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The Cornerian Complex


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(I will comply with your decisions and I respect you for following the rules and I hope that we can one day have a sticky for this sort of thing. In the mean time by technicality we didn't break any rules. I'm not rebelling against you the GM I'm just stating that.)

[Rules of RP, no. Rules at what this RP was meant to be about, yeah. This is a complex, Emp. Really, stuff like that doesn't happen, and this is supposed to be a nice relaxing, NO GUNS RP. As you are not rebelling, and just stating, do know that we did talk about this in the process of making this place and such, and should know from the hotel issues that this is not allowed. Rules easily could have been broken, along with getting out of control if it were to continue, that much is true no matter how much "I promise you it won't" that would come before it.]

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(I take full responsibility for the 'out of control' situation and accept punitive actions. The others involved (the emp and ballisticwaffles) had nothing to do with this... I started it... it's my fault... I accept punitive actions.

I apologize for any violation of rules I may have broken, over looked or ignored as a result of my actions.

As stated, the others had nothing to do with this. All me, no one else.)

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(im not sure if anything actually was done wrong. What i think Nick is saying is that he nipped it in the bud before i could break anyrules or such. I don think any punishments will bne delt out. just tone it down, or do it in Pming)

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(I take full responsibility for the 'out of control' situation and accept punitive actions. The others involved (the emp and ballisticwaffles) had nothing to do with this... I started it... it's my fault... I accept punitive actions.

I apologize for any violation of rules I may have broken, over looked or ignored as a result of my actions.

As stated, the others had nothing to do with this. All me, no one else.)

[No, it is quite fine. I just wanted to make sure it stopped before it got anywhere too bad, as one thing easily leads to another. It is okay, and, correct me if I am wrong, you are new to this RP? It is fine, learn and let live. =] If anything, feel free to continue, just take it to IM/PM's.]

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(Yeah, but I think I might have been one of those who got the Hotel closed... after all, I'm the one that usually started it.

I think this should continue on PM... kinda getting full of explanations here in this topic.)

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The vixen just looked at him, sweat going down her muzzle as she punched his chest and got up. "Oh-.. YOU!!!!!" She exclaimed, having a little fit, then sighing as she hugged him again. "God... I love you. <3"

(It's been awhile :lol:)

"Well, at least I finally got you", the male triumphantly exclaimed, hugging the female around her waist and waiting for a reply. 

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:arrow:  -A huge some what ship floated from the sky with it's fans moving rapidly like a spining tornato-

"Heads up for the Captain!"

(Cid Highwind has arrived)

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(It's been awhile :lol:)

"Well, at least I finally got you", the male triumphantly exclaimed, hugging the female around her waist and waiting for a reply.

[No way! xD]

"...." The vixen was silent for a moment, and simply sighed as she rubbed back into him with a giggle. "It's a good thing I forgot the explosives at home~" She said in a joking manner, although it was true.

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[No way! xD]

"...." The vixen was silent for a moment, and simply sighed as she rubbed back into him with a giggle. "It's a good thing I forgot the explosives at home~" She said in a joking manner, although it was true.

Her counterpart merely stifled a small laugh and hugged her tighter.  "Then I'm extremely glad that I'm not here attempting to pick up the bite-sized pieces of myself", he joked. 

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Her counterpart merely stifled a small laugh and hugged her tighter.  "Then I'm extremely glad that I'm not here attempting to pick up the bite-sized pieces of myself", he joked. 

"Mhmm!" She noted with a cheerful expression, now turning her head to look at her mate. "So you gonna get me outta here?" She said with a chuckle and a wink.

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"Mhmm!" She noted with a cheerful expression, now turning her head to look at her mate. "So you gonna get me outta here?" She said with a chuckle and a wink.

"Ooh, sorry", he offered along with a playful grin as he released his grasp on her.  "Where would we happen to be setting sail for next?", he asked with a hint of sarcasm in his voice. 

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"Ooh, sorry", he offered along with a playful grin as he released his grasp on her.  "Where would we happen to be setting sail for next?", he asked with a hint of sarcasm in his voice.

The vixen looking back to the man, she gave a small look, and then sighed playfully. "I -did- want to go get something to eat, but you know, my legs are just so tired from that running." Which was a complete lie, but she even said it sarcastically. She knew the vulpine would find a pleasing solution.

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Without further adieu, he quickly thrust her into his arms, and began a quick jog to the food court.  "So what did you have in mind, how about that new Solarian place, or even that-......".  Once food was mentioned, the male was off on a role, naming every single eatery without any fallacies. 

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Without further adieu, he quickly thrust her into his arms, and began a quick jog to the food court.  "So what did you have in mind, how about that new Solarian place, or even that-......".  Once food was mentioned, the male was off on a role, naming every single eatery without any fallacies.

Patting the fox's muzzle as it spoke lightly, the vixen chuckled, rolling her eyes. "Never change, okay?" She said, continuing to chuckle. And then, all of a sudden, the vixen closed her eyes and pointed in a random direction. "That one!"

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Patting the fox's muzzle as it spoke lightly, the vixen chuckled, rolling her eyes. "Never change, okay?" She said, continuing to chuckle. And then, all of a sudden, the vixen closed her eyes and pointed in a random direction. "That one!"

"I'll try", he replied reassuringly as he was given the command to head off into a direction.  "Hmm, even when your eyes are closed, you can still manage to pick excellently", he commented with a vigor, happily grinning at the restaurant that lay before them. 

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"I'll try", he replied reassuringly as he was given the command to head off into a direction.  "Hmm, even when your eyes are closed, you can still manage to pick excellently", he commented with a vigor, happily grinning at the restaurant that lay before them.

She opened her eyes. "Oh, you say that to just about anything some one feeds you." She said with a chuckle, and smiled. "Now, let me down so you can court me." She said with a playful grin; this was how they were about almost everything they did. They always stuck out one way or another.

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"I guess I better check into the hotel", said the young fox picking up his luggage,"but first I got to find it ,this place is huge!"

so his search begins.

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"I guess I better check into the hotel", said the young fox picking up his luggage,"but first I got to find it ,this place is huge!"

so his search begins.

Stretching his back, the wolf yawned, his brown fur still nice as he drank his black cup of coffee; just how he loved it. The wolf was reading the daily news paper again for the fourth time, as it was his normal deal to read it a lot on days he didn't work. "What to do today...." He said to himself, sighing as he looked up, and set his paper down on the table next to him in the large cafe section in the Complex.

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Stretching his back, the wolf yawned, his brown fur still nice as he drank his black cup of coffee; just how he loved it. The wolf was reading the daily news paper again for the fourth time, as it was his normal deal to read it a lot on days he didn't work. "What to do today...." He said to himself, sighing as he looked up, and set his paper down on the table next to him in the large cafe section in the Complex.

"Excuse me sir can you help me find the hotel lobby?" the clueless fox asked, the wolf stared at him for a moment.

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"Excuse me sir can you help me find the hotel lobby?" the clueless fox asked, the wolf stared at him for a moment.

[Lol, comma misplacement screwed me up for a second. Lol]

Looking from the ceiling to the fox now, the wolf set his cup down, and stood up, now stretching his arms. Giving a smile, the wolf spoke out. "Yeah, sure thing." He replied, taking the newspaper, and folding it under his armpit and grabbing his cup again. Starting to lead the way, and making sure the fox would follow, the wolf added on. "What's your name?"

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[Lol, comma misplacement screwed me up for a second. Lol]

Looking from the ceiling to the fox now, the wolf set his cup down, and stood up, now stretching his arms. Giving a smile, the wolf spoke out. "Yeah, sure thing." He replied, taking the newspaper, and folding it under his armpit and grabbing his cup again. Starting to lead the way, and making sure the fox would follow, the wolf added on. "What's your name?"

Picking up his things again he replied, "Zack... Zack McCloud, what's yours?" he ask nervelessly. 

[sorry :lol:]

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picking up his things again he replied, "Zack... Zack McCloud, what's yours?" he ask nervelessly.

Chuckling, the wolf smiled as he looked to Zack. "My name is Gearhart." He said. Goodness, so many McCloud's running around now a days.... Those horny guys... he thought to himself, knowing the thought was more than likely true. And like it was always to this wolf, his senses were up to their usual greatness. Looking forward and continuing to walk, taking a small sip and then sighing a bit, "So, why is your heart beating so fast? You afraid of something, or just anxious?"

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Chuckling, the wolf smiled as he looked to Zack. "My name is Gearhart." He said. Goodness, so many McCloud's running around now a days.... Those horny guys... he thought to himself, knowing the thought was more than likely true. And like it was always to this wolf, his senses were up to their usual greatness. Looking forward and continuing to walk, taking a small sip and then sighing a bit, "So, why is your heart beating so fast? You afraid of something, or just anxious?"

"Just a little nervous you see I'm from Suaria and I'm not used to being around so many people", Zack said a little more confidante,

"and I heard that", he said to Gearhart telepathically. 

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"Just a little nervous you see I'm from Suaria and I'm not used to being around so many people", Zack said a little more confidante,

"and I heard that", he said to Gearhart telepathically.

[Don't worry about quoting all the time. If you need to edit your post, use the modify/edit button, rather than repost, 'Kay?]

Good for you, but please. Control your powers. Being telepathic doesn't give you the right to be in everyones mind when you want to be. Gearhart thought back. [And that is a lesson to learn as well. It does get on peoples nerves.]

Sighing, Gearhart continued. He had deal with telepaths for a while now, and it slightly irritated him a bit. But there was nothing he could do overall. "Well, if you don't mind, I am going to continue using my speech. I prefer that much more." He said, then a bit after, he chuckled. "You know the McCloud thing is true though."

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Guest Mr. Mario

'Hmm...the spellstone zone. Let's check it out.' Harasaki thought as he walked inside the video game store, looking around to see a muesum-like collection of games that were lying on the shelfs, possibly awaiting to be picked up or to look at.

"Excuse me, anybody here?" He called in the store.

No response...

'May as well check out the muesum of games here.' He thought, starting with the Nin8do 118 games.

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