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Life of a College kid and Fox's Tech Stuff


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It is going to be awesome considering Payday is tomorrow. I can finally get stocked up on food, but I will most likely be getting some extra boxes so that I will be able to pack. I will also most likely be storing or giving away some of my stuff to the needy as I already have alot of clothes, and I really can't keep them all.

I think it is best just to have my clothes, computer and Search and Rescue gear to keep around as they are the most important things to have.

In other news, Search and Rescue seems to be going very well. I just need to get some signoffs completed, and that is going to take some time because I have to get the paperwork sent to State and then to National HQ. Fun

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Another day at work another dollar and another computer fixed and repaired.

Things seem to be going quite well. I moved onto my floor, and I am the only one really around aside from the RAs (Resident Advisers) The rest of the kids moving onto floor will not be here till next week. Means I get most of floor to myself for a week >:3

Classes start Sept 5 and I cannot wait :D

So if anyone has moved into dorms and classes starting soon, godspeed and goodluck!

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Another day at work another dollar and another computer fixed and repaired.

Things seem to be going quite well. I moved onto my floor, and I am the only one really around aside from the RAs (Resident Advisers) The rest of the kids moving onto floor will not be here till next week. Means I get most of floor to myself for a week >:3

Classes start Sept 5 and I cannot wiat :D

So if anyone has moved into dorms and classes starting soon, godspeed and goodluck!

early bird gets the worm!!!!!!

also you all be starting so late.. i'm already into week 2.

good luck though, i find you'll need it.. cause i do =P

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So looks like the year is almost of to another start, but things are hectic. I have alot of stuff to get overwith and one thing I really hate is training. AT work we are training the other staff that were gone over the summer. We are pretty much all in training for the next 2 days and I am loathing every minute of it :/

Anyways my sanity is quickly being lost because of it, but these next 2 weeks will be quite fun. User is coming to visit this weekend, he is about 2 hours away, and we will be going to LaserQuest the next night after he arrives for some fun and lulz.

Anyways back to this boring and dull traning.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Stuff was fun when User visted. Also during my time this Summer I got into My Little Pony Friendship is Magic. My dorm floor is holding a Season 1 marathon of My Little Pony: FiM this Friday from 3Pm to sometime to 3 in the morning. I will then pull an allnighter to watch The premiere of Season two.

God How did I get myself roped into this..... I actually used to not like the show, but now.... it has just.......Ughhhh


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Stuff was fun when User visted. Also during my time this Summer I got into My Little Pony Friendship is Magic. My dorm floor is holding a Season 1 marathon of My Little Pony: FiM this Friday from 3Pm to sometime to 3 in the morning. I will then pull an allnighter to watch The premiere of Season two.

God How did I get myself roped into this..... I actually used to not like the show, but now.... it has just.......Ughhhh


Bah, you're normal. x333 I am not a brony yet, only cause they took down the episodes off of Youtube and I have only seen three of them XD Once I see the rest, I'll be able to confirm or deny that. But at least you admit you got into the fandom rather than simply hiding it in the closet. x3

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Oh thanks guys, I am pretty pumped for the Season 2 episode!!

In other related news, today in the Computer Tech Center where I was at work today. This happened, and my efficiency of computer repair was 20% cooler in 10 seconds flat!


So pretty much we are allowed to play music off of the computer we have named Jukebox, I used this machine to play my Playlist of MlP:FiM remix music :3

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Glad today is over for work, and classes. Tomorrow will be my last day and I receive my paycheck so I am quite happy :3

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I have still managed to avoid watching MLP: FiM, so far. But I have to say, that avatar is pretty badass Fox.

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I have still managed to avoid watching MLP: FiM, so far.


Don't Avoid, Embrace :3


Na, you're good :3


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If you're trying to psyche me out with a staring contest I'll have you know I won.

I may actually watch the show soon, I'm running out of things to be a fan of.

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Yeah that is true, though I do enjoy staring contests :P

But it is one of those shows you have to watch to see if you like it or not. I recommend the first two. For a show that is targeted towards a younger audience, the animation, and the character designs make it a fun and enjoyable show.

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My thoughts exactly.

And what thoughts would those be?

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And what thoughts would those be?

That's you to know, and me to find out...



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You are a silly one Flux. Gotta admit, you derped yourself on that one xD

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So I watched the Season 2 Premire of My Little Pony Friendship is Magic. OH MY GOD WAS IT AMAZING. So everything that I loved about Star Trek was brought into MLP. Q who is a character in Star Trek TNG who tends to be a troll of a character was brought into MLP as a new character.

It was awesome and I really enjoyed it.

In other news. I watched a livestream done by Redeemer and had a skype call with Flux last night. I am getting impressed by both of their drawing skills. They are bothing doing very well, and it makes me jelly :P

I cannot draw to save my life, but who knows I might give it a whirl.

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Yeah... I still have a lot of catching up to do to be compared to Red really. Heh. She pretty much beats me at both anatomy and coloring skills. Only thing I beat her in is speed really, and that is only cause she has five billion people messaging her a second, and she feels the need to respond to each one before continuing. heh.

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  • 1 month later...

I am alright and doing just fine. School could be going better but hey, can't complain.

Halloween is going to fun, not to mention all the fun ideas that I have and just the pure shenanigans and fun that will ensue.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Man oh man xD

Halloween seems to be going fantastic and everyone loves my Pinkie Pie "Haters gunna hate" costume. I forgot to put the arrow on, but I think I got pretty close.




Also in other news. I was at a conference and gave a lightning talk on "The Elements of Harmony, A Reference Guide"

Here is a better and more HD version of me in uniform :3

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Do you have any idea, and I mean like, an INKLING, a SHRED OF SUSPICION... as to just how awesome you are? :D

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Do you have any idea, and I mean like, an INKLING, a SHRED OF SUSPICION... as to just how awesome you are? :D

Quite possibly, :3

I had several people come up to me afterwards and say "Dude that took some [Guts] to go up there and talk about that show. That was awesome." Another guy stated "That was the best presentation I had seen, you came, you shocked, then you left. You had people going. WOW did I just watch something awesome?!" I was nervous as hell before hand and my friends were there to cheer me on which helped. ALOT.

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