Guest Taranatar Posted October 4, 2010 Share Posted October 4, 2010 A compilation of trolls and idiots I've met both online and in RL over the years. Be warned: Some of these guys could bend reality with their stupidity.Youngla0450Where I know him from: Starfleet JediExact Quote: "I cannot understand you bastards. You are all pro-Trek, and yet you do not admit the Federation has several weaknesses. I admit the Empire does too, but come on, say something at least in favor of both sides!" from "The Federation is weak"Description: Either a kid, a troll, or a complete idiot that was banned from StarDestroyer.Net, he wandered over to SFJ spouting Pro-Wars nonsense. But that's not the half of it. Half the time, he'd flame us, saying that "Mike Wong had proved that Star Wars tech was superior to Star Trek tech, why can't you Trekkies see that?", or he'd bitch about Wong, and how big a putz he was. Seriously, either the guy was bipolar, or just stupid. Also wrote "fanfics" that read more like they came out of a history textbook. Came up with some moronic thing called the "Orange Star", which was like the Death Star, except that half the time it's beam had the intended effect of the Genesis device, and it was painted orange. When asked "why is it called the 'Orange Star'?", he said it was because orange was his favorite color. *WHAM!* His behavior was so bad, that Jedi Master Spock had to issue him a temp-ban, and hope he learned his lesson. He didn't.Blackfoot (aka Cee Jay, aka GANK MASTER, aka geedis, aka LayLow, aka Mister Goodbar, aka Joe Hennessy, aka total kaos, aka steve samurai jack.)Where I know him from: ASVS, Troll KingdomExact Quote: "Evrey other thread is about Jack. When New Age Posting was spanking that ass daily, there where no other posters going against him. Jack misses Blackfoot and New Age Posting so much he create 8 more duals to talk to hiself. He's trying to take the abscence of Blackoot to re-establish what Blackfoot took from him. Jack couldn't stomach the fact that his place was taken by Blackfoot.GOD I need to PRAY.AMEN!" (under the guise of GANK MASTER) from "JESUS CHRIST, since New Age Posting has been daycared...".Description: Wow, where to begin? First off, Blackfoot is a stereotypical black person. Actually, calling Blackfoot that would be like saying absolute zero is cold. Blackfoot has shown time and time again to be an idiot, who generally speaks in the third person. He also brags about "New Age Posting" and other such nonsense. He has also shown real-life examples of having no common sense, such as driving to Philadelphia from Dallas, while sporting a Cowboys flag, and going to an Eagles game. Needless to say, when the Eagles beat the Cowboys, he certainly wasn't in the best of moods. As you could tell by all those other names, he has a ton of sock puppets. If anyone comes to your website, and claims to be "Down with Blackfoot and New Age Posting", it's Blackfoot. It's no surprise that he was sent to Daycare, which is a subforum on TrollKingdom, where, if you've proven yourself to be an idiot, you're "sent" there, meaning you can only post THERE.AdeptusAstartesWhere I know him from: StarCraft LegacyExact Quote: "Heretics! Hear my words! You have been corrupted by the Ruinous Powers into being entertained by blasphemies! The Emperors Angels, the Space Marines, are NOT prison soldiers! They are Mankind's Champions! How many of your homes have been saved through their intervention?! Turn your eyes from this cheap bauble called "Starcraft II" and return your eyes to the face of your FATHER, the God-Emperor! "Description: Okay, we all know that StarCraft and Warhammer 40,000 are "rival" franchises (along with Halo), right? Well, just before StarCraft II came out, this guy came over to SCL in the guise of some Imperial religious nut, claiming that we shouldn't play SC2, and should embrace the God-Emperor of Man. However, trolling attempts on SCL almost always turn into lolfests for the members, and disappointments for the troll. I decided to counter-troll him, but that event brought in other members, and came close to devolving into a flame war. I admitted that I like both StarCraft and Warhammer 40K, but only some things in the setting of the latter, and the things I liked didn't include the Imperium of Man. This of course, made him huff and puff, before finally revealing that he was a normal person, and the charade was off. Haven't really seen him since.DiegoWolfFox (aka Trigger Fox, aka Guns, aka Squirtle the Turtle)Where I know him from: Troll KingdomExact Quote: "I am a White Nationalist. I believe White people have a right to self determination, free of other ethnicities.I advocate that Whites return to the Motherland, Europe, and form an All-White nation." (under the guise of Squirtle the Turtle) from "White Nationalism: The Only Rational Choice".Description: Start with the worst aspects of the Furry Fandom. Now, make this guy a white supremacist and a Biblical literalist, give him an IQ of about 6, and you'd have DWF in a nutshell. Once posted a video of himself in fursuit on Troll Kingdom. That's right. A video of himself in FURSUIT on a troll board. He also has this weird superiority complex. Like Blackfoot, he's been DayCared.Megan ZellnerWhere I know her from: 12th Grade Anthropology ClassExact Quote: See belowDescription: In 12th grade Anthropology, we were having a debate on the origins of Mankind. There were six Point of View groups: Literal Creation, Creation Science, Theistic Evolution, Darwinian Evolution, Cosmological Evolution, and Space Colonization (I myself was in the Darwinian Evolution group). Megan picked the Literal Creation group, which got pwned by the other five groups. Just to add insult to injury, Mr. Lynch decided to joke with the Literal Creation group. "Do you know why there aren't any unicorns?" He asked them. "Because they couldn't make it on Noah's Ark!" At that point, Megan became very concerned, and asked "Really?" Sean SiscoWhere I know him from: 4th GradeExact Quote: None I can remember. It's been what, 9 or 10 years since I've seen him?Description: Sean is a curious moron, in that he was actually in the Gifted Program. However, a high IQ does not make up for a lack of common sense, and boy, did Sean lack it. During a time where we had to put on skits, Dustin Saksek, Cody Powell, myself, and Sean were in a group. We agreed that it would be a space exploration skit, and that it would involve a starship getting sent off course. While Dustin, Cody, and I all agreed that it should have been a coyote (played by Cody) who snuck aboard and messed things up, Sean said that super-spicy lollipops should be what did it. Sean also wrecked the class photo by insisting that he stand in back with the tallest people, even though he was fairly short. So, he went back to the back row, and stuck his head more or less between the two people in between him, while staring and not smiling. From this day forward, that has been known as "Seaning".TJ BingamanWhere I know him from: My former Boy Scout troop.Exact Quote: None I can remember. It's been 6 years since I've seen him.Description: If it makes you sick, TJ will eat it. Seriously. On a camping trip to a farm, I brought along MREs (my dad is a former Marine) for us to eat, because we werre running low on food. Well, TJ decided it was a good idea to drink everyone's Tabasco sauce. Only, the dummy had used up all his water, so he decided to drink water from the creek. Which is where the cows pooped. He was sick for the rest of the trip, and that was the last time I saw him. Before that, on a hiking trip, he wasted all his water by pouring it on him instead of drinking it. And at an annual trip to LaserDome, the cashiers said that if he wanted an extra pizza, he'd have to eat a paper plate and two napkins. Naturally, they were joking, but TJ did it anyway, and got sick.More trolls and morons will be posted later... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Taranatar Posted October 7, 2010 Share Posted October 7, 2010 I've decided to remove Jason from this list. He's been acting like this for more than a year, and might actually have mental problems. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Julius Quasar Posted October 7, 2010 Share Posted October 7, 2010 Some of those people sound like lotsa people I've known IRL and online. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Taranatar Posted October 7, 2010 Share Posted October 7, 2010 I don't doubt you. Many people are shocked to learn about these people though. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Julius Quasar Posted October 7, 2010 Share Posted October 7, 2010 Yeah. These people are losers who have no real friends at all. I hate it when stupid people defend these morons, saying "Oh, he/she is a nice person in real life, their internet personality is different from their real personality." That's bullsh!t. Those people are pricks through and through. The fact they resort to such cowardice as hiding and insulting others from behind a computer screen shows how evil and stupid they really are. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Taranatar Posted October 7, 2010 Share Posted October 7, 2010 Heh. I'll post one of DiegoWolfFox's videos just so you can see how big a jackass this guy is. He won the "Jackass of the Week" Award over on ASVS. is the video he posted of himself over at Troll Kingdom. I have NO idea what he was thinking. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Julius Quasar Posted October 7, 2010 Share Posted October 7, 2010 Man, what a dorktard. Ugh! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Taranatar Posted October 7, 2010 Share Posted October 7, 2010 Even Loktar and I, who are usually tolerant towards furries call him "furfag" all the time. To quote Loktar about this guy: "I am, at best, a Furry Sympathizer. YOU give Furries a bad name." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Julius Quasar Posted October 7, 2010 Share Posted October 7, 2010 Even Loktar and I, who are usually tolerant towards furries call him "furfag" all the time. To quote Loktar about this guy: "I am, at best, a Furry Sympathizer. YOU give Furries a bad name." That he does. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Taranatar Posted October 7, 2010 Share Posted October 7, 2010 Just Remembered Another Idiot! Andrew ProscholdWhere I know him from: High SchoolExact Quote: See BelowDescription: A classically dumb person. In ProdTech (Wood Shop and Metal Shop rolled together), Proschold once welded together two pieces of iron. While they were still hot, (a thousand degrees to be precise), he grabbed them. With his bare hand. He held on for a few seconds, before letting go saying "Ow, that's hot!" When asked why he did this, he replied "Well I didn't know it would be hot!" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Julius Quasar Posted October 8, 2010 Share Posted October 8, 2010 ^ Ugh, what a moron! Always some dumbass in Shop Class who either burns them-self or cuts off a finger. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ballisticwaffles Posted October 8, 2010 Share Posted October 8, 2010 A compilation of trolls and idiots I've met both online and in RL over the years. Be warned: Some of these guys could bend reality with their stupidity.Youngla0450Where I know him from: Starfleet JediExact Quote: "I cannot understand you bastards. You are all pro-Trek, and yet you do not admit the Federation has several weaknesses. I admit the Empire does too, but come on, say something at least in favor of both sides!" from "The Federation is weak"Description: Either a kid, a troll, or a complete idiot that was banned from StarDestroyer.Net, he wandered over to SFJ spouting Pro-Wars nonsense. But that's not the half of it. Half the time, he'd flame us, saying that "Mike Wong had proved that Star Wars tech was superior to Star Trek tech, why can't you Trekkies see that?", or he'd bitch about Wong, and how big a putz he was. Seriously, either the guy was bipolar, or just stupid. Also wrote "fanfics" that read more like they came out of a history textbook. Came up with some moronic thing called the "Orange Star", which was like the Death Star, except that half the time it's beam had the intended effect of the Genesis device, and it was painted orange. When asked "why is it called the 'Orange Star'?", he said it was because orange was his favorite color. *WHAM!* His behavior was so bad, that Jedi Master Spock had to issue him a temp-ban, and hope he learned his lesson. He didn't.AH Youngla. He had trolled the forums with the orange star thing too. Except one member decideed to write a story where the Orks WAAAGH! and take over the death star, which is why it was Orange. Any way, i loved the little turd. It was like he wasn't even trying. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Para Astaroth Posted October 8, 2010 Share Posted October 8, 2010 You wouldn't mind me punching that guy in the video in the face, would you? He seriously has the attitude and look to be decked in the jaw. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Taranatar Posted October 8, 2010 Share Posted October 8, 2010 AH Youngla. He had trolled the forums with the orange star thing too. Except one member decideed to write a story where the Orks WAAAGH! and take over the death star, which is why it was Orange. Any way, i loved the little turd. It was like he wasn't even trying.No, he was trying, he just sucked. As for the Orks taking over the Death Star, that would be hillarious to see. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Taranatar Posted October 8, 2010 Share Posted October 8, 2010 You wouldn't mind me punching that guy in the video in the face, would you? He seriously has the attitude and look to be decked in the jaw.Be my guest! He's worse once ya get to know him. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ballisticwaffles Posted October 8, 2010 Share Posted October 8, 2010 No, he was trying, he just sucked. As for the Orks taking over the Death Star, that would be hillarious to see.WOUldn't it? sadly i missed Youngla by a month, otherwise i could have experianced the idiocy myself. But it is still a favored passtime of mine to go back and read the verbal castration of him. I still even vandilise his Superman rip off sotry. Ah, good times.... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Taranatar Posted October 8, 2010 Share Posted October 8, 2010 You're lucky you missed it. If flaming wasn't against the rules at SFJ, we would have pretty much placed the guy under a Saturn V during liftoff. When both the Pro-Trek side and Pro-Wars side gang up on someone, you know they're a moron. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Taranatar Posted October 8, 2010 Share Posted October 8, 2010 More Imbeciles!Cole Whitmer and Rian Webber (No, I didn't misspell Rian's first name.)Where I know them from: 12th Grade Art History ClassExact Quote: None I want to remember.Description: What disgusting bastards these guys were. The only reason they were in that class is because they were forced to be there. I really wish that wasn't the case. Start with all the stereotypes that come from living in Central Pennsylvania (You know, redneck, trigger-happy galore), and make them worse. How much worse? Do people who draw swastikas and Confederate flags on the chalkboards seem like decent people to you? Cole once wrote "White People Kill N!ggers" on one of my papers. This wasn't a threat towards me, considering I'm white, but enough to make me throw out the paper. And that wasn't all. On that same paper, he drew a swastika. Rian was the lesser of the two evils, but that isn't saying much. Before Christmas break, we had to make these fake stained glass windows, and his was a Confederate flag. Those two were also vandals. Cole broke one student's sculpture, and slashed my notes. If it hadn't been for the law, I would've taken one of those knives and shoved it between their eyes. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Taranatar Posted October 9, 2010 Share Posted October 9, 2010 Even though I didn't meet him, this guy just has to be put on here.StarDestroyerAvengerWhere he's from: ASVSExact Quote: "Please excuse me while I break out in uncontrollable laughter for a moment.Now I know for a f*cking fact that you're f*cking delusional. A little atmospheric rippling obviously caused by the entry of the torpedoes does not mean the planet was leveled! I'm about ready to f*cking give up. You little Trekkies will do whatever you do no matter how hard I try to pound sense into you. "While I didn't join ASVS until after this guy left, he was such an asshat that I felt he had to be mentioned. In the early days of Web ASVS, this little d-bag came spewing SDN nonsense and vitriol. Even other Warsies thought he was a bastard. Whoever it was also led several people (myself included) to believe that it was General Schatten. Guy ran off like a coward after Tamar Garish decided she'd take a few whacks at him. A while later, some copycat troll under the name Star DestroyerAvenger came. He ran off after he and I got into a flame war that he started and I finished. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Julius Quasar Posted October 9, 2010 Share Posted October 9, 2010 ^ Watch the "F" words here buddy! But I agree with you though, that guy is a dick. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Taranatar Posted October 9, 2010 Share Posted October 9, 2010 Sorry about that, that was just a quote. I usually keep quotes unchanged, because it helps convey just how vile and/or stupid these people are. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Julius Quasar Posted October 9, 2010 Share Posted October 9, 2010 Sorry about that, that was just a quote. I usually keep quotes unchanged, because it helps convey just how vile and/or stupid these people are.It's okay. I just don't want you getting in trouble with the staff here. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
"User" Posted October 9, 2010 Share Posted October 9, 2010 What I'd like to know is what kind of journal this is. This is supposed to be about the individual who started the topic and not just purely for rants against "idiots and stupid people" that said person doesn't like. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Taranatar Posted October 9, 2010 Share Posted October 9, 2010 What I'd like to know is what kind of journal this is. This is supposed to be about the individual who started the topic and not just purely for rants against "idiots and stupid people" that said person doesn't like.It's more about my experiences with these people, than the people themselves. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
"User" Posted October 9, 2010 Share Posted October 9, 2010 It's more about my experiences with these people, than the people themselves.Fair enough (even though it's still pretty unique IMO)But yeah, just watch the constant f bombs and any other extreme vulgar or obscene remarks. :) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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