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The Cornerian Complex


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"No need for that, Star," Jason said, "If I wanted to kill either of you, you would be dead by now." He paused to pop his neck. "Besides - General Indari is my superior officer... so to speak."

"No," Kay corrected, "You just contract with the Marauder Corp I so proudly lead. Speaking of which, what brings you here?"

"Well, a little birdie told me you were getting married, General, so naturally, I decided to join the fun," Jason responded.

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Star looked at kay, now burying her face into his shirt, a bit mentally exhausted.

"how the hell did he find out, and how the fuck did he know my name?!" she said, her voice muffled

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(I'm sorry, but I need a good laugh)

Voro chuckled, raising a hand in the air with a big Sangheili grin "Guilty," he said.

Kay held Star close. "Relax, Star," he said softly, "Jason may be a bit of a predator, but he's on our side."

"I'm more than a predator," Jason said.

"You're not helping," Kay stated. He looked back to Star. "Me." he added.

"Oh," Jason scoffed, "Nice save."

"Stay out of it!" Kay growled.

"Make me," Jason chuckled.

This was all a joke, but Kay didn't want to scare Star.

"Seriously, Jason - this is my future wife. Try not to scare her," Kay said.

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Jason sighed, then said, "Okay, I'm sorry - didn't think I was that scary."

Kay had his mind solely on Star. "Just calm down, sweetheart," he whispered to her. He gently kissed her forehead. "Don't let Jason being a jackass get the better of you."

Draco stepped forward, putting himself next to Star and Kay. "You will harm neither of them," he growled.

"My intention was not to harm them in the first place," Jason said.

"Regardless," Draco said, "No more intimidating Star - clear?"

"Crystal clear. Sir," Jason responded.

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  On 12/7/2011 at 8:53 PM, Arashikage said:

Kage had his hand on his holstered .44, just in case shit got real. But until then, did not draw, he knew drawing would be a pretty stupid idea. Instead, he calmly approached the group, "Okay hang on" He said, turning to Balsa "You know that little voice? That one that tells you to quit while you're ahead? Yeah? YOU don't have one!" He snapped, putting his free hand on her spear.

(Ninja'd x.x)

It was quite unlike Balsa to begin quoting Proticol. "Under The Bolded Section of the oath i took to become a guardian of hell, if any of my Fellow members find themselves threatened, and i quote "Procede to begin Stabbing".

Balsa lowered her spear, snorting as Trebia fake wiped sweat from her brow. "Arashikage, this is Anstas Manslaughterer"

Trebia Bowed , her Dreadlocked Headhairs flipping to whip her in the face.

"Thats Ragnol Sarl, Hud i suppose he goes by."

"Hud think Arashikage Assess Balsa Wrong." Hud was nothing but blunt. "Trebia Attacked by Star, Balsa Defend Soror"

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Angel glared at hud

"she attacked? I think it was more of the phrase: verbally defending herself" she said, eyeing balsa, trebia, and hud

"yes, i do think she exaggerated but putting a spear to someone's neck aint the way to go ya know. She is hot headed, and wont shoot unless really pissed and lost in rage, or attacked first" she added

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"How Hud know that? Hud just met you" He said shaking his head incredulously "Star point gun at Trebia, hud not want Trebia hurt, Hud protect Trebia. Balsa protect Trebia. Cant Blame Hud want protect Trebia."

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Sensing another altercation brewing, Jason said, "Excuse me," and proceeded to head over to Angel. "Hi there," he said. If his cloak gave any intimidating posture - regardless of his hood being down - Jason showed no signs he was aware. "Name's Jason... Jason Anderson."

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Angel looked at Hud

"AGAIN, i state, she wouldnt have shot at Trebia if Balsa hadn't put that spear to her throat. If balsa would have come any closer to Star with that spear, THEN she would go ballistic and shoot at her. And i would know more about her than all 3 of you combined. I live with her, so take my advice, and handle it CALMLY. that goes ESPECIALLY to you Balsa. I don't care what you think of me, i think your other group members would agree that the only option to solving problems is violence! You need to calm the f*ck down! Chill out instead of trying to kill anyone that pisses you off!" she stated

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"Hud calm" He said, no emotion other than ambivalence on his beefy face. "Trebia Calm until Star point gun at Trebia. Balsa laughing until Star point Gun at Trebia. Hud not be lectured, Hud knows what talk about."

"Also, little one, How am i supposed to know when gun is pointed at me that i wont be shot?" Trebia asked, a smile on her face. "You seem to assume i have that dreaded Telepathy Power, or something."

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Jason raised an eyebrow. "Wow. A lot of bite in that one." He looked to the others present, acting as though he knew none of them. "As a freelancer contracting with the Marauder Corp, I wish to extend my greetings. Uh, you all would be...?"

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"Hud" Hud said, nodding towards the new conversee.

"I am Trebia" Trebia bowed.

"Balsa" Balsa Balsaed, ie leisurly looked around at nothing to give off the impression that she could and infact did care less.

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Jason nodded by way of greeting to them. He then turned his attention to Angel. "And... who are you, if you don't mind my asking?"

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"true, you might not. But remain calm, and there is a 100% chance she'll walk away and you'll walk away unharmed" angel said

"and did you say my telepathic communication was "dreaded"?" she added, raising an eyebrow. Angel then looked at Jason

"Angel" she said, soon turning back to trebia and the others

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"Rape of the mind, little one, Frowned apon in my society." Trebia admitted. "Usually anyone with Psykick Abilities are brutally murdered just in case. Hellwyrms, myself one, Dont take kindly to forced intrusion." She cocked her head, her mind coming to a realization. "Oh...oh...oh Frak." Instintanously she Raised her mind shields, layer after layer of careefully prepaired defenses springing up to protect her mind.

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Jason signed. "You know, Angel," he said, "Ignoring a person like that when he's trying to introduce himself can be taken as an insult."

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"Oh" Arashikage said, looking to the newcomers, "I must have drifted off. That happens sometimes." He informed, nodding, "I'm Arashikage, most people just call me Kage though" He said

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Jason nodded to Kage. "Jason," he introduced himself. He then caught sight of something - a shadowy figure behind Kage, a shimmering apparition. Jason's head tilted, noticing this, then looked to Kage. "Were you supposed to be meeting someone today?"

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He turned around, sighing, not entirely knowing what Jason meant by that...

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"Kage, GET DOWN" Balsa ordered, pivoting to point her spear at more people. Only this tiem she was joined.

"Who are you?" Trebia asked, Her trident drawn and aimed at the shadowy figure.

"Hud not want fight, but why need shadow appearance?" Hud asked, His force halburd taller than most present.

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Kage stepped aside, his hand on his weapon, this wasn't gonna be pretty. "Explain yourself" He ordered

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A soft chuckle came from the shimmering apparition. "Surprising," the phantom said, his voice sounding as though over a radio. "But were it not for your Jedi comrade over there, you would all be dead." The phantom shimmered into appearance, wearing a set of black armored robes and what looked almost like a black ski mask with no obvious holes for sight.

"A Sith Assassin," Jason stated, unclipping his lightsabers. "So... though I like to kill idiots like this one, which one of you wants first crack at him?"

(I may be able to make a few more posts, but then I'm heading to bed. The effects of my meds are starting to kick in.)

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There was no need for an invite, The heavy thudding steps of Hud announcing his intention. His Force Halburd Crackled with energy, a low pitched whine filling the area.

"THE EMPEROR PROTECTS!" He shouted, Chargin headfirst into battle, Trebia close on his heels. Fighting as one, She Slammed her Trident downwards, Hud widely swinging his halburd ina crescent, hoping to bisect this blasphemous fool.

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By the time the weapons came down, the Sith Assassin seemingly disappeared through the floor, a small, black smoke cloud on the floor all that remained. Then, that cloud moved, and the Assassin reappeared between Jason and Kage.

"You're going to have to do much better than that," the assassin taunted.

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