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AJC's 14 year old life.


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Er,...well this a little weird, but

Name: Alexander (alex) James Cullen aka A.J.C.

weight: 110-114

Apperance: blonde hair( but it's weird, cause the base of my hair is black) Back eye brows. blue eyes.

8th grade.

Well, it's Friday, and even though i got an 84 on a test i had a plesent day. Firstly my school has uniforms but, today we were alowed to dress down  :D! When i got home i was greated by a kid from the hood. he has some disablities but, he kind so it's hard to turn down playing with him. We played some assualt. Later when his mother came over(she is extremely fond of me) offerd me a job to teache ata, her son, math. I still have to find days were i am upon though, because i have an extremely busy day. She wants to offer me 15 dollars an hour! but i told her i would exept if she paid me that much so we settled on 10 dollars. Then we sellibrated my fathers birth day. he is 51. we ate some steak and then had cake. That was my day.

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Your day has gone better then mine.

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That's actually pretty good

Not, to me  :( It's even worse i had a 96 in that class. Now it's a 91...

Your day has gone better then mine.

sorry about that.

Well, to day started off as a lazy saturday. I woke up at about 10:00 and sat around in my pj's till 1:30 when i left the house to see my sister's soccer game. They lost, but that's okay wit me. After that me and my friends went out and boo'd a few neigbors(look it up if you don't get it) then i came home and posted this. and so ends day 2

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Well, I had no school today because of teacher parent confrences,  :lol: we need more of thoas, I am half way thru reading lomhedge, i read it 3 years ago but i forgot alot if not all. I had wreastling today, it was my first day back since my migrain. That was intresting, i had never had one before so i didn't know what was going on. First i lost all sight in my right eye right in the middle of language arts. I went to the nurses office and soon my sight returened, i went back to class and ten minutes later...BOOM!. I had such a terrible head ache. It was so bad I litrely was screaming in pain in the nurses office. Then i vomited 10-20 times or so, I couldn't realy ceep tract since my head ache was to bad. So my dad picked me up toke me to the docters and then the docter gave me some cocain pills and i felt better. Any way back to wreastling. This guys was 17 !!! and i beat him! Then i returned home and ate some dumplings. So ends day four.

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Well today i talked to emile about music. i listen to rock. She doesn't but what ever i didn't care what she listened to. I and you guys should of see then look on her face when i new all thelyrics to the bosten songs!  :wink: my puppy is getting spaded tomorow. I hope her personalty won't change.  :(

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