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The Cornerian Complex


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"Alright I'm gonna go walk a bit", Chris said to the group as he grabbed his song folder, "Tyler you're in charge", he added

"alright", Tyler replied lazily from the couch. "Room service is cheap, but stay with in the budget and guys... don't make a mess", Chris said making sure everyone was paying attention

"Alright mom, go already",Jason said sarcastically grinning

Chris chuckled and started to head out the door.

"Oh Chris, wait", Lidia called out as she grabbed something and headed towards Chris

"Yes?" Chris asked

"Can you give this to Deric, I'm sure he would appreciate it",Lidia said as she handed Chris Deric's bass guitar

"Sure thing",Chris said taking the guitar and heading out.

...........................................................5 minutes later..........................................................................................................................

'Let see, what should the title be', Chris thought as he sat on a near by bench, He looked around and spotted a sign that read 'Welcome to the Cornerian Complex' outside the front doors.

"How about Complex, yeah that sounds good", Chris said out loud, 'Better get this to Deric' he thought as he got up, slung the bass across his back and headed into the crowed of people. Just seconds after he did he bumped in to what appeared to a someone in armor, lost his balance and fell on his stomach spilling his song book.

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"GO LONG!" The invariable shout of Balsa rung through the Complex, in her hand a foot ball clutched and aimed. Her long red hair was unbound, the foot length mane flying wildly with each step. The godiva wannabee was yelling at Chayrlin Magguson, The limping Spaniard diving with every step to get into position.

"CATCH!" With pose born of practice, Balsa lugged the ball through the air, the spiral settling the flight and Causing it to go straight.

"I GOT IT!" CHayrlin yelled, diving this way and that.

The ball began to ark down, chayrlin mapping out its location with her mind. This use of mental power is what caused her to trip over both Chris and the meditating suit of armor, only adding to the manpile.

"PERSONPILE!" Yelled Trebia gleefully as the thin Snake-woman dived on top of the three, laughing and giggling.

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The seemingly-meditating warrior remained motionless. In fact, none of those who had collided with him even budged him from his spot.

... Very well, master. I will consider what you have said, The warrior told his master.

Good. Mind what I have said. Use your power - but in its proper place, Ahkrinviingah stated. His presence withdrew itself from the warrior's mind, and the warrior unfroze, rose, and looked around, seeing himself in the midst of a pile of people. He shrugged, paying whatever happened around him while he spoke to his master little heed as he stepped outside the pile of people. He continued walking, then stopped. He turned back around at the others. Something about one of them seemed... familiar. Someone he knew? Or heard about? He wasn't sure.

Deciding it was nothing, the warrior headed into an adjacent bar, where he sat down on a bar stool and removed his hood, after which he took off his helmet, revealing his scarred, Cerinian face. At first glance, this looked like General Kyle Indari - only Indari's physical scars were gone. This warrior's scars were not.

"Bartender," he said, slapping a large number of credits down, "Get me a hit of Juma, and keep 'em coming, please."

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"Huh" Trebia said as she disengaged herself from the pile. Crawling on all fours, she caught up with the armored man, flicking her tounge at him to try and identify whatever he was. She followed him to the bar, where she bent over backwards to plop herself in the chair next to him, an unnessisary feat of athletics that drew eyes from the ill inclined and the Reptilian.

"Hello!" She greeted, smiling as wide as her maw would let her as she grabbed a flagon of alcohol and chugged it as fast as she could. "My name is trebia! Whats yours?"

"Im Encarmia" Chayrlin said from the opposit seat, having quietly snuck to rest at the Indari look alikes side.

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Trebia and Charylin introduced themselves, and as Trebia asked the warrior for his name, he opened his mouth to speak, then shrugged and responded, "I don't know." He sipped his Juma Juice and added, "The only name I can remember is... Faasnu..." He looked to Trebia. "Darth Faasnu." He looked away and sipped again on his Juma Juice. "My... true name was lost to me. I don't know when, or how, or why - but I know it was not a direct result of taking on my Sith name. No, I... Something happened to me, some time ago. Don't remember what - just that I awakened in an orbital genetics laboratory over Rigel VII. I've been trying to regain my prior memories since then... and it hasn't been easy." He downed the last of his Juma, and jubilantly accepted a second glass.

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"DARTH" Trebia seethed, her eyes bugging out and her teeth clenched. "Calm down Chay!" Trebia said, Chayrlin look at her then sighing.

"Darth you say?" Trebia says, knocking back a 2nd drink. She slammed the mug on the table where it was refilled by a tending Tender. "From my knowledge only Sith lords are allowed Such titles" She leaned in close, her femininity in full display. "Are you a sith, Faasnu?" the words rolled off her tounge and she grinned.

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"I was," Faasnu responded, "A long time ago - after the Fall of Cerinia. After that, I came into the service of my master, Ahkrinviingah. Since then, I have come around." He sipped his Juma, and added, "But as I said, whatever I am today, I do not know - my memories were lost... somehow. I don't know how. I don't even remember my own name outside of Darth Faasnu - though if it's any comfort to either of you, just call me Faasnu."

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Chris quickly gathered the fallen papers and made sure he had them all.

When all of them were accounted for he look around for who he ran into, 'Where the hell did he go?' Chris asked himself.

He shook it off and decided not to worry about it, he then made his way to the medical wing.

When he got there Deric was asleep so he sat the bass by his bed.

He then noticed a young avian nurse walk by, he read her name tag for a second and then called out, "Um... miss Carnegie?"

"oh, please call me Page" She said, acknowledging him

"Alright, Page" He said with a slight chuckle and continued, "Do you perhaps know when Deric will be able to leave?" he asked

"Oh him? tomorrow he just needs to not stress his body, you know, no heavy lifting, running and not to move around too much and all" Page replied

"Thanks", Chris said

"Sure thing", Page said and walked off.

Chris then left the medical wing and started looking around for something to do. His eye caught the sight of a near by bar 'What the heck I could use a drink', He said to him self and walked in. Chris looked around and saw the armored figure he ran in to earlier and grabbed a seat next to him and said in a calm almost cheery tone, "Hey sorry about that earlier when I bumped in to you."

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"See Chay?" Trebia said, smiling all the while she wrapped her arm around Faasnu. "Nothing to be worried about, you can chillax and have a drink."

She motioned with her free hand, recieving a drink in response. "So Faasnu." Trebia said, resting her head on his shoulder. "What have you done since loosing your memory?"

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Faasnu chuckled. "Wandering, really," he replied. "I do what I can, while I can, how I can. I guess that's an advantage of having a ship, eh?" He sipped his drink. "For reasons that elude me, I... was drawn here. Don't know why. A clue to my memories, perhaps? I'm not sure." He scratched his head, sipped his Juma, then looked to the TV. On screen, the LMC Unreal Tournament was playing. Faasnu payed this no heed at all - LMC's UT was of no interest to him, even if it was ThunderCrash against Iron Fist.

Chris quickly gathered the fallen papers and made sure he had them all.

When all of them were accounted for he look around for who he ran into, 'Where the hell did he go?' Chris asked himself.

He shook it off and decided not to worry about it, he then made his way to the medical wing.

When he got there Deric was asleep so he sat the bass by his bed.

He then noticed a young avian nurse walk by, he read her name tag for a second and then called out, "Um... miss Carnegie?"

"oh, please call me Page" She said, acknowledging him

"Alright, Page" He said with a slight chuckle and continued, "Do you perhaps know when Deric will be able to leave?" he asked

"Oh him? tomorrow he just needs to not stress his body, you know, no heavy lifting, running and not to move around too much and all" Page replied

"Thanks", Chris said

"Sure thing", Page said and walked off.

Chris then left the medical wing and started looking around for something to do. His eye caught the sight of a near by bar 'What the heck I could use a drink', He said to him self and walked in. Chris looked around and saw the armored figure he ran in to earlier and grabbed a seat next to him and said in a calm almost cheery tone, "Hey sorry about that earlier when I bumped in to you."

Faasnu scoffed. "Don't fret, comrade - I didn't feel a thing," he said. "And you've nothing to apologize for. You didn't cause me any harm or inconvenience."

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"Ah well, it would be rude not to", Chris said cracking a smile "I'm Chris by the way, Chris heart" he said holing out his hand.

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"Hmmmmm" She nodded, chugging her mug down with viotole force. "Perhaps you were here before you had this armor put on?" SHe suggested, rubbing his shoulder plate with a back and forth motion taht was strangly hypnotic to witness.

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Faasnu shook Chris' hand as best he could, with Trebia leaning on his shoulder. "Darth Faasnu," he introduced himself.

"Hmmmmm" She nodded, chugging her mug down with viotole force. "Perhaps you were here before you had this armor put on?" SHe suggested, rubbing his shoulder plate with a back and forth motion taht was strangly hypnotic to witness.

Faasnu sipped his Juma. "I wish I knew," he said. "But regardless, I'll be staying here for a while."

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"Nice to meet you Faasnu" Chris said in return.

"I'll have a beer", Chris told the bartender "so I'm a song writer and I could use some help, any one interested?" Chris asked.

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With her mug hand, Trebia held her hand high, her eyes boring into Chris's.

"Im a Hellwyrm Dancing girl, i can help you anyday" She said, Standing and giving a twirl.

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"Dancing girl... hmm I'll jot that down", Chris said pulling out a note pad and started scribbling.

"lets have a topic... how about life's troubles" Chris suggested.

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Faasnu continued to sip his Juma Juice, then said, "Music is not my specialty." Without consciously thinking about it, he murmured in a strange tune, "When the days pass you by, and the night lights your path, you will see the hunters, staring down at you as you walk, be-neath, the hunter's moon..."

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"Would you like a show?" She said, smirking at the mostly male group she found herself in. "Hey Chey? If you go get Balsa, I can show them how i taught her how to fight!"

Chayrlin Blinked once or twice, then laughed right in Trebia's face. "Oh wait your serious" Chayrlin hopped off the Barstool and went limping off to find their estranged comrade.

"So waddya say boys?" She grins. "Wanna show?"

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Chris kinda blushed as he took a sip of his beer and jotted a few more notes down.

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(Gonna hit the sack after this.)

Faasnu sipped the last of his Juma Juice, then accepted a third glass, and started sipping it. For some reason, what he said earlier felt... familiar. But how? What lost memory was it tied to? He didn't know. And right now, he didn't care - if the answers he sought were indeed, here, the Force would lead him to them in time...

(BTW, it's someone else's post in MARAUDER. G'nite, ppl.)

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"What the hell do you want Trebia?" Balsa says, trailing behind the slow moving Chayrlin, The football from before being tossed and caught beetween the two with minimal warning. Until it beaned chayrlin in the back of the head.

"You bitch!" Balsa ignored her, sliding into the chair beside Trebia, Grunting a greeting at the Armored man and Chris. "Mina tells me you want us to dance?"

"Are you out of your goddamned mind?" She responded to Trebia's gleefull nod. "You know we havent done this since i finished school, right?"

Trebia shrugged. "its good practice, besides..." She winked at Chris and Faasnu."I promised"

Balsa only facepalmed. "goddamned Hellwyrm mating season"

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Balsa only facepalmed. "goddamned Hellwyrm mating season"

At this Chris choke on his beer and sputtered a bit before taking a deep breath, he was blushing a bit more now.

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"Yea, Trebs gets like this when its normally Fertalization month back on her homeworld." Chayrlin Clarifies, sipping on a lager while lounging and scoping out the nightlife.

"Its like Both puberty and A period had somesort of twisted love child and called it Mating season." Balsa says, sitting down to watch Trebia Girate and twist obscenely, her Smooth and lith lizard form writhing and twisting through Dance style, combat form, and improv.

"Dont worry though, Hybridization doesnt work that way" CHayrlin says, cutting of any dirty thoughts before takeoff.

"At worst you wake up at 4:50 PM and request an I.V. and a glass of orange juice. Other than that she is perfectly harmless... and horny" Blunt to the bone, balsa laughs and watches the chaos unfold.

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Chris; now blushing enough where you could see it through his golden fur, calls out to the bartender, "Get me the whiskey, and leave the bottle"

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"Get me the whiskey and leave me the whiskey!" Balsa yells, not even paying attention to the actual order.

"Get me the bottle and leave me the bottle!" Chayrlin yells after her, playing off Balsa in a well practiced routine.

"Get me the Drunk i want to get whiskey!"

"Get Me the Smashed i wanna be Vodka!"

Just one after another they continue, firing idiotic comments one after another.

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