Guest Taranatar Posted October 12, 2010 Share Posted October 12, 2010 Thanks I did get some kind of "damage status" on my account as a result of what I called him, an "inbred pig f***ing low-life". Worth it!There's yet another site, where I met some douchbagsVermin, aka Alex, he's a snotty, stupid, stuck up quasi intellectual 36 year old pretentious colostomy bag, wannabe surfer, English Quimby who's parents are douchebag hippies that spoiled him. He's mean, he insults everyone, he's another liberal with an attitude problem.Wight, aka Jaime, another stupid-ass stuck up quasi intellectual from some British University, he's a snotty, snide English Quimby, and a greasy haired sniveling piece of s***. He's pretentious, he's got nipple piercings and his belly-button pierced, He's rude, he insults anyone, and I'd like to beat the sh!t out of him and pull out all his piercings with a pair of pliers.Some people here dislike Sabre, but Sabre is a saint compared to these jackasses Vermin and Wight, those 2 truly give Brits a bad name.what a bitch. sorry to hear she gave you trouble.Those first two sound like DiegoWolfFox, SaintLucifer, Mike Wong, Timothy Jones, SDA, and KirkSkywalker all roled up into one. And as for the author of "My Immortal", I haven't met her, but I've read (half of) her fanfic. It isn't "So Bad It's Good", it isn't "So Bad It's Horrible", it's "So Bad You Can't Stop Reading Because Your Brain Refuses To Accept The Fact That Anything Could Be This Bad". Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Julius Quasar Posted October 12, 2010 Share Posted October 12, 2010 Sabre's not so bad, he's a okay guy if you ask me. But maybe that's because I don't know what he's done here.Well, he's unpopular with some people here, but that's beyond the point. I personally don't hate him.Those first two sound like DiegoWolfFox, SaintLucifer, Mike Wong, Timothy Jones, SDA, and KirkSkywalker all roled up into one. And as for the author of "My Immortal", I haven't met her, but I've read (half of) her fanfic. It isn't "So Bad It's Good", it isn't "So Bad It's Horrible", it's "So Bad You Can't Stop Reading Because Your Brain Refuses To Accept The Fact That Anything Could Be This Bad".Ahh, yes. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Taranatar Posted October 12, 2010 Share Posted October 12, 2010 Yes, as in you agree with my assessment of those two trolls, or yes as in you remember reading "My Immortal"? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Julius Quasar Posted October 12, 2010 Share Posted October 12, 2010 Yes, as in you agree with my assessment of those two trolls, or yes as in you remember reading "My Immortal"?Both. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Taranatar Posted October 12, 2010 Share Posted October 12, 2010 Squirtle the Turtle's been actin' up again. And I've been pwning him again. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Julius Quasar Posted October 12, 2010 Share Posted October 12, 2010 No, no, no, worse than the SDA-Types. He's an asshole who told another member at the site to go commit suicide, and he said he was glad when he heard someone else he knew had died from an illness. I told him off for that, because i knew that same person and was/still am friends with that dead person.I forgot to tell ya',That person who I was talking about, the one that had died from the illness? That was my friend Belinda, who died 3 years ago, and T-Hazard was badmouthing her, and he told ME to go kill myself. Glad I told him off.Squirtle the Turtle's been actin' up again. And I've been pwning him again.What a jackass. Glad you pwned him though. There was this dude on the X-Box voice chat network that would burp-talk to us, it was cute at first, but it's getting gross, and annoying. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Shaper Posted October 12, 2010 Share Posted October 12, 2010 There was this dude on the X-Box voice chat network that would burp-talk to us, it was cute at first, but it's getting gross, and annoying. There should be an option to keep people like that off your live parties. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Julius Quasar Posted October 12, 2010 Share Posted October 12, 2010 There should be an option to keep people like that off your live parties.It's my friend's XBox, and that's what he's doing right now, I'm just now through talking to him on the phone. Thanks. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Shaper Posted October 12, 2010 Share Posted October 12, 2010 It's my friend's XBox, and that's what he's doing right now, I'm talking to him on the speaker phone. Thanks. Yeah but not just your friends though, I mean everyone has to deal with the occasional xbox troll nowadays. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Julius Quasar Posted October 12, 2010 Share Posted October 12, 2010 Yeah but not just your friends though, I mean everyone has to deal with the occasional xbox troll nowadays.Oh yeah. Same with the WiiSpeak, and PS3. My friends who have those consoles just block them out. I myself don't have any of those yet). Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Taranatar Posted October 13, 2010 Share Posted October 13, 2010 What a jackass. Glad you pwned him though.Well, it wasn't just me. Tyralak and Loktar helped too. Suffice to say, his "God Approves of Yiffing" thread didn't sit too well with the rest of the board. And that's putting it mildly. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Taranatar Posted October 13, 2010 Share Posted October 13, 2010 Derek HaggardWhere I know him from: Middle School and High SchoolExact Quote: None I can remember word-for-word.Description: Take your stereotypical high school jock. Now halve his intelligence, and you'll have Derek. The guy would often try to use his jock-status to try and bail out of schoolwork. Once tried paying for lunch in middle school with "Gym Dollars", which can only be used to buy prizes in gym class. In 11th grade, he was at a party, and drank so much that his blood alcohol content was .317 - nearly four times the legal limit. In 12th grade Art History class, he and Cole Whitmer once snuck out to his truck to smoke cigarettes, and then tried sneaking back in. However they made the mistake of sneaking by the window of the Art room, where I saw them. Oh, they were hunched over, but they weren't doing a very good job at sneaking, walking just far enough away from the building to be seen. These were some of the more memorable stunts they pulled, or at least, tried to. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Julius Quasar Posted October 13, 2010 Share Posted October 13, 2010 ^ That's why I don't like organized sports, the typical athletes who play them are just...ugh....morons (not all of them are, but most of them are).I got one for ya'...Kamathera: He's a stuck up, stupid fashion model from NYC. Met him at an online community. Real douche bag. He's not even that good looking, why is he a model!? He's stupid, rude, stuck up, two faced (all fashion models are scum like that, IMO) and a retarded condescending dickhead. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Taranatar Posted October 13, 2010 Share Posted October 13, 2010 Even if he is fictional, this model isn't a dickhead or two-faced: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Julius Quasar Posted October 13, 2010 Share Posted October 13, 2010 Never saw that movie. I'm sure Zoolander isn't dickhead or two-faced, but Kamethera is dickhead and two-faced, and stupid...I hope Kamethera and all other fashion model scum lose their jobs to mannequins. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Taranatar Posted October 13, 2010 Share Posted October 13, 2010 Hee-hee. As for Zoolander, he isn't dick-headed or two-faced, just really REALLY stupid. How stupid? When shown a model of the school he wants to found, "The Derek Zoolander Center For Kids Who Can't Read Good And Wanna Learn To Do Other Stuff Good Too", he destroys it, saying that "it's not a school for ants!" But of the male models, he's the smartest, considering that he was the only one who realized that lighting a cigarette in a gasoline-nozzle fight (squirt gun fight, but with nozzles instead of squirt guns, and gasoline instead of water), was a bad idea. Next scene? A funeral for the dead models.Hey, maybe something like that will happen to Kamethera... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Julius Quasar Posted October 13, 2010 Share Posted October 13, 2010 Hee-hee. As for Zoolander, he isn't dick-headed or two-faced, just really REALLY stupid. How stupid? When shown a model of the school he wants to found, "The Derek Zoolander Center For Kids Who Can't Read Good And Wanna Learn To Do Other Stuff Good Too", he destroys it, saying that "it's not a school for ants!" But of the male models, he's the smartest, considering that he was the only one who realized that lighting a cigarette in a gasoline-nozzle fight (squirt gun fight, but with nozzles instead of squirt guns, and gasoline instead of water), was a bad idea. Next scene? A funeral for the dead models.Hey, maybe something like that will happen to Kamethera...I wish that would happen to him. He's dumber than that, so maybe... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Taranatar Posted October 13, 2010 Share Posted October 13, 2010 On another note (or a previous one), this is Squirtle the Turtle's "God Approves of Yiffing" thread. I'm Charlemagne, and Tyralak is Dirk Funk. Warning: NSFW topic and VERY foul language. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Taranatar Posted October 14, 2010 Share Posted October 14, 2010 Mr. KnudsenWhere I know him from: He was my 9th and 11th grade math teacherExact Quote: "Come on guys, [insert something here]"Description: While I know I'll seem disrespectful, he's on this list for a good reason. His pure and utter incompetence. He would just put an equation on the board without explaining how he got that answer, just saying "Come on guys, it's obvious." Despite the fact that no one could understand how he got it. I thought about staying after for help, but when I heard about how his 'help' was just giving students a paper and expecting them to do it on their own, I didn't, because there really is no way that could help me. I got lost easily, and now throw in the fact that Derek Haggard was in the 11th grade class as well, and it becomes a room saturated with stupidity. In fact, he's the main reason why I still find math so unappealing and tedious. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Julius Quasar Posted October 14, 2010 Share Posted October 14, 2010 Every other [math] teacher I've had was a sh!thead like that, same reason I hate math (and school) so damn much. My jackass teachers at cooking school are/were just as stupid. I ain't never going back to school again. It sucks. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Taranatar Posted October 14, 2010 Share Posted October 14, 2010 Not every math teacher I had was like that, and I did ace the online math course for college. But considering that in my first semester in college I had a tough math teacher, that pretty much became hell for me.BTW, did you read Squirtle's thread? Maybe I should invite Kursed over to Troll Kingdom to go all out on that moron. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Julius Quasar Posted October 14, 2010 Share Posted October 14, 2010 BTW, did you read Squirtle's thread? Maybe I should invite Kursed over to Troll Kingdom to go all out on that moron.Not yet, but I'll try later... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Taranatar Posted October 14, 2010 Share Posted October 14, 2010 You should. Watch as he tries to call down the Wrath of God on us. And Yub's comment at the end was just genius. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Julius Quasar Posted October 14, 2010 Share Posted October 14, 2010 You should. Watch as he tries to call down the Wrath of God on us. And Yub's comment at the end was just genius.I'll try, but no promises...Troll Kingdom holds a load of bad memories for me...I was once a member there, different name, long time ago. Xian is the troll of trolls, her web community sucks, she encourages fighting there for her own sick amusement/ego, and she can't D.J. for s***. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Taranatar Posted October 14, 2010 Share Posted October 14, 2010 You were? What was your name there? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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