin through flesh and a small squelching sound of pain; only it was being muffled.The AMP sui sttod to full height and just stood there-"And thus all traitors die..." the familiar voice stated.Lucario backed away in horror; ashe did, the vison began to change:There were ships....many ships-at least 5- floating over head and things....rather large things started falling from the them.As thje vision got farther, and farther way, there were fires, and explosions; screams and death.....Lucario and Rex threw eachother off of one another and to Stacker's surpirse, he was sweating, as well as panting/gasping for breath.... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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