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How Starfox: Command could have been worse...

Guest Taranatar

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Guest Taranatar

While we all know Command sucked, believe it or not, it could have been a whole lot worse!  Here's how!

Rick Berman and Brannon Braga could have written the script.

The project could have been overseen by Bobby Kotick.

There could have been a novelization, written by Kevin J. Anderson.

And there could have been a movie, directed by Uwe Boll.

See?  THAT would have KILLED the franchise, instead of just wounding it.

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Ooorr...they could have put it on a different game system that isnt hand held!! :x

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oh right, sorry...they could have not put  multiplayer, and only letyou have one ending cutscene and no choices! is that okay?

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They could have had Bob dole play Krystal

DArth Vader as Slippy

A Boo Bah as Falco

A cheese nip play fox

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Guest Julius Quasar

They could have given it to the same plotwriters as Adventures.  :trollface:

True.  Or they could've let Michael Bay direct it all (oh wait, that's movies :P ).

But to have made SF Command really suck, they could've killed Krystal.  Glad they didn't.  "Kursed" can be pretty damn fascinating.

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Simple, it could have been real instead of a figment of my twisted and strange imagination.

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I could have been writtan by a 1st grader

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It could have been worse: the cartridge could have actually been a bomb and kiled us all. See how optimistic we Star Fox fans are?  :D

Oh yeah, they could have made the F-Zero ending canon and brought that series back to life! (actually that would be still pretty awesome...)

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They could have had twleve iranian midgets go around whipping people with cricket bats made of these game cartridges.

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The game story line suked yet gameplay was awsome. If only the story line with way diffrent in command. Could of been worse if fox commited suiside because krystal isn't comming back but lets just image that this game never happened and hope for a better command. :|

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