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Life of a College kid and Fox's Tech Stuff


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Yet another full week ahead here, and lots of stuff to do. I went and saw my little cousin who was in the hospital with a rare immune system disease, but she is getting better, alot better thankfully.

In other news Classes for college start in September, and I am looking forward to it. I will be having and 8am to 8pm day all day everyday except Friday due to work and classes. I will be pretty busy, and I am finally getting a new car, well new to me, but I sold my car before going to college last year, and have operated without a car for quite a while. That will be ending soon :P

Pro tip, college without a car sucks...... trust me

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Still, either way, you are the reason for my lack of sleep. I still blame you.

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Still, either way, you are the reason for my lack of sleep. I still blame you.

what.... how am I the reason? xD

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Well I have work too buddy xD I get up every day monday through friday 9-5. 40 hours a week, if anyone has a lack of sleep its me xD

Anyways things are well in my world. Gunna be moving into my dorm room in a few weeks and gunna start my 2nd year at College.

I am looking forward to it :3

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Lol Ajc.

Today I had the opportunity to head out of the city for a while and check out the beautiful night sky. The night sky is an amazing wonder to me. To see all those stars and one day we will travel among those stars.

But anyways I had a chance to think and clear my mind and concentrate. I looked back at things that happened in the past few years of my life. There were some good and some bad moments. Some are things that I wish could have happened differently and things have taken a better course then what has happened.

All I know is that no matter what the troubles, and I know that many of us have those. Let me offer a word of advice. We cannot change the cards that we are dealt in life, we can only change how we play the hand.

Life has given me alot of crappy bumps in the road, and sometimes I never knew what to do. There is alot about my childhood that was not pleasant and that I never wish to remember. The horrors and atrocities I went through I sometimes hate to remember. Anyways enough about that. During my trauma and time of trial and tribulation. I learned something. No matter what people say, what people do to you, or how hard they try to make you feel down on yourself, always know that life does give those good things to those who wait and treat others with love, kindness, and care.

Don't let people manipulate you, or try to blame you for their problems. Many who say that they never get what they want, and think that life is not fair to them, well its because they are more worried for themselves, and think that they deserve better. Because life has been so crappy. Well I used to be like that till I realized that not just caring for myself but others helped things. I came from a life of abuse, torture and humiliation.

I let those things happen and I kept strong inside knowing that by doing the right thing would guide me. Sure it was a long road, but look at me now. I am currently one of the most Certified Search and Rescue Personnel in my Wing, I am going to a Private College that is pretty much one of the Highest Tech schools in the country, and I am looking at future employment with the FBI and the NSA. I came from nothing to something, If I can do it, then you sure as hell can too. It takes time and determination, believe me.

Sure life never seems fair, but what comes around does go around. I believe in Karma, I believe that those who feel that they are better then others, are manipulative, or always cry for attention or need to be recognized, are those who only cause the problem to occur.

I am not a perfect person, and I have made my fair share of bad choices in the past, and they have always come back to haunt me. Sooner or later bad things will happen because of the choices you made earlier down the road.

Only you can correct those mistakes. You can play the cards right, but you cannot change the cards you are given. Make choices you feel will benefit others and yourself. Not just yourself because you feel you deserve them.

God I have been ranting for long enough. It is late here and I have work early in the morning, and I really should get some sleep. xD

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We cannot change the cards that we are dealt in life, we can only change how we play the hand.

Nice. Thats a cool quote ^_^

I hope you're alright though man.

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Yeah I am doing awesome man. In fact my life could not be better :3

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Well, I have to disagree with your little statements about you have to make do with what you have and find happiness in that. In some aspects, yes, that is good, but if you just accept what your possibilities are, you will just settle for what you can find which can be -much- more a detriment to yourself, rather than try to work harder and, per se, "Draw new/more Cards".

Either way, good to see you are doin good.

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I think the point is more of "Sometimes life gives you shitty things. Sometimes there's nothing you can do about it, so why mope about it?" If you mope, you aren't accomplishing much, but if you don't, you're in the right frame of mind to change the game.

Which is a good way to go about life, if you ask me. :P

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I think the point is more of "Sometimes life gives you shitty things. Sometimes there's nothing you can do about it, so why mope about it?" If you mope, you aren't accomplishing much, but if you don't, you're in the right frame of mind to change the game.

Which is a good way to go about life, if you ask me. :P


Well, I have to disagree with your little statements about you have to make do with what you have and find happiness in that. In some aspects, yes, that is good, but if you just accept what your possibilities are, you will just settle for what you can find which can be -much- more a detriment to yourself, rather than try to work harder and, per se, "Draw new/more Cards".

Actually you are very wrong sir. I never said accept your possibilities. I said play the hand that you were given differently.

I would watch this video below to understand.

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Just another day at work, and its kinda tiring. I have not been feeling well this past weekend due to allergy season, and most of my Weekend was spent in bed trying to recover from a sinus infection. Though its cleared up, the after effects of being tired and sore are still around.

I really should have taken the day off, but I cannot afford to take time off.

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Another long and tiring day at work of to an okish start. I need to remember to grab food as I do need to eat to survive, and now that I have my paycheck and other things in I can eat more food now.

I am starting work on another project, I have an idea of what I want to do, but how to do it is the problem.

I also am almost done with Season 4 and moving on to season 5 of Babylon 5 not to mention I have all those movies to watch xD

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hmm....if you are almost done with Season 4, then the Shadows should be gone, have you watched the Third movie yet? Thirdspace?

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I am working on watching it. I will be watching Thirdspace tonight so...... yes

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So I got myself lots of sleep last night. First time in quite a while. Today is a normal day at work so far. I also will be working on chapters to my long waiting and sitting fanfics, I really would not want them to go into the archives just yet :P

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Another long day at work. Sometimes I have nothing better to do so I either surf Reddit, or even go on SF-O :3

Plans that I have are to start programming in Java an Android App, and begin working on a mobile friendly version of a site.

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A bunch of college kids and I all are together right now and we are doing a Project work weekend where we are dedicating much if not most of our weekend time just working on projects.

Mine is using government level encryption and smart card use for a Single sign on environment. We also hope to make it the standard in our computer systems and make the cards be our id's in our systems.

So yeah lots of work ahead. :3

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Just got done with having today be a complete overtime day. I worked from 10am to 6Pm. I will be getting some good monies in overtime :3

I also have to go to work really early in the morning for a another hour of overtime. I actually cannot wait until my next paycheck as it is gonna be pretty full :D

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Start of another work week. Gunna be a long week, but its gunna be worthwhile. I have a bunch of stuff I need to get done along with packing and preparing for the move back into the dorms.

I do not have a good feeling about how my roommate is going to do the room arrangements and I am hoping to go home for a weekend, but it does not look too swell.

In other things, I cannot believe my summer has flown by so quickly, but everything seems to speed up once you start to work and actually have a schedule aside from school. It's really weird lol

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So tonight I am suffering from amnesia and well I caved and watched My Little Pony: Friendship is magic, and well...... I like the show. I am now going to be watching it when I am at work and when I have free time..... WHYYYY


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Oh this is not good. I woke up with a giant headache mainly because I could not fall asleep last night. Never again am I drinking soda after 10pm

Also, I am getting me some Coffee, I need it right about now xD :morning:

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Looks like another fantastic day at work. Today sometime during work I need to go at talk to my college housing to see if I can start to move in early. For some reason I got taken off the early move in list and I have to move out of my apartment next week. I need to figure out how to get housing or I will be homeless for a week and have to work, GLORIOUS.

Maybe I can move into my job xD

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Had a great Skype call last night with a good friend. It was nice to be able to that. We were both derping pretty hard considering it was 3AM my time and I really should have been in bed, but it was good to talk again.

work is really busy right now. I have 2 machines that are in alot of trouble and it is taking alot out of me just to get them working.

Anyways back to work :P

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