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So is this were you make small reviews of bad fanfictions now?

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So is this were you make small reviews of bad fanfictions now?

yea, its also a great way to remind myself of the good ones too, im planning on having four a post in my next one. if anyone wants to post a fanfiction they have read and liked/hated with a dieing passion, go ahead

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Alright, more shit for the compost.



A general Romance fanfiction in the Naruto fandom. The author takes great care in rushing the scens by so fast you can smell the rubber being burnt. It is also set in modern times, so taht gives the Author plenty of leeway when describing things. one charecter is described as "crazy, cool, hip, Brooklyn best friend, Ino Yamanaka."


The fic is poorly writtan and comes off as a terrable waste of time. THe plot, or what could be a plot, is about Hinata getting Preggorz and angsting about it. The father is Naruto, who compleate chickens out like a pussy then runs off to do... something, i dunno. In a clear cut case of wish fufillment, Sasuke takes her in as his BFFL and thats when i threw up.

kitsune shinobi


As soon as i clicked on the link, a great wall was erected infront of me. apparently both th enter and space keys were vile enemies of the Writer becuase he uses neither of them. The story is a cookie cutter one of Naruto becoming tah bestest ninja evar.. Now, im guilty of over exaggerating, SOMe things, but i shit you not, this is a baddie. read this massive wall and see for your self

"Eventually they ran out of things to do to the poor boy, so they started to leave when they felt an evil feeling in the air that was easily taking their breath away. The crowd turned towards naruto and saw blood red chakra seeping out of the boy. He stood up all of his wounds healed and faced the crowd with crimson eyes with slits for the pupil. Without saying a word he seemed to shimmer out of existence for a second then reappearing. He seemed to have done nothing but then everyone's throat split open consecutively and blood sprayed all across the alley and there was a river of blood running out into the street. With that done everything went black for naruto. After naruto had passed out an anbu in a weasel mask appeared in the alley and he was breathing hard and cursing the fact that he didn't get here sooner. The anbu walked over to naruto and picked him up and brought him outside the alley. After the anbu gently set naruto down he turned to the blood bath inside the ally with some handsigns he brought out a bottle of water and it took the shape of a dragon. The water dragon went roaring into the ally way washing away all of the blood in the alley. After he did that he made a few more handsigns and shot a giant fire ball into the ally effectively disposing of all evidence that anything happened inside that alley tonight. After he did that the anbu turned back to the child lying on the ground where the anbu left him. The masked person went over to naruto, picked him up, and jumped up to the roofs where he jumped from roof top to roof top towards the hospital."

my apologies ot the mods for soiling your wonderfull website with this awful prose. Even for Naruto fanfiction standerds this is a load of garbagio. Redundancy, godawful similies and Redundancy and lack of a coherant plot all ad up to make this one a stinker. But i doo have to give proprs to the author for one thing. The Fic is 18 chapters long, a rarity for an archive filled with One chapter ones. So props for persistance, but the fic still blows badly.

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Stop Blogging. I demand you!

For HUNDREDS of years people kept their daily thoughts in a lock-n-key book called a diary hiding it away in hopes that no one would read it.

Today we post all our lives happenings on the web in something called a "Blog" knowing that no one will EVER read it!

If you want to be a pre-teen school girl and blog/complain about how jessy is a total bitch and KNEW you were wearing that exact same dress to prom, Get off my face. Go. Now.

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Stop Blogging. I demand you!

For HUNDREDS of years people kept their daily thoughts in a lock-n-key book called a diary hiding it away in hopes that no one would read it.

Today we post all our lives happenings on the web in something called a "Blog" knowing that no one will EVER read it!

If you want to be a pre-teen school girl and blog/complain about how jessy is a total bitch and KNEW you were wearing that exact same dress to prom, Get off my face. Go. Now.

yes personwithpikachushlappingpikachu...

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yes personwithpikachushlappingpikachu...


Pikachu is the best god damn being on the face of this EARTH! Don't you DARE disgrace Pikachu. or its war bro. Gots yer IPz.

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yes personwithpeterparkerpedophilepicture.

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Im sick of being the dumping man. Im sick of not having anyproblems so that other people can have theres. im sick and tired of being told to not be selfish after spending Two hours each damned day listening to people cry. Im sick of having these thoguhts. Im so tired. all the time. My body fails me, my mind fails me, my soul is sleepy. My similies are exhausted and my mind is wandering. But enough Emo poetry. You guys come for wacky fanfiction, not to slit your wrists.

I have but one today, and there are no words for it. See for your selfs

my i present.

Thirty Hs


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I just had another of dad's "Heart to heart moments" where after 7 years of botteling up my emotions, i let loose with everything i got. My father actually listend to me, but my sister attempted to turn it into how much she hated all of us. but that was quickly stopped as even one comment about her makes her RAGEQUIT. i am sore and sick of things so for the next few weeks if i seem openly hostile, myy apologies.

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I just had another of dad's "Heart to heart moments" where after 7 years of botteling up my emotions, i let loose with everything i got. My father actually listend to me, but my sister attempted to turn it into how much she hated all of us. but that was quickly stopped as even one comment about her makes her RAGEQUIT. i am sore and sick of things so for the next few weeks if i seem openly hostile, myy apologies.

welll i will assume that it is good that your father listend to to you (he may back off for a while andthink what he has done through..possibly)

But your sister.....becareful of her; when some women "ragequit" or leave a room or conversation angrilly, they are usually moody or something afterwards and will spend alot of time boiling over within their minds. She may also some how use some of what it is you said to her advantage to hurt you later-you all that "Oh, ill remebr that, or this!" and they leave or thwtaever?-let her alone if you can. Thats all i can think of at the moment....

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thanks my friend. really there is only one thing that can cheer me up nau though.

*puts on glasses* rock

*proeeds to do so.*

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thanks my friend. really there is only one thing that can cheer me up nau though.

*puts on glasses* rock

*proeeds to do so.*

*smilesand nods*
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  • 1 month later...

Blew up again today.

My father despises me having any money so when i found 26 dollars in my pocket, he immediatly demanded it. After 20 minutes of arguing with him, he and my step mother made a startling cokment that i am nau opening tearing about.

"I dont think your going anywhere"

My step mother said, her face blank with hidden maliciousness.

"so save every dollar you have, because you will need it to pay us off in 5 years when your a drain on our rescorces.

*pardon me while i wipe my eyes*

Im at my limit. suicide is for cowards. And Tyler D. Lacroix of the Lacroix clan is anything but a coward. SO im afraid of myself doing something more drastic than suicide.

Christ i need a drink.

So, i kinda exploded and told them that what they just said was highly insulting and i kinda yelled a litte. This sets of dad and he spends 5 minutes preety much saying i dont do anything to deserve respect and thus i will never get it. nor do i give him respect and thusly, i will never get his. This is after cleaning the entire kitchen for 5 days in a row, wiping our nasty ass bathroom, and shoveling the driveway after all these damned weather storms. So im here now, bawling as i type.

I love you guys. im not going anywhere.

Fuck you dad.

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I can't believe someone would treat you like that....unbelievable...almost unacceptable.

My Father was a D-bag when something didnt go his way, and he even called me a coward when i didnt want to go over to his place and go to his graduation and then his (new) wedding. I dont feeling i belong with him, and i dont even talk to him anymore. I can't begin to imagine what you feel right now...I don't think i ever could...I-im sorry-truly, i wish i could help you. Is there any way to help?

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Nothing but your continued friend ship dood. Worry yourself not over me. Im a mad, mad individual, im sure ill be fine. thanks dood

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Nothing but your continued friend ship dood. Worry yourself not over me. Im a mad, mad individual, im sure ill be fine. thanks dood

No problem man, just let me know if you need anything. It is really great to be your friend!

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  • 1 month later...

For those who are either unaware or do not inhabit Starfox galaxies, i shall be breif in my recap

yesterday, while on the chatroom, a discussion propped itsself up about how we each felt about a 9-11 mod ina video game, if it were to ever happen. I had a cousin that died in the mass murder, but to me, making a video game keeps his memory alive letting the people who play it get a vague breif sliver of recognition for those who were there. so i let my opinion be known. JackThorn though this to be of the greatest of sins and thus we began to have a civil discussion on the matter. Eventually it gets to the point that other members of the chatroom are asking us to cease and desist. So i do. A couple posts down and jack rebrings up the topic, and so i answer him. immediatly, im asked to stop bringing things up and to let it die. again. so i do. But soon jack makes a nother comment and i respond by asking him what he ment. The chatroom is lit up with people calling for my banning and telling me to , and i quote "Waffles....Get the f$%k out....right now... or ill make you" Naturally confused, i try and make my side of the arguement known. Im duely and uttterly ignored. Then Jack leaves and it is revealed that he left the site, for somestrange reason. Im like "oh god im going to get blamed for this." And lo and behold, Radgal comes out and says "you guys havent heard from waffles because... well we warned him another time and well *looks down at feet* i banned him" out of the blue, not even letting me know. For all of my knowledge, all my counter points were void for i know not when i was banned. So thats what happened and dont let anybody else tell you i trolled, or what ever language they attempt to use. I did no such thing and in fact did absolutly nothign wrong.

So if someone accuses me of being a troll and to watch out for me, it is a filthy dirty lie. I love this site too much for that to happen.

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Galaxies is just a shithole, I wouldn't join if I were you guys, just don't. The admins there are all former members of this site that hated how it was run so they decided to go make their own land where they can prance around and do the SAME EXACT SHIT that they were trying to escape here.

Excuse me, I really hate that site. I'm sorry

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Guys what happens on one board should not be brought to another board. I mean seriously......

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Yeah, smack talking other forums will not be tolerated publicly on SF-O guys.

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Regardless of what any other site may or may not have said about us currently or in the past, we do not talk shit about other communities out of a code respect for other peoples' communities.

You are welcome to your opinions, but please don't post these kinds of things in public threads.

SFO does not start board wars. Name-calling can lead to one, so please don't.

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my apologies, i simply wished to set something instone so that my side of the story would be told. my apologies

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