Guest Julius Quasar Posted October 3, 2010 Share Posted October 3, 2010 I squashed a spider earlier today, nasty little thing. The cat peed in the northern area of the family room today, and I had to clean it up. Last night I was able to return a paper diary that has a lock on it, back to the store. The lock was, ah, "defective", and it broke when I first used it (thanks for nothing, Chinese manufacturing). I saw 2 excellent movies last week that I wanted to see, I went to the arboretum where I live, but it was so hot I had to go home in an hour...I'm using a grip exercising tool I got, need to squeeze it for 5 seconds in one hand, 5 seconds in the other, 10 minutes a day, 5 days a week. I'm also gonna do sit ups and push ups again, 5 days a week. I can only do 3 of each per day. Man, I'm outta shape.I'm gonna get an "Iron Gym Extreme", and use that, and get a small trampoline, and a "Perfect Pushup" set, so I can get back in shape, that grip exercise tool has done wonders for me. I also wanna hang up a punching bag in the garage, and practice on that.I dismantled a rotten old cabinet we extracted from the depths of the now cleaned out garage. Got $10 for that. >=] Still finding mouse and rat crap in the garage from time to time, even though we got the garage cleaned out. The garage is 660 square feet, and without all the trash and crap in it, it's actually quite nice and spacious. We've had a tone of bees swarming around here lately, God knows why...they're getting into the hummingbird feeders though. That's not good.*UPDATE*I was looking at some houses in my neighborhood, "Open Houses", and there were 2 I toured...One was a bungelow built in 1922, on a 5,663 square foot lot, the house was 1301 square feet. The place was tiny! It was set waaaaaay at the back of the lot, literally us against the neighbors' back fence, and against the side fence of the east neighbor. It has a detached 2 car garage in front of the house, and a gazebo and the front yard is the only "Yard" the house has, aside from a tine west patio off the kitchen. It has a basement room, but it, along with the 2 bedrooms in that house, are very tiny, almost closet-like. The master bedroom is an okay size, it has a master suite with a walk in closet and private bathroom. Would you believe they want $585,000 for that place? I almost asked the real estate lady there "$585,000!? Where's the beach!?" xD It didn't even have a laundry room, unless it was in the garage. The other house was built in 1939, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, lots of little stairs to go up and down in the hallways, and the halls were VERY narrow. 6800 sq. ft. lot, the house was about 1500 square feet. It had a detached garage, a small backyard and a rose garden behind the garage, and a basement with a laundry room, a rec room, and a half bathroom "conveniently located in the laundry room!" The owners want $698,000, reduced from the original asking price of $728,000. "What a bargain!" [/sarcasm].Whoever built those homes back then really phoned it in. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest SCoatiH Posted October 4, 2010 Share Posted October 4, 2010 I MUST, absolut'ly, FACEPALM at the prices they ask for... :facepalm: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Julius Quasar Posted October 4, 2010 Share Posted October 4, 2010 I MUST, absolut'ly, FACEPALM at the prices they ask for... Yep! That's So. Cal for ya'! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Julius Quasar Posted October 4, 2010 Share Posted October 4, 2010 It's finally raining here today where I live, about time, too, we needed it. I been losing sleep for the past 3 weeks over a credit card bill, where I was unjustly double billed by my stupid chef's academy for expenses. They charged my credit card without permission even though I already paid them the expenses I owed them with a check. Those idiots sent the refund check from where it was supposed to come from (the financial center in the midwest), but NOT where it was supposed to go (it went to the local school, not to my house!). I have to wait another day for it to arrive, but my credit card statement wants the money by 10/11, so I wrote and sent out the check so it would get there in time. The school got my check, from the finance center in the midwest, but I'll have to wait until tomorrow to receive it/cash it. Ugh! I can't screw up my credit rating because of this. The credit card company demanded I deal with the school, they wouldn't reverse the charges. Jackasses. So anyways, I got Donkey Kong Country for my old SNES console last weekend, for under $20, and it works, it has the dust cover, and the instruction manual. I beat the game yesterday, had fun with that. I'm thinking of more places to find work, but no one is hiring out here. So many of my friends are losing their jobs, despite being "college educated", so these academia elitists can shove it with their college talk. I flunked out of my Real Estate Appraiser's school, but w/e, I tried. Screw it, people never ask the price their home is valued at, they usually demand more. Plus the real estate market crashed, an ex realtor friend of mine is now broker than a stone.I saw the fox who lives on our block last Saturday night, she's a cute little silver vixen...I left some food out for her, I think she ate it. <3There might be hope for me and my family financially...ain't nothing concrete yet, but if this works, our problems will be dad said some nice things to me Saturday, said he would help out my older sister and me, that's cool. He's been so nasty lately, it was nice to hear him be nice for once. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest SCoatiH Posted October 5, 2010 Share Posted October 5, 2010 I saw the fox who lives on our block last Saturday night, she's a cute little silver vixen...I left some food out for her, I think she ate it. <3Yo, that musta be a really cut' thing to see man! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Fluxy Posted October 5, 2010 Share Posted October 5, 2010 There might be hope for me and my family financially...ain't nothing concrete yet, but if this works, our problems will be dad said some nice things to me Saturday, said he would help out my older sister and me, that's cool. He's been so nasty lately, it was nice to hear him be nice for once. I am sad to hear all those other issues going on, Julius. But the fact that ^this happened really makes me happy for you. I hope that end goes well, as I know it is a nice feeling to be able to experience it if you are lucky enough. ='] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Julius Quasar Posted October 5, 2010 Share Posted October 5, 2010 Yo, that musta be a really cut' thing to see man! She is very cute, but very elusive thoughI am sad to hear all those other issues going on, Julius. But the fact that ^this happened really makes me happy for you. I hope that end goes well, as I know it is a nice feeling to be able to experience it if you are lucky enough. =']Thanks dude. Update: I heard the silver vixen tonight, making her mating call. <3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Julius Quasar Posted October 5, 2010 Share Posted October 5, 2010 Well, those retards at Le Cordon Blue Culinary Academy screwed me over. On Sept. 21, I found that I had been double billed for expenses owed to the school. (I left the first week due to health/stress issues , so I owe NO tuition). Those assholes charged another $425.71 to my credit card on Sept. 2 without my permission, and I had already sent them a check for $425.71 on September 12 when they had sent me a bill for those expenses (uniforms, tools, non-returnable items). The credit card company refused to reverse the charges, so I got on the phone and called their financial processing center in Illinois. They said "Oh yeah, we got your check September 17th, and we see the error. We'll send out the refund". Well, I had to get on the phone 3 times and call them after that before the finally sent the check out September 28. The check went to the school, not to me. That credit card payment is due October 11th, and I had to send the full payment yesterday, and I don't have the $$$ to cover it. I hope I can get my refund before the check reaches the credit card company. I called the school, and they said they mailed the check to me yesterday. I live near the school, the check should have been here TODAY. I called them AGAIN, and demanded to know where my check was, same excuse, they sent it out yesterday...I'll give those morons ONE more day.The school used the credit card I had used to pay the $50 registration fee when I first joined up to double bill me. They kept the numbers on record. Sadistic pricks...If I don't get the check in my mailbox tomorrow, those crackpot idiots are gonna get a subpoena from my dad (who is an attorney) on their front desk. In the meantime, God knows how I'll get the money. I can't have my credit ruined, damn it....Let that be a lesson to you: NEVER GO TO COLLEGE!Anyways, on the positive side, we may get some more rain for once. We need it. We're making some headway in fixing up and cleaning up the garage...we got the house itself fixed up a dad's cat Akasha is being nicer to me.I also found the code to listen to the music to Donkey Kong Country.UPDATE:I found someone who made a loan to me of $425.00 to pay off my bill. Cool. I'll pay back said person when I either get my refund from the school, or from a lawsuit against the school in small claims court. >=]I tell you this, after I deposit/cash that check, a month later I'll go to yelp-dot-com and soooo badmouth that school.Anyways, we're getting more rain as I speak, it's coming down (Yaaaay). Also, I think I might have a potential business partner. Things will be looking up for me. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Julius Quasar Posted October 6, 2010 Share Posted October 6, 2010 Well, my refund check from Le Cordon Blech Culinary Academy came finally, so I went down to the bank and deposited it immediately. Took the stupid bastards long enough. I can now pay off my bill, and pay back the person who loaned me the money originally. Life's getting better for me. I got my absentee ballot, I'm gonna fill it out and vote. Today is my friend Kursed's 20th Birthday, Happy Birthday Kursed!I'm just chillin' today...don't wanna go to the mall in this rain, too dangerous, it's the second day of rain we've had here in 1,000 years, and people out here can't drive for shit in the rain, I don't wanna get in any accidents by some asshat on their cellphone. I'm not sure what to do today, except to relax and enjoy...oh, wait, tonight Hell's Kitchen will be on tonight! YES! I can't wait! more later... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sarita Posted October 6, 2010 Share Posted October 6, 2010 I live near the school, the check should have been here TODAY.Fun fact: that has nothing to do with how long it takes to get there. It has to go through processing at a central office just like everything else. You should've expected a three day minimum instead of expecting it overnight. The only way to get something overnight is to pay extra to get it.Glad you got it today, though, that would truly suck otherwise. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest SCoatiH Posted October 6, 2010 Share Posted October 6, 2010 I'm just chillin' today...don't wanna go to the mall in this rain, too dangerous, it's the second day of rain we've had here in 1,000 years, and people out here can't drive for shit in the rainlol. Glad yo' got your check by da way. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Julius Quasar Posted October 7, 2010 Share Posted October 7, 2010 Fun fact: that has nothing to do with how long it takes to get there. It has to go through processing at a central office just like everything else. You should've expected a three day minimum instead of expecting it overnight. The only way to get something overnight is to pay extra to get it.Glad you got it today, though, that would truly suck otherwise. I been waiting for the check for 3 weeks, Sissi. I've mailed stuff to people locally before, and they got it overnight via standard service.But yeah, I'm glad I got it too. That would have sucked Glad yo' got your check by da way.thanks Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Julius Quasar Posted October 7, 2010 Share Posted October 7, 2010 Whoa, boy, am I glad I dropped out of Le Cordon Bleu CCA. I was at a bar last night with some friends, I met this dude there, his name is B.J., he went to LCB, like me, and we talked about it, and he said:"The school throws a really nice scam. I graduated from this school in 2008. My mind set was to be a great chef right when I leave school, I would have gained the knowledge and have the utensils to approach the culinary world. Completely wrong!...the last class you take is "rotation". You learn how "work" for free labor in a restaurant environment where you cook a dish to order. Don't get me wrong, the IDEA is fun and exciting, but what they don't tell you is that in a real restaurant you don't have 20 students cooking in a small café or making an upscale dish. In the real world, you have 1 or 2 person per station who prepares everything on their own. There is no prep for you done by other "workers". You have to chop and prep everything on your own, no team work BS where you focus on one thing and the other person focuses on another item. My best experience in "rotation" was, I remember I got into a fuss with an instructor because I made myself a burger and he got on my ass because it's "stealing". I told him "I'm paying for education and cooking in this cafe for free, how is that stealing?" he then goes on to some BS saying "if you owned a spot, would you approve of this?" I mean of course it's not noble and not the right thing. BUT I'm not getting paid to work, I'm paying this school money a $50,000 tuition and I can't have 1 hamburger? RESULT: KICKED OUT OF CLASS. How awesome!I am 21 and currently a sou chef at a fine dining restaurant and believe me, it's all hard work that got me to where I am at. but wanted to share my amazing experience at Le Cordon Bleu, [City X] and what I got out of it. Some basic knowledge I could've learned over a great period of time as a server or w/e kitchen job. So in conclusion, I owe a big amount of cash to my student loan and I could've just wasted like $20,000 buying random product from a store and experimented, then with the other $30,000 buy a nice car hahaha."Poor guy. Glad I left that dump. It's not raining anymore here. It's gonna heat up this weekend.I'm still wondering what to do this Halloween, I got a friend who might do something with me. I'm looking in investing in a business, which I'll also run with a friend, and I'm looking to move into my own house. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest SCoatiH Posted October 7, 2010 Share Posted October 7, 2010 Poor guy. Glad I left that dump. Yo man I would have punch'd da instructor. Or at le'st told him to gtfo.I'm still wondering what to do this Halloween, I got a friend who might do something with me. I'm looking in investing in a business, which I'll also run with a friend, and I'm looking to move into my own house. Yo man that woulda be really cool. Hope it works. :yes: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Julius Quasar Posted October 7, 2010 Share Posted October 7, 2010 Yo man I would have punch'd da instructor. Or at le'st told him to gtfo.The little passive-aggressive wimpy stupid crybaby instructor would call the cops and his mommy on you if you did. Yo man that woulda be really cool. Hope it works. thanks, me too. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest SCoatiH Posted October 7, 2010 Share Posted October 7, 2010 The little passive-aggressive wimpy stupid crybaby instructor would call the cops and his mommy on you if you did. hehe, you're right man."Cocky little freaks!"thanks, me prob' man. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Julius Quasar Posted October 8, 2010 Share Posted October 8, 2010 Poor Akasha. The ants kept getting into her food dish, so I got a pie tin and filled it with water, and put her dish in the center of it like an island. That kept the ants out for a while but they found a way to get into the food dish anyways this morning, so I had to refresh her dish, and this time I poured distilled white vinegar into the pie tin, and placed Akasha's food dish in the middle of it. That should keep the ants out! I also used some white vinegar to wipe away the pheromone trail and ruin the ants foraging operation.I been missing out on my social life lately, I miss seeing my friends in person. I can't get out much, feel like I'm on the edge of the world and the edge of oblivion. It's put me in a bad mood. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
FoxMcCloud Posted October 8, 2010 Share Posted October 8, 2010 Poor Akasha. The ants kept getting into her food dish, so I got a pie tin and filled it with water, and put her dish in the center of it like an island. That kept the ants out for a while but they found a way to get into the food dish anyways this morning, so i had to refresh her dish, and this time I poured distilled white vinegar into the pie tin, and placed Akasha's food dish in the middle of it. That should keep the ants out! I also used some white vinegar to wipe away the pheromone trail and ruin the ants foraging operation.To make it more permanent, find a way to keep the dish in the center of the pie tin, or get a larger container to hold the bowl of food in the water. Funny thing is that I did that for my cats back when I lived in the south. But now since I am up north my Grandmother is allergic, so i couldn't have pets then, and College dorms don't allow them either so : Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Julius Quasar Posted October 8, 2010 Share Posted October 8, 2010 To make it more permanent, find a way to keep the dish in the center of the pie tin...That's what I was doing, and it worked for a while, but the ants found a way to swim though it. But let's see them try to swim through distilled white vinegar! Thanks though. Sorry you can't have your cats with you. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Julius Quasar Posted October 9, 2010 Share Posted October 9, 2010 I've been thinking about my future, as hard as I can. It seems my generation and all generations after it are royally screwed, in terms of a future. The top 5% control 95% of all the wealth, power, opportunities, and things like that in this nation, hell, throughout the world I see this crap. Plutocracy on a global level. America is exporting or eliminating so many jobs that soon all we'll have left are entertainers, pro-athlete scum, ambulance chasing lawyers, judges who are really [stupid liberal] activists abusing their powers, corporate CEO Nazis, douche-bag politicians, rich banker swine, and retailer store asshole owners/asshole managers. "We'll have the people who own the houses with large lawns, and the people who tend to the houses with large lawns" (the latter of the 2 being exploited illegal immigrants).All my friends have lost their jobs, and they're on unemployment, about to run out. I have a few friends on welfare AND food stamps, BUT, they give back to the community through community service, so I can respect that. Hell, it should be the law, that if you receive welfare, food stamps, or both, and you're not a veteran or disabled, then you should be forced to do community service in exchange for government handouts. I've been looking EVERYWHERE for work, but it's hopeless. California was the only state stupid enough to adopt "At Will Employment" laws. You can't even gt hired for a job unless you sign a statement acknowledging that you are hired "At -Will", and you can be fired at any time, for any and/or no reason at all. Employers use to abuse that law, firing you after day 88 of your 90 day probationary period. Racial discrimination is REALLY bad in Cali, we just hide it.These stores say "Now accepting Job Applications", but that doesn't mean they're hiring. They're required by law to accept applications every quarter. Sh!t heads. To get a job where I live, it's all about who you know, or who you f***, or who you're related to. My business partner is dragging his feet. The rich prick is being lazy, he needs to think about his future, hell, he's a year older than me. He and I are trying to start a business, but he's dragging his feet, and ducking my calls. Pisses me off. This is a chance to make the both of us money, and a future, but he's just sitting on his @$$. I hope I can do something with my life. My friends and I chip in on lottery tickets, as a "betting pool", from time to time, just for fun, but we've never won, except a few times, like, $80 one time, but that's it. Foreign countries are getting some bad breaks too, even Europe, so I've heard. Sucks, 'cause I was planning on running away to another country if this country didn't improve any better. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Taranatar Posted October 9, 2010 Share Posted October 9, 2010 Ooh, that sucks. Well, at least you're plans for the future aren't like mine, which can be summed up by this video:Yeah, I'm that appalled at the world situation that I'm willing to do that. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Shaper Posted October 9, 2010 Share Posted October 9, 2010 Ooh, that sucks. Well, at least you're plans for the future aren't like mine, which can be summed up by this video:Yeah, I'm that appalled at the world situation that I'm willing to do that. HAYYY!!!!! If anyone is going to destroy the world here it's going to be me! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Taranatar Posted October 9, 2010 Share Posted October 9, 2010 Who said I wanted to destroy the world? Those nukes are just for the capital cities of the world, and that's the intermediate phase of my master plan. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Shaper Posted October 9, 2010 Share Posted October 9, 2010 Who said I wanted to destroy the world? Those nukes are just for the capital cities of the world, and that's the intermediate phase of my master plan. Well I'm afraid this world already has a doomsday person, and that's me. Not you. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
FoxMcCloud Posted October 9, 2010 Share Posted October 9, 2010 Ok guys this is his blog, not our plans for world domination. :P Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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