Thu'um Posted October 20, 2010 Share Posted October 20, 2010 You'r art is geating better Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dublinthefox Posted October 20, 2010 Author Share Posted October 20, 2010 You'r art is geating betterThanks. I started submitting them to different groups and I a few people have put me on their DevWatch. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dublinthefox Posted October 22, 2010 Author Share Posted October 22, 2010 Bad news:It turns out that I won't be able to go as the Silent Hill Homecoming version of Pyramid Head for Halloween. Sorry Redeemer and Catwings30. I just didn't have enough time to make the costume what with work and all. Theres always next year. And since Halloween lands on a Sunday I might be stuck doing homework assignments. I might celebrate the day by playing games of the season like Castlevania and Silent Hill. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dublinthefox Posted October 30, 2010 Author Share Posted October 30, 2010 Lets see, what are some new updates?:My laptop had gotten a massive virus and I had to uninstall all of my games. So that means I'll be selling my copies of Left 4 dead 1, The Orange Box, and Fallout 3. I'm thinking of making a Ebay account in which I'll sell these games. As for a new laptop, I'm going to save a lot of money so I can get a Macbook Pro and some adobe programs. Speaking of Adobe, I just finished another art piece for all you Silent Hill fans!Alessa Gillespie from the Silent Hill series. I added the pony-tail like she had in Silent Hill: Origins, but I went with her 14 year-old look in the original game. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Thu'um Posted October 30, 2010 Share Posted October 30, 2010 Lets see, what are some new updates?:My laptop had gotten a massive virus and I had to uninstall all of my games. So that means I'll be selling my copies of Left 4 dead 1, The Orange Box, and Fallout 3. I'm thinking of making a Ebay account in which I'll sell these games. As for a new laptop, I'm going to save a lot of money so I can get a Macbook Pro and some adobe programs. Speaking of Adobe, I just finished another art piece for all you Silent Hill fans!Alessa Gillespie from the Silent Hill series. I added the pony-tail like she had in Silent Hill: Origins, but I went with her 14 year-old look in the original game.Sorry i thought it was a guy :lol: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dublinthefox Posted October 30, 2010 Author Share Posted October 30, 2010 Sorry i thought it was a guy Its Alessa. I have a hard time trying to draw females. I rarely draw them. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dublinthefox Posted November 1, 2010 Author Share Posted November 1, 2010 Well another Halloween has come and gone. I really didn't do anything big this year. I got started on another art piece and watched some films. I looked up and saw that Scoot of WHOOKOS had released the third episode of WHOOKOS and the halloween special. The episode was down right funny and the halloween special was as random as hell. It turns out that my laptop still has a major virus so for now on I'll be doing most of my work on my iMac. It also turns out that my laptop can no longer run Adobe Photoshop Elements so I can no longer do artwork away from home. I'm really thinking of getting a macbook pro. So I can do things both on it and my desktop. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dublinthefox Posted November 6, 2010 Author Share Posted November 6, 2010 It has taken me 3 years, but I finally found a copy of the original SNES Star Fox without the use of Ebay since I don't have a credit card. As you may not know, I'm a rare game hunter. Whatever is out for the SNES, is in decent condition, and is good, they shall be mine! now on my hit-list is Super Castlevania 4, F-Zero, and Super Metroid. For those I might use Ebay.Anyway I just saw Jackass 3D and was one of the sickest and most funniest movies I ever seen! I'm thinking of going to go seeing The Social Network. It looks like it might be good.I was talking to one of my friends and he suggested that start doing web-comics. Not like a manga or anything, more like the comics in the funnies. I have been thinking of a few ideas for some and one idea was to make a series similar to WHOOKOS but with anthros. Not entirely like them, but on what they stand for. Another Idea that came to me was making a flash animation series. Once I obtain more cash, I get Adobe flash so I can start working on a series that I have been thinking of for a while. One is an animated series of a Star Fox fan-fiction I've been working on and another is an animated version of those anthro WHOOKOS comics I was talking about. All we can do is wait and see what comes up. Who WHOOKOS is: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Thu'um Posted November 6, 2010 Share Posted November 6, 2010 sounds interesting Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dublinthefox Posted November 18, 2010 Author Share Posted November 18, 2010 Haven't really been able to work on any artwork since I finished Tabby. Either I need a form of inspiration or I need more time to focus on it. I recently pre-ordered The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword so thats something to look forward to besides the 3DS. I haven't had the chance to get my hands on Goldeneye yet. I played the original a few days before the remake was released and I LOVED IT! I still wanna work on that anthro based WHOOKOS web-comic series so the chance I get I'll get working on that.Requests are still open. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dublinthefox Posted November 25, 2010 Author Share Posted November 25, 2010 I will soon be making a Ebay account and I have now chosen the items and prices. Just to let you know all these items are for the PC since my laptop is now f***ed up and can no longer play games. Macbook pro here I come!Fallout 3........$50.00The Orange Box........$30.00Left 4 Dead........$20.00even more good news. After a long break from drawing i finally finished another one! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Vulvokunvrii Posted November 25, 2010 Share Posted November 25, 2010 ^ awsome picture! you havent posted in your journel for a long time..... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
eman96 Posted November 25, 2010 Share Posted November 25, 2010 I will soon be making a Ebay account and I have now chosen the items and prices. Just to let you know all these items are for the PC since my laptop is now f***ed up and can no longer play games. Macbook pro here I come!Fallout 3........$50.00The Orange Box........$30.00Left 4 Dead........$20.00WAIT! Don't sell those games yet! You know you can still run windows on a mac via Boot Camp?Btw, nice pic . Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dublinthefox Posted November 25, 2010 Author Share Posted November 25, 2010 ^ awsome picture! you havent posted in your journel for a long time.....There hasn't been anything new or exiting going on recently.WAIT! Don't sell those games yet! You know you can still run windows on a mac via Boot Camp?Btw, nice pic . Boot camp?.... thats new. Well I'm still selling Fallout 3 because it doesn't work on my laptop. Its in fine condition and there is nothing wrong with it. Its just my laptop isn't powerful enough. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
eman96 Posted November 25, 2010 Share Posted November 25, 2010 Boot camp?.... thats new. Well I'm still selling Fallout 3 because it doesn't work on my laptop. Its in fine condition and there is nothing wrong with it. Its just my laptop isn't powerful enough.I mean, you can run all those games and windows programs on your new Macbook Pro if you install Windows on it using Boot Camp.Like this:So you don't have to sell those games and you can play them on your new Macbook Pro . Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Thu'um Posted November 29, 2010 Share Posted November 29, 2010 thats a good Mccloud up there, two thumbs up! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dublinthefox Posted November 29, 2010 Author Share Posted November 29, 2010 thats a good Mccloud up there, two thumbs up!Thanks. I think of it as an improvement of the Fox + Krystal pic I drew a while ago. I also like this new one because one of the only pics I drew that have a background instead of a plain colored one. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dublinthefox Posted December 3, 2010 Author Share Posted December 3, 2010 MAN! I really need to update this thing more often.It may not be for you, but for me its finals week and everything's becoming a living nightmare. Instead of doing such things like cramming and stuff, I have to write a CRAP load of essays that my insignificant walnut for a stick for a brain can't comprehend. THIS CALLS FOR A WRITING MONTAGE! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Thu'um Posted December 11, 2010 Share Posted December 11, 2010 Nice new christmas avatar! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dublinthefox Posted December 11, 2010 Author Share Posted December 11, 2010 Nice new christmas avatar!Thanks! :D Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dublinthefox Posted December 12, 2010 Author Share Posted December 12, 2010 I finally got all of my school assignments done, so now I can finally relax and take it easy. Apparently I was given one christmas present early which was Goldeneye:007 and let me tell ya, its f***ing awesome! The problem is that one of my other gifts will be delayed which happens to be my long awaited reverse-edged katana. I will start doing art request if anyone is interested and is available to chat on skype. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dublinthefox Posted December 17, 2010 Author Share Posted December 17, 2010 I'm finally done with all of my classes and I finished my first semester of college! I now have more time to do the things I wanna do. First off I'm going to start drawing again, I missed doing that. I'm thinking by the beginning of 2011 I will start working on my web-comic series I mentioned a little while ago. Though its going to take a little while, what with creating a story and all. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dublinthefox Posted December 30, 2010 Author Share Posted December 30, 2010 Well as we all know, 2011 is right around the corner and I'm gonna get more serious about some things. For starters my new years resolution is to get more serious about my school work and stop sleeping in really late. By doing this I will be able to get things done so I can work more on my artwork and other stuff. My web comic idea will not be scrapped. Around 2011 I will start working on it.Just to let everyone know, the reason why I haven' been not submitting a lot of artwork for the past few months is because Adobe Photoshop Elements hasn't been working that well.Also good news! My furry art can now be seen on I just created an account and will now be hosting my art there as well.My furaffinity profile: hope everyone has a happy new year! :D Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dublinthefox Posted January 7, 2011 Author Share Posted January 7, 2011 Well it turns out that I won't be starting school again until the 10th. WHAT A RELEIF! Anyway the beginning of this year has been quite relaxing for me. though its been kind of boring since most of my friends go to a different college than I do and have just started a few days ago. I've got some weird news. It seems something has messaged me on skype telling me that I have benn infected with a virus. The problem is that I use a iMac and its pretty rare for Macs to get viruses. But talked to a professional and he said that my computer is a virus carrier. Hopefully I can get this taken care of. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Vulvokunvrii Posted January 7, 2011 Share Posted January 7, 2011 eek, sorry to hear about your missing friends ancomp virus.Friends: Dont worry, you can alays keep in touch with them....hang out with them when you have breaks (if you can), and there always is making some buddies on the campus you are residing IMac eh? ....never seen one..or i might have, and just didnt know it thats like a laptop right? Well id say call the "Geek squad" guys; they are oh so helpful! (that and a good firend of mine i go to school with is computer master) otherwise, iwth the appropriate funds and mabye a littel bit of hope, and you'll be back on your feet soon! *nods* Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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