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The Cornerian Complex


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Stacker walked about the place on his way to see a movie with Rex-D'vante couldn't come; something he said about the cold weather.

That's when he spotted a man walking through a crowd of people-a nervous one at that, or so his senses tlod him.

Hmm...this one seems intersting; I' have never felt his presence before..., the pokemon mentally said to himself. After about a minute, he decided to follow said newcommer. (hey, can you send me a link to your char. sheet? ive never seen your character(s)....Heres mine:http://starfox-online.net/index.php?/topic/6720-reynards-characters/ )

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Gearhart sat in the middle of the coffee shop lounge on the inside of the complex, as it extended for a sitting and hang out place within the large mall. He sighed as he had a pair of glasses on now. "Freaking Optometrist... Can't even do his job right..." He grumbled, looking at his paper and reading it for only the fifth time, the glasses hindering his normal reading rate, as he sipped on his strong black coffee; Just how he liked it.

This wolf appeared to be the age of twenty-five as he sat with his feet, but not legs, crossed in relaxation, one of his ears quirked, and slightly twitching every few minutes. "Well, time for anouther read..." The intellectual wolf sighed to himself, starting at the paper from the beginning of the paper again.

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Michael was starting to get bored blasting away at the endless waves of bugs, so he prematurely ended his game and entered his initials like always. "Ha, even when I purposely lose I get the number one spot" he said to himself as he walked back into the complexes' halls. His stomach began to growl so he headed off to the food court.

When he got their, he went up to the burger stand and ordered his meal, a triple cheeseburger with fries and an extra large chocolate milkshake. He paid his fee and sat down at one of the smaller tables.

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Rex Quaritch arrived at the cinema theatre nad sighed at the fact that it was quite the walk from his quarters.

The Fox looked about himself for a moment-trying to spot Stacker within the crowd outside the theatre, but couldn't find a trace of the blue Steel-Fighting Jackal. He checked behind himself-the Pokemon always had the habit of silently appearing behind the people he looks for, an it was a little unnerving.

Where in space is this guy...?, Rex wondered to himself, "Well, 'might be here for a while, might as well get comfortable..."

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  On 2/8/2011 at 3:51 AM, Blaze the Sage said:

"The Hunters, huh? Sort of rings a bell, but I'm sorry to say I don't recognise 'em." Blaze nodded at Zack's assessment. "Pretty much. I like the freedom. It's just a pain when work is slow. I tend to actually get paired up with other Merc groups from time to time though. Usually we don't mind. If you've heard of Bearhart and his boys, I've worked with them a few times. We tend to get paired against each other more often though. It's a weird sort of relationship we've got going."

"Bearhart...now I know I've head of him before", Zack pondered on this for a moment when he noticed a familiar face.

It was Gearhart,in his daily routine, sitting there reading the paper and drinking coffee so strong you could smell it a mile away.

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  On 2/8/2011 at 3:51 AM, Blaze the Sage said:

"The Hunters, huh? Sort of rings a bell, but I'm sorry to say I don't recognise 'em." Blaze nodded at Zack's assessment. "Pretty much. I like the freedom. It's just a pain when work is slow. I tend to actually get paired up with other Merc groups from time to time though. Usually we don't mind. If you've heard of Bearhart and his boys, I've worked with them a few times. We tend to get paired against each other more often though. It's a weird sort of relationship we've got going."

"Bearhart...now I know I've head of him before", Zack pondered on this for a moment when he noticed a familiar face.

It was Gearhart,in his daily routine, sitting there reading the paper and drinking coffee so strong you could smell it a mile away.

EDIT:DAMN :banghead::compcrash::facepalm: ! ACCIDENTAL POST STILL CAN'T DELETE! :hehe:


Edited by Zackary Singleton
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  On 2/9/2011 at 3:13 AM, Zackary Singleton said:

"Bearhart...now I know I've head of him before", Zack pondered on this for a moment when he noticed a familiar face.

It was Gearhart,in his daily routine, sitting there reading the paper and drinking coffee so strong you could smell it a mile away.

EDIT:DAMN :banghead::compcrash::facepalm: ! ACCIDENTAL POST STILL CAN'T DELETE! :hehe:


[if you have this issue again, just simply edit your message to be blank, with the exception of a simple "[Double Post issue again]" and we will know it was an accident again, that way it doesn't look like a double post on purpose. *Nods* It's all good.]

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  On 2/9/2011 at 12:19 AM, Reynard said:

(hey, can you send me a link to your char. sheet? ive never seen your character(s)

(Click my name. It's on my profile page.)

Drake noticed a strange jackal looking man eying him. Reflexively he tapped on the holster in his jacket to check his weapon was there. Then he thought again. This man could have some work for him. Or at least a reason to be here.

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  On 2/9/2011 at 3:58 AM, LoneWolf said:

(Click my name. It's on my profile page.)

Drake noticed a strange jackal looking man eying him. Reflexively he tapped on the holster in his jacket to check his weapon was there. Then he thought again. This man could have some work for him. Or at least a reason to be here.

The Jackal walked slowly ove to the wolf without a word. Only when he had gotten close to the newcommer did he speak-but not from his mouth, Why, hello there, i do not believe I've sensed you before-you are..?

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  On 2/9/2011 at 3:40 AM, Nick1349 said:

[if you have this issue again, just simply edit your message to be blank, with the exception of a simple "[Double Post issue again]" and we will know it was an accident again, that way it doesn't look like a double post on purpose. *Nods* It's all good.]

[thanks :) ]

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D'vante stirred in his sleep: Tossing and turning....

He was running about through a bombed-out city with other people, who's faces he could not see. Suddenly, a loud rumbling like 1,000 105's going off alost simutaniously. Everyone stopped and looked up at the sky-only ot have a rather heavy gust lift everyone off their feet, followed by large, bright flashes of lighting, and small cyclones! Then D'vante burst awake, only to find himself in his room-or actually Rexes and his room-sweating profucily.

Man...what a nightmare....been happening more frequently than usual..., he thought to himslef as he rubbed his head and climb out of bed to wash up.

A hour later, he dressed and looked out the window: It looked alroght outside, but acorrding to the thermometer, it was a little cold outside.

"Eh, the hell with it: I'm goin' to find Rex..."

With that, he grabbed a jacket, other essentials and was out the door.

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Drake felt an itching sensation in his mind. Suddenly a voice, not his, burst through his head, asking who he was. Drake instinctively unzipped his jacket and reached inside, feeling for the revolver. He wondered if he was actually in any danger or if he was schizophrenic.

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Stacker sensed Drake's intention, and put a paw on the wolf's arm, That is not necessary; i am not here to harm you in anyway. the Jackal said in a soothing tone an continued, Now who are you, and what brings you to this place?

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Blaze chuckled lightly at Zack's recognition of Bearhart. "Not really surprising, I guess. Him and his boys hang around Corneria a lot more often than I do; and they're a LOT harder to miss, with the size of Bearhart's carrier. I've never managed to get it out of him where and how he got the damn thing, though."

He shook his head a bit. "So what about you? Got your own ship?"

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Drake shook off the hand of the blue jackal. "I sure as hell don't know. What's up with the telepathy thing? Can't speak?" Drake re-zipped his jacket and glanced around for security cameras. He didn't want any trouble, at least, with security.

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  On 2/10/2011 at 2:43 AM, LoneWolf said:

Drake shook off the hand of the blue jackal. "I sure as hell don't know. What's up with the telepathy thing? Can't speak?" Drake re-zipped his jacket and glanced around for security cameras. He didn't want any trouble, at least, with security.

The Jackal looked at Drake and turned away with his eyes close for a moment and quickly re-opened them, No i cannot,but i am able to understand you, Stacker "said" with a grunt.

The pokemon extended and held out a paw to shake,My name is...Stacker, what shall i call you?


Rex looked at his watch to monitor the time,Where in san hell is that blasted Pokemon?!, The Fox thoguht to himself with a scowl upon his face,Guy's lucky this movie doesnt start for...a few more hours...

D'vante walked about throught the crowd," Man, this place is more crowded than New York...!" the Blue Falcon murmered mostly to himself.

Or so i had been...before the The End...

D'vante stopped next to a small caf'e (i dont know how to put apostrofies above the E's in here) and pulled out a small comm unit.

"Yo Quaritch, Rex? Ya hear me pal?" the Avian asked.

There was a pause and then a moment later, "A-yes, yes i hear five-by-five Carville-what's up?" Rex answered back.

"Eh, not much-hey you and Stacker still planing on seeign that movie?"

"Yeah...only he's running late; whcih isnt like him at all, why? Wanna come?" Quaritch asked in an almost begging tone.

"Sure, i think i remebr where you were going...ill be there soon-out."

With that, D'vante set off to find the theatre...

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"Stacker, eh? That's one I've not heard before." Drake extended a hand. "I suppose you could call me Drake." Drake looked into the eyes of this strange blue jackal and saw something, like nothing he had ever seen before. A glint, a glimmer, a strange distortion of reality. He felt a strange power emanating from this creature. An...aura, you could call it. It was truly different, and Drake figured avoiding a conflict with this man would be preferable.

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The Pokemon sensed Drake's thoughts, bu partially ignored them-, A pleasure meeting you. What brings you to this complex?

By the look of this Lupine, he had the look of a mercenary-but not any he ahd seen before; Rex and D'vante didnt look anything close to Drake. either way, Stacker was surethis man was not a force you would wish to trivle with.

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Drake sighed. "Unemployment. Or rather, lack of jobs. I came looking for something to keep bread on the table. Figuratively, at least. I have no home, no family. I never remember having one, so, here I am, talking to...whatever you are."

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  On 2/10/2011 at 4:34 AM, LoneWolf said:

Drake sighed. "Unemployment. Or rather, lack of jobs. I came looking for something to keep bread on the table. Figuratively, at least. I have no home, no family. I never remember having one, so, here I am, talking to...whatever you are."

Stacker walk a away a foot and looked away, and bowed his head, Yes, i too am without true family-i hardly remember who i truly am...it is very complicated...., The Pokemon looked back at the wolf, But i have...Friends...or a sorts...who are almost like me...but...one is a little odd.

Tell me, how were you...left alone by the cruel hands of fate?

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  On 2/10/2011 at 2:25 AM, Blaze the Sage said:

Blaze chuckled lightly at Zack's recognition of Bearhart. "Not really surprising, I guess. Him and his boys hang around Corneria a lot more often than I do; and they're a LOT harder to miss, with the size of Bearhart's carrier. I've never managed to get it out of him where and how he got the damn thing, though."

He shook his head a bit. "So what about you? Got your own ship?"

"Yeah, The Great Fox, been the team's carrier since before I was born!",Zack said proudly.

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  On 2/10/2011 at 4:46 AM, Reynard said:

Tell me, how were you...left alone by the cruel hands of fate?

"Dunno. I don't remember any family in my childhood. In fact... I don't remember much of my childhood. I remember growing up in an orphanage. I didn't have a 'proper childhood'. I just grew up, left, joined the military for a few years, then deserted and went freelancing. I try to have a little fun here and there This is my life, what I do, what I am."

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  On 2/10/2011 at 11:21 PM, LoneWolf said:

"Dunno. I don't remember any family in my childhood. In fact... I don't remember much of my childhood. I remember growing up in an orphanage. I didn't have a 'proper childhood'. I just grew up, left, joined the military for a few years, then deserted and went freelancing. I try to have a little fun here and there This is my life, what I do, what I am."

The Steel-Fighting Jackal nodded, understanding. He wanted to say and ask more of the newcommer, but it was starting to feel like more of an interrogation than asking simple questions.

Hey, a friend of mine and i were going to watch a movie at the theatre, do wish to come along? The movie was supposed to be "okay".

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Drake was unsure about this stranger, but decided it would be better than standing around and looking suspicious. "Sure, why not."

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Alright, follw me then-stay close!, the Pokemon managed just as he broke into a run/sprint.


D'vante arrived at the theatre's entrance, and searched for his Vulpine friend. Soon he found said Fox sitting down and supporting his head with his hand-, Must'a fallen asleep... the Falcon wondered to himself.

"Eh, Rex you awake?!", the Avian asked as he shook the Fox.

"Hmm? Oh, yeah,"the Vulpine yawn and stretched,"Glad you could make it-you seen that uh...Lucario thing?"

"Oh, you mean Stacker? Nah, i hadn't seen him on my way over here, but im sure he'll be here soon."

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