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The Cornerian Complex


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Stacker sprinted away, leaving Drake wondering if he intended to lose him in the crowd. Drake pushed off of the nearest barrier, giving him the necessary boost of speed to catch up with Stacker. This blue steel jackal telepath whatever it is is fast, Drake thought to himself, shoving people out of his way and trying to keep an eye on the jackal.

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Stacker dodged and weeved past everyone and anything that was before him-he even began jumping rooftops as well, I sure hope that Wolf can keep up...one can get lost here, even in broad daylight...

"So what's the movie about anyway?", D'vante asked as he checked his watch-the movie would start in 30 minutes, luckily the line was smaller now. All they had to do was wait for Stacker to show up so they could get tickets.

"Oh, just about some kind of strange creature from who knows where ,and some people have to fightfor their durvival or something; its a horror movie, and i heard it was pretty good..!" Rex answered as he twirled his Wasp pistol to keep himslef occupied.

Just then, the duo caught sight of a dark figure leaping from building to building, as if it were some professional acrobat of a sorts.Soon, the figure lept for a fianl time, and landed gracefully in front of them.

Forgive for keeping you waiting, I would likeyou to meet someone I recently met, the Jackal siad as he slowly rose from his crouched landing stance.

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Suddenly the jackal climbed a storefront and started jumping parkour around the complex. "Oh, you've gotta be kidding me." Drake scaled the front, clumsily, but eventually got on top. He'd never really tried any parkour style stuff. Drake got a running start and sprinted off the edge. "OH CRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA-"

Drake slammed onto the roof of the building, collapsing in a heap of fur.

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  On 2/11/2011 at 2:05 AM, LoneWolf said:

Suddenly the jackal climbed a storefront and started jumping parkour around the complex. "Oh, you've gotta be kidding me." Drake scaled the front, clumsily, but eventually got on top. He'd never really tried any parkour style stuff. Drake got a running start and sprinted off the edge. "OH CRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA-"

Drake slammed onto the roof of the building, collapsing in a heap of fur.

"Where? I dont see anyone....", Rex said as he looked around.

He should be here soon-he was right behindme a moment ago....

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Drake woke up. "Sh*t... my head." He sat up and rubbed his forehead. When he brought his paw back down his fur was streaked with blood.

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That's when the trio noticed the Wolf nearly sprawled on the floor!

"Jeez Louise, who is that?!" D'vante exclaimed. (lol Falco Referance)

Let's help him up...he doesn't look that good..., Stacker said as he and Rex walked over help up the prat-faller (thats what itr means when you fall from somewhere and land right?)

"Hey, are you okay son?" Rex said, after they helped up the Wolf.

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"Damnit, parkour isn't my thing." Drake clutched his head. He pushed the men's hands off him. "I'm fine. I'm definitely not trying that again, though."

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  On 2/11/2011 at 3:20 AM, LoneWolf said:

"Damnit, parkour isn't my thing." Drake clutched his head. He pushed the men's hands off him. "I'm fine. I'm definitely not trying that again, though."

Forgive me...are sure you are okay? I could help you...? Stacker asked as he and Rex backed off from the Freelancer.

D'vante walked up to the Wolf and and said, "Whoa, that was quite the fall, we're trained for some crazy stuff, but i didin't think anyone could survive something like that...!

Rex looked at the two other men and shok his head, "I can't believe you two Jarheads (all three of them are technically Marines of a sorts); here is a new guy and all you two can do is gawk at his "amazing" fall from a huge building, at least have the decentsy to introduce yourselves!", the Fox said hands on his hips, trying not get ticked.

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"Nah, I'm alright. I've had worse." Drake said, glancing up at the jackal. He had friends. One spoke of his survival. "Neither did I, but sometimes it's worth jumping in headfirst before you test the water." Drake casually replied, figuring it's not worth showing his pain to men he didn't know.

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"Alright, guess I'll have to do it," Rex started," I see you've met Stacker(Lucario) already, and this-" The Fox indicated with a hand, "-Is D'vante Carville," D'vante nodded a greeting, "And Im Augustus Quaritch-Friends call me Rex."

(Rex and D'vante have never met you so, you will need to introduce yourself to them too)

Rex then looked straight at the wolf and pointed, "So, who are you?"

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"Aha." Drake extended a hand. "Drake. I've got no last name. I'm just another wandering lone wolf, looking for freelance work."

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"Heh, aren't we all? Work has been slow for us too..." Carville replied.

Yes...,then the Jackal turned hi head to Quaritch,Now what was it about this...movie?

"Ah, yeah-" He checked his watch,"Crap, its going to start real soon!" The Fox said trying not to sound as if he was panicking.

"Hey Drake, care to join us in watching he movie-it's suppose to be pretty good!" the Blue Falcon offered.

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"Great! Lets hurry before the line gets long again." D'vante partially cheered.

"Glad you could join us.." Rex said with a smile.

Stacker just nodded in a positive way and soon the group made their way throught the line, and into the movie theatre....

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"So...what movie are we seeing again?" Drake asked. I probably should have asked this beforehand...he thought.

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"Its called No Name, its supposed to be about some kind of creature this group people accidentaly find out in space somewhere, and it starts to kill/infect the crew, and they try to stop it or something-don't know much of the details." Rex answered as the quartet of guys walked into the theatre with the products and food they had bought upon buying thier tickets.

"I just hope it's good...there haven't been alot of good horror flicks out lately..." D'vante said rolling his eyes. The last one was so horrorable, i made me want to puke..., The avian thought to himself.

The Steel-Fighting Jackal chuckled a little and said,Mm, yes and what about that time we saw the creature from the Venomian Lagoon?

(lol i just did a spin off from Creature of the Black lagoon, and the fact that the Angular came from the polluted oceans of Venom xD )

"Oh, very funny Stacker, Veeerrry-y-y funny...!"

Soon, the group found their deats, apparently, they were the first to get within the theatre room featuring said movie-lucky break!

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Drake sat down. The one they call Rex said it was some sort of horror flick. You wouldn't know horror if it punched you in the face. Drake thought to himself.

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  On 2/12/2011 at 12:21 AM, LoneWolf said:

Drake sat down. The one they call Rex said it was some sort of horror flick. You wouldn't know horror if it punched you in the face. Drake thought to himself.

True, but he's seen things that you'v most likely have never seen-or will see ever again..., Stacker utted into Drake's thoughts.

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  On 2/12/2011 at 3:09 AM, Reynard said:

True, but he's seen things that you'v most likely have never seen-or will see ever again..., Stacker utted into Drake's thoughts.

You ever watch a mutated corpse rip your buddie's guts out with a piece of rusty metal? Or (CENSORED HORRIBLE THINGS)?

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  On 2/12/2011 at 6:52 AM, LoneWolf said:

You ever watch a mutated corpse rip your buddie's guts out with a piece of rusty metal? Or (CENSORED HORRIBLE THINGS)?

Have you ever laid waste to an entire planetiod, it's entire inhabitants, and then making it chronically inhospitable? Then enter that person's mind and find out for yourslef? The Jackal Countered not looking at hte Wolf.

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  On 2/12/2011 at 8:09 AM, Reynard said:

Have you ever laid waste to an entire planetiod, it's entire inhabitants, and then making it chronically inhospitable? Then enter that person's mind and find out for yourslef? The Jackal Countered not looking at hte Wolf.

You ever made children orphans, right in front of them?Have you killed CHILDREN?! HOW ABOUT FIFTY OF THEM! HAVE YOU WATCHED THEM DIE?

Drake calmed down. The memory of the fateful day of a misplaced bomb was painful.

I was going to bomb a country leader on some obscure planet. I planted the bomb. It was set on a timer, a no regrets kind of thing. Then a school bus drove over the bomb, ripping the bus in half and (Censored, I don't want you to get depressed lol). The point is, war is hell.

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Daniel stopped chating with Zack and Blaze,and started getting out of the complex.

He got a text from Sluggsnipa saying this:

Get out of the RP,dude,I want to join another one.


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  On 2/12/2011 at 5:39 PM, LoneWolf said:

You ever made children orphans, right in front of them?Have you killed CHILDREN?! HOW ABOUT FIFTY OF THEM! HAVE YOU WATCHED THEM DIE?

Drake calmed down. The memory of the fateful day of a misplaced bomb was painful.

I was going to bomb a country leader on some obscure planet. I planted the bomb. It was set on a timer, a no regrets kind of thing. Then a school bus drove over the bomb, ripping the bus in half and (Censored, I don't want you to get depressed lol). The point is, war is hell.

yes, this is true, but I'm not the one who commited armagedon., The Javkal replied in a clam tone, then he motioned towards the Fox, and the said, He is the one who has commited mass murder on an entire species. If it weren't for me, he'd probably go insane right in from of you.

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"Hey, the movie's starting." Drake said out loud (as opposed to mentally).

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