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Life of a College kid and Fox's Tech Stuff


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My god it seems like forever ago that this quarter stated and I am glad that it is over. i could have done alot better grade wise and I will probably have to talk to my Academic Advisor and get some things straightened out and probably have to go in for a little mediation on some things. Especially one with a professor about some certain things that occurred and happened.

I had alot of personal things that happened this quarter and I am glad they are done and overwith. I got really awesome news for a friend who got the emergency transplant that he needed and miracles sometimes can happen. After I received my grades I was happy and ecstatic that I did better then I hoped for. Sure my family won't be too happy but I can try my best to explain things.

Alot of eye opening things have happened and now that they are done and overwith I am happy and excited.

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  • 7 months later...

ZOMG Look a post. Sorry for the inactivity guys. Post to follow once I am not on my college campus ^^;;

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I DECREE THAT YOU POST HEAR MOAR OFTEN...also turn off all that swag before you hurt someone pimp.gif

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  • 1 year later...

Well, things have been going quite well since I have last visited and life has been going on quite well since I have last visited. Aside from working Full time for a company and taking night classes, Things are going well and recently I have gotten the urge to be in contact with some old SFO peeps back from when I first joined nearly 5 years ago.


Time has really flown and I am impressed with how the board has grown. So keep on growing SFO and I'm keeping a watchful eye ;)

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It's great to hear that all is favorable, keep up the exemplary work out there.

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I'd tell you that you're due for an avatar changed, but I actually forgot you existed until I saw it in one of your posts recently, so, best not do that ever. 

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It's been a long time since my avatar last changed, I really don't plan on that one :P

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You've literally had that avatar for so long, it manifests my mental image for you! We're FB friends, so I haven't forgotten you existed, but I am really glad to see you back on here.

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Hey, thanks for checking in on us. I hope that ya find it the least bit interesting here.



I'd tell you that you're due for an avatar changed, but I actually forgot you existed until I saw it in one of your posts recently, so, best not do that ever. 

Um, you are due for an avatar change.

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Um, you are due for an avatar change.

You're due for a face change! >:U

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Ha, I'll take yours. *ssshingg*




You're due for a face change! >:U




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