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If there's no world for tomorrow, will we wait for today?


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So how's everyone doing tonight, huh? Good? Awesome! :D :D I am slightly tipsy and really happy for some random reason. lolol

Annnnnnnnyway, Just on recent events. I'm quickly learning how running things as a moderator and president at school really are. Getting everything cleared for our HvZ game has been one hell of a ride. Keeping in touch with the administration, revising and posting the rules, and even getting in contact with the players has been a total pain in the ass. Not to mention balancing all of this with everyday school life. It's actually quite fun when looking to it as a challenge.

Ah but anyway, I'll post more later. I have to get up in 6 hours for my radio show. :D

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So I figured I'd put some extra info up.

Name: Brett

Age: 21

Hair color: Dark Brown

Eye Color: Blue/Amber (I do have slight Heterochromia XD)

Height: 6' even

Favorite Games: Golden Sun series, Tales of Symphonia 1&2, BlazBlue

Hobbies: Bass Player for the band Emotive Paintball for Team Backdraft and Airsoft for Knights Airsoft Group, Sniper/Recon, Wolfpack squad.

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Being lead admin NSU's Humans vs. Zombies game, i might be gone for a little while as i'm sure you've seen. Organising missions and the story is taking longer than I thought. On top of the general population of players not knowing how to read the rules and meetings, my time is a bit limited right now. Sorry guys!

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Have fun dude. HvZ sure is a helluva game, and is fun. i have n doubt that you will do awesome as the Lead Admin!!

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Just give me a few more days and i'll be back in some capacity. Everything is almost done. Also random idea.

I'll try to update all the updates I said I was going to update. As for now, new project. An engineering one.

I'm going to be making a home design hidden.blade based off of the assassin's creed blades. I will post my progress here as it happens and a write up incase others.might want to try it.

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Hidden Blade project is finished. Pictures and a video to follow shortly. And by shortly I mean in about 12 hours because I'm going [/consciousness] right now.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ladies and Gentlemen, after a week and a half hiatus of random projects, speech assignments, and surviving the zombie apocalypse in college form, I have returned. Updates shall folow soon in the morning.

For now a short list of what went down recently.

1. Hidden Blade project started and completed after playing the hell out of assassin's creed 2.

2. Tribute speech about John Myung (bassist for Dream Theater)

3. Best fucking Humans Vs. Zombies week I've ever had.

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And by follow soon, I mean 2 days later. XD

Hidden Blade project:

This turned out to be much more than I anticipated. After playing Assassin's Creed II for a week straight, I decided to look up how much a replica Bracer and blade would be. $150 was a little steep, not to my surprise. After reaaaaaaaaaaaaaally wanting one, I decided to watch a few AC2 videos on youtube and stumbled across quite a few videos of people that actually made their own. Granted they looked nothing like the original, crude, and made from drawer slides, but bad ass nonetheless.

So, after watching said videos, that night I went to the local home depot and decided to get as many supplies for it as I could which was really only the drawer slide and some springs. Both the wrong type mentioned in the videos but I'd make them work. Some how. I knew I could find most of the other parts at work considering the sheer amount of random shit we have at work. In short, (since you can find tutorials all over the damn place for them) Ripped apart the drawer slide, sliced the parts down to size, fit them the way I needed, etc. It came out perfectly until I got the slide release mechanism. I couldn't, for the life of me, figure out where to mount it or get it to release at all. So I decided to forgo it since a screw I placed to hold the pieces together acted as a nice stopping point on it. I added a small piece of rubber as a catch for my finger to just flick it back. After the slide moved past the screw, the springs would take it the rest of the way back to the neutral position.

Moving on...

Tribute speech: Skipping this because I assume not many people will know who John Myung is.

HvZ week: Postponing until tomorrow because there is way to much stuff to write about and I am exhausted.

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So i picked up an e-cig kit to try and get off the real shit. So far, i love it. Pomagrnate and watermelon is an awesome taste for a nicotine high. Lol

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We have officially schedule my band's first show! If any of you are in Louisiana on december 3rd. Lol

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  • 3 weeks later...

Just ran soumdcheck for the show tonight and i'm already shaking. Sounded really good though. I'll try an update a few times tonight.

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Pictures and video should be up from the show soon! It was awesome for our first show! There was at least 200 people. O_o

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Sounds like you have been taking this stuff like a champ! :D

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A lot better than I thought. I was so nervous before the show.2 songs in i was fine XD

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I has pictures and Video!!! More shall be posted as they become available.

Tim, Myself, and Cedric


Tim, Myself, and Cedric round 2


Myself and Cedric. Our guitarist 2.0




Tim, Our guitarist 1.0


Elvis. Our singer. (Yes his name really is elvis)


Alex, Our Drummer.




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VVVVVIIIIIDDDDDEEEEEOOOOOO Reuploaded because the other was set to private


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  • 2 weeks later...

Found more videos from the show!!!

Pet (our opening song)

The Outsider (One of the last songs of our set)

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I have a new, baby. She's purdy. :3 i will have pics later tonight.

Disclaimer: it's a balisong. I'm not a father. Lololol

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Found more videos from the show!!!

Pet (our opening song)

The Outsider (One of the last songs of our set)

These are awesome!

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Haha. Thanks, red! I wish Elvis would have posted the entire show, but I guess the rest though we didn't sound as good as these. There's three more videos that I didn't post on that channel though. Go listen. :D

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  • 9 months later...

(Ok lets try this again. For the 3rd time...)

So, as you can see, I'm back! >:D

All foolishness aside, I'm back and pretty much for good now. For the newer people, I'm an ex-moderator who disappeared about 5 months back for personal reasons. During this time, Numerous...No. Countless experiences have been had and quite a lot of thinking. But, I don't have the time or the patience to go through it all so lets just go with what's the most recent clusterfuck in my life right now.

A few months ago, my car started getting a little finicky. Random little indications of a problem here and there. Well, one night, I pulled into my driveway and dropped it into park. Almost immediately, a plume of smoke started shooting out from my front right section of the hood. Needless to say, I shit a brick. "Well my car is gonna explode." It didn't explode, so a little anticlimactic but ehh. lol At least it explains why I was always putting more coolant in it. Next day, I went get some JB weld and sealed up a 4 inch crack in my radiator. Problem solved! Nope.

Fast forward a month later. I'm driving down the interstate going to New Orleans and going about 85 mph. Kinda late for something. Just cruising along and all of a sudden I hear a cracking noise. Then a cloud of brown "shrapnel" followed by the steamy white goodness. The plume of steam, you pervs. :P Bricks were shat, yet again. It turns out that the pressure in the radiator built up so much behind the JB weld, that it fractured it then basically shotgunned it forward. I brought the car in the next day to the Honda shop and they did a complete look over of the engine. I have a 6" crack in my radiator. (It expanded another 2") and my head gaskets in the engine have disintegrated. a $4500 fix. among other small problems. Yeahhhhhhhh no.

And now jump to last monday. Pull into work with the engine slight over heating. Reminded me I have to look for a new car soon.

Ever since '06 when Mitsubishi changed the body style of the eclipses to the current one, I've been in love. So just for shits and giggles, I did a seaerch for some on cars(dot)com. I expected a huge sum of money for even the lowest end one.

What I found was a smoke grey '07 model. Low Mileage. Rockford Fosgate 9 speaker and 10" sub woofer sound system. Sun roof. Immaculate condition for well in my price range. Final brick was shat. Right now I'm shopping around for in surance, who I can get a loan from and who will finance with me. Fun process. Not fun when the bills come in but the satisfaction that this will be my car in every way more than makes up for it. MINE.

So I'll leave it at that for now and finish this with starting a little trend for my entries.

Random songs that are either stuck in my head or my favorite bands.


"Here we are, Juggernaut." by Coheed and Cambria

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Also, Less than 10 days until walking dead! Who's excited? This guy.

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Last useless video post of the night. I promise.


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  • 3 months later...

My God. I need to stop disappearing so much. It's kinda hard to though. I have a bar tending job ontop of my day job now. Bleh. Not much time for the net.

But instead of saying I'm permanantly back, I'm just gonna say I'll be here when I can.

Not much of an update now. So I'll end it here then.


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