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SFO's Hall of Fame topic


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I just wish they would make a new SF game, that way I would be forced back into the series. I really do miss this place. lol

See the Retro Games Star Fox thread; there is actually a good chance. :-P

Always nice to have old members stopping by! I only joined in early 2009 but I remember a lot of those names…

I really miss Julius, but you know.

I think a new Star Fox game would succeed in bringing back a lot of old members, and maybe even possibly reviving Arwing Landing… Come on, Retro. ;)

Agreed, how is Julius doing nowadays? I know he's on Galaxies but I haven't talked to him in awhile.

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Agreed, how is Julius doing nowadays? I know he's on Galaxies but I haven't talked to him in awhile.

I haven't talked in a while, either. But last I knew he was doing fine. He's still active on SFG too. Although SFG is dying so… :P

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Ah, so the SF fansites are slowly dying out. Victoms of a lack of continuation of the series, i guess.

So what's keeping SF-O alive? The devoted, unified community? The RPing? The fan works?

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Im here for the Rping, nothing else. so im guessing its not that cuase only 4 or 5 people have dedicatedly been on.

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A combination of loyal SF fans and TF2. :P

As well as RPing.

SF643D livened up the place last year. The Wii U and whatever news regarding it in the coming months will also help boost the activity, even if there is no SF title announced.

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A combination of loyal SF fans and TF2. :-P

As well as RPing.

SF643D livened up the place last year. The Wii U and whatever news regarding it in the coming months will also help boost the activity, even if there is no SF title announced.

This sums it up rather nicely; TF2 and the RP-section have certainly done their part to retain members and potentially attract more, but I would peg the survival of this site on excellent leadership (DZ does his job incredibly well) and a dedicated userbase that treat each other like family. The rumors, SF643D, and the possibility for a Wii-U Star Fox game pick up the rest of the slack IMO.

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I'm here for the game night, and maybe to make a post once in awhile someplace. Kind of lost interest in Star Fox months ago.

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I was never a Star Fox fan to begin with. I joined here because I knew Milky and I was bored.

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I was never a Star Fox fan to begin with. I joined here because I knew Milky and I was bored.

Dare I say it?...


That has to contend for one of the best reasons I've heard for joining SF-O. :lol:

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…Which is why TF2 and RP keep it alive more than Star Fox sometimes… :-P

@Crazy: I agree. I couldn't name a better admin/owner on any forum I know of. And I know of a lot of forums.

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  • 1 month later...

Man, whatever happened to Four-Eyed Vulpine and Asper? I kinda miss them both. Tyler as well.

Anyway,s I agree with Icy and crazy. A new SF game will be great. SF Wii, anyone?

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Man, whatever happened to Four-Eyed Vulpine and Asper? I kinda miss them both. Tyler as well.

Not sure about Four-Eyed Vulpine and Tyler, but Asper took a leave of absense for something I won't elaborate on at the moment. Here's hoping he returns sometime; I miss that automobile know-how! :)

I still haven't seen any members from that list I compiled awhile ago, [Except Catwings and Fedora! :D] a shame;

Come to think of it, I haven't seen Vrance Movado, Eagle Kammback, Z!FF, B4D-W0LF, Braux, Catwings, CR4CK3RW0LF, DarthDelgado, Fedora, Four-Eyed-Vulpine, Jason Deere, Neo Hikato, Nexus, StarFoxGal, Sableye, Shinigami, Sly Jedi, That Guy, Zero Flare, or Tiamat475 around in awhile O_o

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@Crazy: One of those, Zero-Flare was active for a while late last year. Last online on SFO in late January 2012.

But she's active on DeviantART too, whenever she has something new to show.

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Man, whatever happened to Four-Eyed Vulpine and Asper? I kinda miss them both. Tyler as well.

er tyler was on sfg but know he is a major ponny guy on steam -_-

DANG looking back at the first posts is like looking at fossils :o

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  • 1 month later...

Ohai, i'm just here for the ponies :3

And well i'm also well versed in the starfox realm. but i should have left here a long time ago...nobody likes starfox anymore >.< but me....

When i do order my new computer over summer break, i suppose i could drop by the TF2 servers and open up a can of whoop ass.

I do have an SF fanfic a-going but i've yet to find my way into the RP board...

And I do have an upcoming project i may or may not drop off here at SF-O

This thread isn't meant to be the welcome-wagon, see the first post;

I request a sticky to this topic. This topic is remind people of the awesome members who used to come here and don't anymore, to tell them about them also. I induct Ramuza and Doom Fox. There are plenty of others too. I miss Ramuza so much, with his hammer and all.

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Well then...emporeroflylat was a good friend...but he most explicitly stated that he'd probably wouldn't come back unless something new was brought to the SF realm http://starfox-online.net/user/520-emperoroflylat/

Although he wasnt that enthusiastic about StarFox... he was the the first to help me get around this site and explain to me the rules before i got banned...although we didnt see i too eye on a many of things he will be missed

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  • 3 months later...

Ha! I Remember when some of the mods here joined! Wish I could have stuck around and been more active. It's almost like everybody's all grown up... :lol:

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

Ugh. Very unnecessary bump. (I hate it when I get stuck doing these)

But, I still remember a lot of the fun, and not so fun moments I had here a few years ago. Just dropping in to see how you guys have been. I've noticed a lot of the people I really got to know are gone/banned. A shame that is.

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My name is Milky and why does this thread exist

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Ugh. Very unnecessary bump. (I hate it when I get stuck doing these)

But, I still remember a lot of the fun, and not so fun moments I had here a few years ago. Just dropping in to see how you guys have been. I've noticed a lot of the people I really got to know are gone/banned. A shame that is.

Glad to see you've decided to drop in and say hi, EazyIN. :P

My name is Milky and why does this thread exist


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My name is Milky and why does this thread exist

Because silly, when you finally do rage quite SF-O. We will have something to remember you by  :D

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  • 2 years later...

I initially created the topic to help acknowledge the people who helped build this SF community, and any other significant posters that followed.

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