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"So you're shy too?" She asked, hoping she could relate, she may have made a friend, but it was too soon to tell, she would just have to get over her fears of others, and give him a chance

The hybrid thought for a moment to find the right words, and then spoke. "It is not shy, per se. I just need to get around friendly interaction more." He said, still calmly.

"But if you are shy, there is no reason to be it around me."

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The hybrid thought for a moment to find the right words, and then spoke. "It is not shy, persay. I just need to get around friendly interaction more." He said, still calmly.

"But if you are shy, there is no reason to be it around me."

"O-Okay" She said, still uneasy but understanding "Why's that?" She asked, sort of skeptical, but willing to listen to his side of the story

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"O-Okay" She said, still uneasy but understanding "Why's that?" She asked, sort of skeptical, but willing to listen to his side of the story

The hybrid simply shrugged as he sighed slightly. "I'm just not that type." He started, then looked to the side slightly as he continued. "Although with the way the world is advancing, and how things are turning out... If I don't have much people skills I am gonna be a goner." He then turned back to the girl. "It's a good motivation, if you ask me."

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Cracking her back, and drawing her hat back onto her head, Jorda walked out of the gym, her commisars coat stained with sweat and other ichors that may or may not be ketchup.Passing Balsa, she was uncerimoniusly hauled back to the gym by Arkiova, who happened to be passing by. He dragged her back to Brelos, looking very annoyed (which to anyone else looks like a death threat from an Ex space marine) Reigan was still furiously running along with Tarkae, and both did not seem close to shutting down jsut yet.

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The hybrid simply shrugged as he sighed slightly. "I'm just not that type." He started, then looked to the side slightly as he continued. "Although with the way the world is advancing, and how things are turning out... If I don't have much people skills I am gonna be a goner." He then turned back to the girl. "It's a good motivation, if you ask me."

"I guess" She said, her gaze returning to the brochure "S-so, do you know if the food here is any good?" She asked, feeling kind of hungry, not having eaten in several hours, the last time she ate in fact was that morning for breakfast, it was night time.  She shifted slightly in place, moving her weight from her right foot to her left

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"I guess" She said, her gaze returning to the brochure "S-so, do you know if the food here is any good?" She asked, feeling kind of hungry, not having eaten in several hours, the last time she ate in fact was that morning for breakfast, it was night time.  She shifted slightly in place, moving her weight from her right foot to her left

Giving a small and silent hum of thought, the hybrid responded. "I honestly only know that many people socialize here, and there are many recreational activities." He then shrugged. "If they can afford to do all this, and keep it up constantly, then I would hope they have at least one nice place to eat." He rationalized aloud.

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Giving a small and silent hum of thought, the hybrid responded. "I honestly only know that many people socialize here, and there are many recreational activities." He then shrugged. "If they can afford to do all this, and keep it up constantly, then I would hope they have at least one nice place to eat." He rationalized aloud.

"Well that's good" Caitlyn said "I'm kind of hungry, so I'm going to get something to eat then" She added, stepping over toward the dining hall "D-do you want to join me?" She asked

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"Well that's good" Caitlyn said "I'm kind of hungry, so I'm going to get something to eat then" She added, stepping over toward the dining hall "D-do you want to join me?" She asked

Looking down towards his watch, and thinking for a moment, "Sure, I can spare a little bit of my time like that." He stated, and then looked at the map. "Was there any place you wanted to go specifically? It doesn't look like there are many well branched out styles of restaurants here." He noted, trying to look at the titles to see if anything looked appeasing too him.

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Looking down towards his watch, and thinking for a moment, "Sure, I can spare a little bit of my time like that." He stated, and then looked at the map. "Was there any place you wanted to go specifically? It doesn't look like there are many well branched out styles of restaurants here." He noted, trying to look at the titles to see if anything looked appeasing too him.

"Nothing specifically, I haven't eaten since breakfast" Caitlyn said "So I don't care what I eat" She added, looking at the brochure, she saw a few different restaurants, one looking okay to her, she picked the Parthenon "How about the Parthenon?" She asked

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"Nothing specifically, I haven't eaten since breakfast" Caitlyn said "So I don't care what I eat" She added, looking at the brochure, she saw a few different restaurants, one looking okay to her, she picked the Parthenon "How about the Parthenon?" She asked

"That sounds fine." Although, I don't know what they serve, but that shouldn't be an issue... He said, then thought in that order. Everett looked in the pamphlet as to where it was, and once he did, he gently folded the map, and put it in his pocket.

He slowly started in that direction, making sure that Caitlyn was folowing.

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Caitlyn followed, walking so as to not be completely next to him, rather slightly behind him, she had her doubts still, but wanted to show that she wasn't afraid, she didn't look directly at him when she spoke "So w-what's your home life like?  I mean if you don't want to tell me, that's fine, I respect your privacy"

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Caitlyn followed, walking so as to not be completely next to him, rather slightly behind him, she had her doubts still, but wanted to show that she wasn't afraid, she didn't look directly at him when she spoke "So w-what's your home life like?  I mean if you don't want to tell me, that's fine, I respect your privacy"

"Well, I don't mind saying some things, but do you mind being more specific? I don't fully understand what you want to know by 'Home Life'." Everett asked, just wanting to know how to properly respond. He continued to lead the two down the way. He noticed her was of staying slightly behind him, and he didn't care. If she wanted to stand next to him, or heck, even lead, it was up to her, not him.

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"Well, I don't mind saying some things, but do you mind being more specific? I don't fully understand what you want to know by 'Home Life'." Everett asked, just wanting to know how to properly respond. He continued to lead the two down the way. He noticed her was of staying slightly behind him, and he didn't care. If she wanted to stand next to him, or heck, even lead, it was up to her, not him.

"L-Like, what's it like outside of this place for you?" She asked, "But once again, if you don't want to tell me, that's fine" She reiterated, "Just making idle chat is all, I don't like the silence"

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"L-Like, what's it like outside of this place for you?" She asked, "But once again, if you don't want to tell me, that's fine" She reiterated, "Just making idle chat is all, I don't like the silence"

"Silence isn't too bad. Not to me at least, but I get your point." He stated as they went down. He started rubbing his right arm with his left hand. "Well... I get up... See if there is any possible work for me, try to avoid bad situations, and move on. Other than that, my life isn't much worth mentioning." He finished still in the serious tone and such as he usually had.

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"Silence isn't too bad. Not to me at least, but I get your point." He stated as they went down. He started rubbing his right arm with his left hand. "Well... I get up... See if there is any possible work for me, try to avoid bad situations, and move on. Other than that, my life isn't much worth mentioning." He finished still in the serious tone and such as he usually had.

"Oh, sort of like what I do" Caitlyn said "Although I have to look for work as well as do some around the house" Caitlyn said, she had just graduated, and needed to find a job, she wasn't being helped by her foster parents anymore financially, so she had to look for a place to hire her that would pay well "It's not easy for someone with a high school education to find a well paying job, I am probably going to have to look into colleges first" She said

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"Oh, sort of like what I do" Caitlyn said "Although I have to look for work as well as do some around the house" Caitlyn said, she had just graduated, and needed to find a job, she wasn't being helped by her foster parents anymore financially, so she had to look for a place to hire her that would pay well "It's not easy for someone with a high school education to find a well paying job, I am probably going to have to look into colleges first" She said

"Like what I do"... There is no way she would do such a thing. She seems too nice... Everett thought as he was soon to speak. "Well, I am out of high school myself. Finding work really for me hasn't been too hard." He calmly stated, as it was partially true. But now he wanted to hear how she would respond, hoping it wouldn't lead to what he suspected. He did not need another person in the same 'field' as him.

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"Like what I do"... There is no way she would do such a thing. She seems too nice... Everett thought as he was soon to speak. "Well, I am out of high school myself. Finding work really for me hasn't been too hard." He calmly stated, as it was partially true. But now he wanted to hear how she would respond, hoping it wouldn't lead to what he suspected. He did not need another person in the same 'field' as him.

"Really?  It's been really hard for me, maybe it's because I'm part human?" She asked "I heard humans aren't very popular around these parts, is there any truth to that?" She asked, maybe it was true, discrimination wasn't uncommon anywhere, so why should it be here?

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"Really?  It's been really hard for me, maybe it's because I'm part human?" She asked "I heard humans aren't very popular around these parts, is there any truth to that?" She asked, maybe it was true, discrimination wasn't uncommon anywhere, so why should it be here?

A Passing Jorda heard Her Comment, which stopped her in her tracts. Turning, she asked

"Is that true at all?"

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"Really?  It's been really hard for me, maybe it's because I'm part human?" She asked "I heard humans aren't very popular around these parts, is there any truth to that?" She asked, maybe it was true, discrimination wasn't uncommon anywhere, so why should it be here?

He looked to his side to see the human hybrid. "Well, you can take the fact no one has given you dirty looks, or laughed at you as a good sign." He stated, and then turned his head back straight as he continued to rub his arm. "And the fact the person you are talking to finds you alright as a person and in looks is a good sign. I don't see why humans would get more bad rep than any other species here."

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He looked to his side to see the human hybrid. "Well, you can take the fact no one has given you dirty looks, or laughed at you as a good sign." He stated, and then turned his head back straight as he continued to rub his arm. "And the fact the person you are talking to finds you alright as a person and in looks is a good sign. I don't see why humans would get more bad rep than any other species here."

"Well, I haven't seen too many of them around is all, and I didn't know if they got a bad reputation or anything, So that must not be why I can't get a job" Caitlyn said, she then gave a shy look to the passing Jorda, not speaking or anything

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"Well, I haven't seen too many of them around is all, and I didn't know if they got a bad reputation or anything, So that must not be why I can't get a job" Caitlyn said, she then gave a shy look to the passing Jorda, not speaking or anything

"Interesting" Jorad noted to her self, walking in the same direction as Caitlyn and Everett

"Im must tell the otehr about this." JOrda muttered, wrapping her coat tighter around her.

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"Well, I haven't seen too many of them around is all, and I didn't know if they got a bad reputation or anything, So that must not be why I can't get a job" Caitlyn said, she then gave a shy look to the passing Jorda, not speaking or anything

"But of course. You also don't see too much of my little mixture running around either. There will always be someone that will dislike you for some superficial reason, but that is all crap. You shouldn't let that stop you. Especially since everyone is vulnerable in one way or another with stereotyping." He admitted. The two almost reached the restaurant. "Also, you aren't fully human. That, as wrong as it sounds, makes it look a lot better for you."

Everett ignored Jorda. She didn't seem like a threat, or anything he needed to put his mind on at the least.

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"But of course. You also don't see too much of my little mixture running around either. There will always be someone that will dislike you for some superficial reason, but that is all crap. You shouldn't let that stop you. Especially since everyone is vulnerable in one way or another with stereotyping." He admitted. The two almost reached the restaurant. "Also, you aren't fully human. That, as wrong as it sounds, makes it look a lot better for you."

Everett ignored Jorda. She didn't seem like a threat, or anything he needed to put his mind on at the least.

"Well, I guess" Caitlyn said "But it could be because I'm a girl, and also, there aren't many dragons around either.  That's two races that aren't seen much" She said again, it was hard to pick up on but if you listened really hard, you would be able to pick up that it was a joke

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"Well, I guess" Caitlyn said "But it could be because I'm a girl, and also, there aren't many dragons around either.  That's two races that aren't seen much" She said again, it was hard to pick up on but if you listened really hard, you would be able to pick up that it was a joke

JOrda wlaks off, leaving the two to their selves

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"Well, I guess" Caitlyn said "But it could be because I'm a girl, and also, there aren't many dragons around either.  That's two races that aren't seen much" She said again, it was hard to pick up on but if you listened really hard, you would be able to pick up that it was a joke

"You're telling me." He said, now walking into the open ended restaurant. "But I guess if you are trying to look for something people would criticize you on, yeah. The dragon side is definitely going to be hit hard. But that is if you choose to coordinate yourself with idiots who aren't mature and see nice people for who they are." He then turned his head to look at her in the eyes. "That isn't an issue you have to worry about with me here. Just something to note for the future. How long have you been here exactly?"


Flux was sitting on the fountain edge, his cellphone pulled out as he was txting. "Gah... How do I make that one smile thing? Oh well, who cares..." He spoke lightly to himself, still trying to figure out the functions of his cellphone, as he never knew every little thing about technology.

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