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Life of a College kid and Fox's Tech Stuff


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So the game "Death by dagger" just begun on my floor, and it looks like that I will be freaking out since I do not know who my assassin is. Let the games begin ^-^

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So class registrations begin at 7:00 AM eastern time. If all goes according to planned.

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So trying to register for my classes, and the servers are overloaded......

I will be posting in an edit later on how I did. i have been trying to get in the system for 50 minutes and yet I have been unable to register for 1 class.....



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So yeah. I received a letter from my mother today.....

I haven't talked, or seen her in about 4 years- She enclosed a photo, and Honestly, i don't know what to feel.

She left me, and left happily too. Shes done it to me, and my other brothers. Now she is trying to get back in touch me?!

Honestly I feel Horrible for not choosing to talk to her, but the thing is she doesn't even feel horrible for just leaving me, and my brothers.

She has done horrible things that I can't even talk about, and I wish I could

To be honest, I am not going to let her try and drag me down in life. I have an excellent career ahead of me and I probably should not let this bother me, but yeah

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So yeah. I received a letter from my mother today.....

I haven't talked, or seen her in about 4 years- She enclosed a photo, and Honestly, i don't know what to feel.

She left me, and left happily too. Shes done it to me, and my other brothers. Now she is trying to get back in touch me?!

Honestly I feel Horrible for not choosing to talk to her, but the thing is she doesn't even feel horrible for just leaving me, and my brothers.

She has done horrible things that I can't even talk about, and I wish I could

To be honest, I am not going to let her try and drag me down in life. I have an excellent career ahead of me and I probably should not let this bother me, but yeah

I know how you feel, in the later sense. I haven't gotten away from home just yet, but I do understand the feelings you are going through, and the ones you might have gone through in your past.

If you ever would like someone to talk about it, do let me know. I would be more than happy to listen to some of your troubles to make you feel better. =]Ā  :friends:

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I know how you feel, in the later sense. I haven't gotten away from home just yet, but I do understand the feelings you are going through, and the ones you might have gone through in your past.

If you ever would like someone to talk about it, do let me know. I would be more than happy to listen to some of your troubles to make you feel better. =]Ā  :friends:

Thanks dude! That means a bunch to me, I feel better alreadyĀ  :friends:

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Thanks dude! That means a bunch to me, I feel better alreadyĀ  :friends:

Good! =] Just remember, the offer always stays! [unless I am offline.... Then you will have to wait for a tiny bit. XD Lol]

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Alrighty After a fun filled weekend in DC, time to get cracking and smacking to work.

My to-do list for today:

May include but not limited to:

1:Ā  seven-paged paper

2: 3 Programming Labs

3: Programming Project

4: 5 chapter to read in a book

6: Updates to some chapter Revisions

7: need I go on?

A good portion of this is Due today, at 11:59 ET. So if I seem distracted while online here, most likely because of me working/studying. Also I have finals week in 2 weeks so I might be very busy then.

It just began to snow last night for a bit here in New York, and I am not looking forward to the snow :

Also last night began to watch the Babylon 5 series thanks to recommendations from Kid_Cortet and various people on my floor here at college. Other then that, I seem to be out of time, and have to head to my next class. Yay math :

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  • 2 weeks later...

So I have one class tomorrow, and then its Finals Week....... [sarcasm] Yay.....

On another note, I will be going home next week, going to enjoy a nice week home with the family and friends. Don't worry I will still be here on SF-O.

At least I have the work done XD no more homework.

I will be doing Laundry tonight though, and cleaning up rather well :D

In-fact I am on my way to do Laundry now

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For those that are my friends on FB

There was a kid I knew In high school, he was a good guy. Man did I love that guy, he was sooo awesome :D

In English 11, he always brought Joy to the room, even when I was having a crappy day :P

Well last year he was getting his car's axle fixed, the shop said that they did, so he proceeded to drive home, he was driving intoxicated at the time, and without a seat belt.'

He began to make a turn around a slow corner, about 35ish 40 towards a stop sign, (he would be slowing down at this time too) The axle of his car snapped, and caused his car to lose control and flip. He was not killed instantly, but was put in a coma. They ended up taking him off Life support. 1 year ago yesterday. Today Nov 12, he passed away last year.

I apologize for this post, but I needed this. One of the things he got tattooed on him was "Hero's get remembered, but Legends Never Die" I had never really heard of it from anywhere else, and it was heart-touching.

Yesterday as I was walking down the quarter mile here on campus. A sorority had a banner that said those exact words. I walked into the nearest building, and found the bathroom, and cried. And I cried horribly.

I normally do not cry, but I guess because it was about someone else; I did, I have been through a crap ton in life, and that never bothered me. I am not really sure why this affected me so much, but maybe because he was my friend. I knew him only from 2-3 classes, but we got along good, and I will always have memories of that guy.

So moral of the story, If something bad happens, and I have talked to ya for a while, or IRL, and I consider you a friend, This fox cares about ya! :P

But Today, if I seem out of it in my posts, you know why.

This is to that guy, RIP dude S.R.D.

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So Sang some Karaoke Today :P

Songs Sung, or Participated include, but are not limited to

You are a Pirate

Its Raining Men

Stairway to Heaven

The Bad Touch

Double Rainbow Song

Bed Intruder Song

Can you Feel the Love Tonight

Don't Stop Believing

Still Alive

Blue Bayou

All in all it was a fun night, had fun, good time with friends. This took place on campus, and in the lounge on floor. Everyone in our group had a good time and a blast. Finals week this week. I have 3 finals..... >.<

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:EDIT: Im sorry, but I needed this :

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Alright, SO I had do some shifting around with my Schedule, due to some stuff that happened.

Anyways I got alot accomplished today when my Room-mate left to go home for break.

So I rearranged our whole room, made it look AWESOME, so it is no longer the same Standard layout, aside from the beds being in the same spot, but some changing was done to make it more sociable, and use the space we had more efficently. I might post pics, but I dunno.

Also on my final to do list before I go home for vacation and sleep later today.

Get final laundry done, and another thing is to Prank Proof my room for when I am gone on Vacation

EDIT: just hit 1500 Posts :P

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Alright, SO I had do some shifting around with my Schedule, due to some stuff that happened.

Anyways I got alot accomplished today when my Room-mate left to go home for break.

So I rearranged our whole room, made it look AWESOME, so it is no longer the same Standard layout, aside from the beds being in the same spot, but some changing was done to make it more sociable, and use the space we had more efficently. I might post pics, but I dunno.

Also on my final to do list before I go home for vacation and sleep later today.

Get final laundry done, and another thing is to Prank Proof my room for when I am gone on Vacation

EDIT: just hit 1500 Posts :P

That's great! Rearranging places is always fun to change it up a bit.

Also, the 1.5k is nice, but it kinda just becomes an "Eh-ish..." Feeling of importance once you hit 3k or so. Lol

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Then I will just have to hit that 3K then :P

Home for vacation, I have been on, on and off again, its sporadic yes, but It is manageable. I have been hanging out with my friends and family for the past few days, and will be till this thanksgiving.

For some reason I just got the random urge for RAMEN...........

Anyways till next time

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Man It has been a while since I have done a Tech Review....... Imma do one sometime this week, I am not sure what I will do it on, but I find something to cover :P

Anyways vacation has been really nice, even though I get gratuitous amounts of sleep, It seems when the clock strikes 8, my body goes into an immediate shutdown........... I hate it.....

I am missing out on so much stuff here on SF-O, luckily I am able to keep in contact with my friends from here at least.

Till next time

EDIT: I also made editions to my Schedule for Winter Quarter


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Well, Just got back to Campus a few days ago. I've been getting used to my new schedule. Aside from that today while I was working on my computer, just playing some major video games, my graphics card decides to have its blade snap. The Card series is known to do it, so I just ordered a part to fix it, and get rid of the stock cooler.

I'll be able to overclock it, and pump a few more FPS into my Epic games.

Aside from that I have been doing some cool stuff with College, and Thanksgiving break was nice with the Family. I've got a surprise for someone, and I'm working on assembling their Gift for Christmas.

Also, I would like to send some Christmas cards to you SF-O'ers. PM me if you would like one, and I'll mail you one. :D

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Good to hear it is going well for you. =] New schedules are like new starts to me, and I like new starts; They are pretty fun. Lol

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  • 3 weeks later...

All in all this quarter has been pretty stressful. I will be going home this weekend, a well deserved break that is for darn sure :D

I will be home for 2 weeks, I come back for a week, then I leave for a long weekend to visit a friend. I am looking forward to that.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Whew well that was better. I have had a pretty stressful week, due to some family issues. They did not like what I had done to help a friend. They got a angry and kicked me out of the house for a while, so it was pretty tough, but things are better I am up at my dads for the rest of vacation, and not at my original home. Though things are fixed there, and back somewhere with a roof over my head :D

All is well, and This fox will be just fine. Sorry If I have not been posting alot, but it has mainly been because of my Family, and not anything else. I will not be leaving SF-O for a LONG time, I have developed friendships here that will never cease, and I do not want to just disappear off the face of the earth. I love you guys, and I hope that I have not done anything to make you guys angry or upset. I hate doing that to people

<3 I love you all :3 <3

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=] Sound stressful, but I am glad it worked out, and it is getting better for you. *Hugs*

We lave ya too! ^^

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*hugs* Thanks nick :D

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  • 3 weeks later...


Still more drama for this College kid. A friend here on my floor took his life 2 nights ago, and well I have his funeral this weekend, and I just feel like crap. You might see me around the next few weeks, but I just dunno anymore

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Still more drama for this College kid. A friend here on my floor took his life 2 nights ago, and well I have his funeral this weekend, and I just feel like crap. You might see me around the next few weeks, but I just dunno anymore

You already know that I feel for ya. Take your time. You deserve it.

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Thank you nickĀ  :D

Well, things have seemed to calm down, and things gettign better. I still will be heading for the funeral, and will be showing up in my full Honor Guard Uniform. He was an excellent friend, and member of my floor.

In other news Tomorrow is my birthday. i will be 19, and GAWD I am old xxDDD

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