ballisticwaffles Posted December 6, 2011 Share Posted December 6, 2011 Trebia frowned, turning to stare at Kay with unblinking eyes, her forked tongue smelling the tention beginning to form. "You can have some faith, for starters. You can also trust me to be the most trustworthy of all the Armagistra." She shrugged as best she could. "It is quite a large amount of money though, enough to pay for, say, i dunno, a wedding?" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Star_Dragon Posted December 6, 2011 Share Posted December 6, 2011 Kay was about to tear into Trebia, but stopped. He passed it off as a sigh, then said in his semi-native Dragonarian, "Vatn wenn." He wrote down a series of numbers on a small data device, about the size of his thumb, then tossed it to Trebia. "No tricks." he said. He turned to leave, then stopped, another thought coming to mind. He turned to Face Trebia again, and asked, "I don't suppose you know a Jason Anderson, do you?" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Salem Posted December 7, 2011 Share Posted December 7, 2011 On 12/6/2011 at 4:05 PM, Renardfrost said: Elsewhere in the complex ( wherever he is at the moment, i guess a lobby.) Ren's tail bristled. " Anyone else feel that- that chill?" he asked simply "They're back", Zack replied to Ren. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ballisticwaffles Posted December 7, 2011 Share Posted December 7, 2011 " I taste your rage, Encarmine" Trebia said Her eyes slitting. "Hud Take over conversation." Hud interjected, moving the increasingly hissing Trebia to stand near Balsa. "Hud knows Trebia not know who Jason is" He Said, crossing his beefy arms and looking down at Kay. "Hud also know Trebia Lying about Credit Transfer" Ignoring Trebia's hiss of denial, Hud crushed the data chip Kay had thrown. "Trebia need Dunce for Money laundering Scam." It was at this point Balsa lost it, holding her sides as she bellowed huge guffaws into the complex around her. "And why did you have to tell him that?" Trebia said, her hissing rising in temperment. Hud cracked a grin. "Trebia not mumble" Beefcake" under Trebia's Breath when Hud around no more." Trebia Snorted. "Lying Also Sin Against Emperor." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Star_Dragon Posted December 7, 2011 Share Posted December 7, 2011 (Somehow... I expected this.) "Yes, I expected as much," Draco commented. Kay simply turned his back and left. But another figure came to the scene. He was dressed in a black cloak with the hood over his head. He wore a set of Jedi battle armor under the cloak, and clipped to his belt and hidden under the cloak were two lightsabers. The cloaked figure followed Kay, Kay seemingly unaware of this newcomer. Draco frowned, then smiled. He followed the newcomer. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ballisticwaffles Posted December 7, 2011 Share Posted December 7, 2011 HUd was close behind him. "Hud has questions" He said, matching the smaller being's pace with ease. "Is Man Hellwyrm?" Behind him Balsa leisurely Dragged a sullen Trebia behind her, mirth still excaping now and then. "Hud needs know, Bothers Hud if Dont." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Star_Dragon Posted December 7, 2011 Share Posted December 7, 2011 The cloaked figure followed Kay, and Kay continued as though completely unaware. Voro, Kyle and Anna had gone off to look for Zack, Draco kept pace with this cloaked phantom. Somehow, the newcomer didn't seem to notice Hud, Trebia and Balsa following. But then again, Draco didn't know this man. Draco was ready to attack, if need be, but he doubted his son didn't know he was being followed. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Salem Posted December 7, 2011 Share Posted December 7, 2011 "Follow me", Zack said to Ren as zeroed out Kay's location and headed that way soon he found Kay, Draco, Balsa and some other people he did not recognize "Did I miss anything?", Zack asked. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Arashikage Posted December 7, 2011 Share Posted December 7, 2011 The mercenary appeared again, this time arguing with a man who looked a bit old to be a mercenary. He walked on, continuing his argument. "No, no no, and No! I will not admit to you that Captain Hook is better than Jack Sparrow!" "Oh, c'moooon, yew know it do be true!" Said the obviously drunk man following the mercenary. This man had on a pair of camouflage pants, an OD green shirt, and a WWII era pilot's cap, he looked wayyy before his time. "Psh, in your dreams. Captain Jack Sparrow would kick Captain Hook's ass any day" "What about from dat live acshion moovie dey made?" "Ugh, forget it" The beret wearing soldier waved off the pilot, "Go buy some pretzels or something" He said, shaking his head. When the pilot asked for money, Kage turned the other way, "I swear, you're bleeding me dry" He remarked, refusing to give up his hard earned pay to the drunkard. "Fine... I'll find me sum moneyy on de grownd" The eccentric flyboy said as he departed. At this point, Kage had reached Balsa, a sneering reptile, and a very very large man, quite the odd bunch to see following two dragons and what appeared to be a priest or something. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Star_Dragon Posted December 7, 2011 Share Posted December 7, 2011 (Two dragons? the only dragon present is Draco - and Kay is a dragon-shifter, and he's not in his dragon form.) Zack's arrival caused the newcomer to stop, but Kage's arrival compelled him to turn around. He stared, unblinking and unmoving, from under his cloak. His hands, hidden under the cloak, drifted to his lightsabers, then fell away. He turned around and moved in another direction, disappearing around a corner. He tapped a button on his gauntlet, and tossed a small device onto an upper area of the mall via the Force. He moved into a shop, hit a button, and was gone... ... and reappeared where the device landed. The cloaked figure continued moving, still following Kay... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Posted December 7, 2011 Share Posted December 7, 2011 Star easily became irritated with Trebia and looked at her "whatever. why the hell are you guys even FOLLOWING us if all you are going to pretty much do is either annoy the HELL out of kay and myself, or Balsa over there will easily get pissed off and probably cause harm to one of us" she stated in anger. Angel looked at Star, signaling her to back off, so Star did so. Star soon became aware of the presence, but did not say a single word "are you aware we are being followed?" star asked Draco telepathically in a slightly over-protective, yet also frightened tone. Star then glanced at Kay in a worried way Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Star_Dragon Posted December 7, 2011 Share Posted December 7, 2011 "Indeed I am," Draco affirmed. "Though I am unsure if this newcomer is hostile or not. His mind is... difficult to read." With a pause, Draco added, "Catch up with Kay - he may need you as backup, and I'll cover your flank." The cloaked figure continued to follow Kay from an upper level. If he knew anything of what was said over the telepathic channel, he showed no sign of it. He merely continued to follow Kay. Kay, however, showed no signs of awareness at being followed. (I'd continue this charade via the PM channels, but I don't think it'll allow ALL of us at once. Any suggestions?) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Posted December 7, 2011 Share Posted December 7, 2011 Star nodded and caught up to Kay, now very tense and also a bit frightened, yet with a sense of over-protection. She looked at Kay and then looked at the floor, walking along with him Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Star_Dragon Posted December 7, 2011 Share Posted December 7, 2011 "Try to act naturally, dear," Kay whispered to Star. "It'll throw him off into thinking we don't know he's here." Kay continued moving, the cloaked apparition following from above. "And whatever you do," Kay added, also in a whispering tone, "don't draw weapons. It'll just provoke him. As far as I can sense, his intentions are not hostile... But I've been wrong about people like him before." The cloaked figure continued following Kay, taking notice that his bride-to-be had arrived at his side. Interesting, but not unexpected. The cloaked figure shifted course, moving out of sight, but continuing to follow Kay. The cloaked figure took an escalator to an even higher level, keeping pace with Kay and Star. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Posted December 7, 2011 Share Posted December 7, 2011 "ok....but we need to attack him before he strikes first.......and im becoming nervous." she said telepathically to kay, her inner voice nervous and more or so, frightened Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Star_Dragon Posted December 7, 2011 Share Posted December 7, 2011 (Did you get snowed in, star?) "If he wanted to strike," Kay stated, "He would have done so already. Besides, his presence feels... familiar, somehow. But I'd have to come face-to-face with him to be sure." Draco interjected then. "I suspect you are right, Kyle - but I can't imagine how you know him and I don't." "I never said I knew him," Kay corrected, "I just said his presence feels familiar." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Posted December 7, 2011 Share Posted December 7, 2011 (no, i am not going to school for the rest of the week cuz of what i told you about last night) Star still felt nervous but kept walking on. She looked at Kay, secretly keeping an eye on the cloaked figure " how long will we keep this up" She whispered to kay Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Star_Dragon Posted December 7, 2011 Share Posted December 7, 2011 (Ah.) "Until either someone provokes him or he decides to reveal himself," Kay whispered. "And I'd rather the former doesn't happen." In another tone that suggested he was unaware, he said, "I'm hungry - wanna get something to eat?" "Draco, where is he?" Kay asked telepathically. "I don't know - he's... gone. Walked into a sporting goods store and vanished," Draco answered. The cloaked figure walked out of another store behind Draco on the floor level, then headed in the opposite direction. He doubled back toward Voro, Kyle and Anna, then stopped momentarily. He then continued, onto the third floor, and continued to track Kay, out of sight from anyone, including Draco. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Posted December 7, 2011 Share Posted December 7, 2011 "shit! how will we know where the hell he went" Star said telepathically to kay. she sighed and continued walking, refusing to look around for the hooded figure Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Star_Dragon Posted December 7, 2011 Share Posted December 7, 2011 (Wondering who this cloaked apparition is yet?) The cloaked figure continued to track Kay and Star, but far out of sight. Far behind Draco, in an area amiss with people. He continued to watch as they wandered around, trying to figure out where he had gone. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Posted December 7, 2011 Share Posted December 7, 2011 (yeah, i am) Star became more tense every second and forced herself not to reach for her gun. she put a hand about an inch away from it just in case Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ballisticwaffles Posted December 7, 2011 Share Posted December 7, 2011 On 12/7/2011 at 5:26 PM, starfoxchick308 said: Star easily became irritated with Trebia and looked at her "whatever. why the hell are you guys even FOLLOWING us if all you are going to pretty much do is either annoy the HELL out of kay and myself, or Balsa over there will easily get pissed off and probably cause harm to one of us" (Quite obviously your new charecter) "Hud has done nothing to Woman" Hud said, brushing her comment aside. "Hud not know women" He continued on, Intent on having Draco answer his question. It was trebia to provide an answer, finally catching up to Star. "I dont know you, I can smell the Blood of the Encarmine on you, but other than that i have no clue who or what you are." Trebia paced by her. "Truthfully i am insulted you simpally assume my demeanor is the same As Balsa's. frankly her side of the story seems more valid the longer i am with the lot of you." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Star_Dragon Posted December 7, 2011 Share Posted December 7, 2011 (Dammit, I'm itching for a bit of combat now! But I don't want to piss anyone off.) The cloaked figure moved ahead of Kay and Star, and stopped at an overpass. Draco saw him, then said telepathically, "I see him - third floor overpass." The cloaked figure simply stood there, staring at Kay and Star from under his hood. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Posted December 7, 2011 Share Posted December 7, 2011 Star stopped and finally snapped at Trebia's comment "WHAT THE HELL DID SHE F*CKING SAY?!" she said now holding her weapon. Angel intervened "calm down"! Star ignored angel and growled at Trebia "If you think i am going to stand here and take that, you are dead wrong, emphasis on DEAD!!!!!!" she yelled in rage Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Star_Dragon Posted December 7, 2011 Share Posted December 7, 2011 (Ugh, guess I spoke too soon) The cloaked apparition simply watched as an altercation ensued. And Kay had intentions on stopping it before it began. "Okay, everyone, just calm the f**k down! Let's not have a repeat of what happened earlier!" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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