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Guns, games, and random *beep*


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That's about all I have to talk about in these things. But anyway, I thoroughly enjoy(ed) Medal of Honour. The singleplayer is very short, but very intense. Multiplayer can be a blast, however.

As for non-virtual things, however, I still hate California, mostly due to the gun laws. For $400, I could get a CETME (G3), with wood furniture, a pistol grip, and a detachable 20 round magazine, but a CA legal CETME is $1200 with a nondetachable (bullet button) 10 round mag. If I were living in Kentucky, I'd of earned money just about any way I could, saving it up, and would have a H&K PSG1, Franchi SPAS-12, FN Herstal PS90, CETME, and probably an FN Herstal FS2000 or, more likely, an FN Herstal SCAR 17S (Civilian version of the SCAR-H Mk. 17 Mod 0).

Brings tears to my eyes to see some of the guns I could own if it weren't for living in California.

But ah well. Currently, I am waiting, because, as of 15 minutes from typing this, it will be four more days to Fallout: New Vegas.

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Guest Julius Quasar

As for non-virtual things, however, I still hate California, mostly due to the gun laws. For $400, I could get a CETME (G3), with wood furniture, a pistol grip, and a detachable 20 round magazine, but a CA legal CETME is $1200 with a nondetachable (bullet button) 10 round mag. If I were living in Kentucky, I'd of earned money just about any way I could, saving it up, and would have a H&K PSG1, Franchi SPAS-12, FN Herstal PS90, CETME, and probably an FN Herstal FS2000 or, more likely, an FN Herstal SCAR 17S (Civilian version of the SCAR-H Mk. 17 Mod 0).

Brings tears to my eyes to see some of the guns I could own if it weren't for living in California.

Sorry, comrade!  I hate the gun laws here in Commie-fornia, too.  Hell, I just may move to Seattle, WA.

*plays the anthem of the USSR*

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Im not too familiar with guns. All i know is I have loved the virtual version of the M16A2 since the days of "Rainbow Six 3" and it has always been awesome :)

I don't know much about gun laws in canada, But I do know that my grandpa has a few rifles... Really nice ones. XD

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Guest Taranatar

How about move here to Central Pennsylvania, if you want an area with much more lax gun laws.  Seriously, it's the most Republican area in the country. Pittsburgh and Philadelphia are very Democratic though.  I spent my earliest near Philly but most of my life in Central PA, so my views are kind of mixed.  Sorry for the rambling.

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Im not too familiar with guns. All i know is I have loved the virtual version of the M16A2 since the days of "Rainbow Six 3" and it has always been awesome :)

I don't know much about gun laws in canada, But I do know that my grandpa has a few rifles... Really nice ones. XD

Hehe, as I've said in gun topics before, I hate the M16 family of guns. They're horrible weapons in real life, but games always make it the best weapon in the game, it or the M4. Jams at the drop of a hat, and the M4 melts the handguard/is prone to exploding in your face, unless it has a heavier barrel put in it, which makes the gun heavier than it's supposed to be, by a lot.

How about move here to Central Pennsylvania, if you want an area with much more lax gun laws.  Seriously, it's the most Republican area in the country. Pittsburgh and Philadelphia are very Democratic though.  I spent my earliest near Philly but most of my life in Central PA, so my views are kind of mixed.  Sorry for the rambling.

If it would be anywhere, would be my home state of Kentucky, as I believe they are the most lax about gun laws.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Aight, haven't been on SF-O for over a week (though it seems like only a few days, time flies when you're playing New Vegas), and I was a bit annoyed on Tuesday. Apparently at the last second they delayed Splatterhouse for a whole month. It was still set to be October 26th right before New Vegas released, but now it's November 23rd, which means they delayed it by a month within 10 days of its release date. I was all set on playing Splatterhouse and... well, splattering monsters, and unlocking the original Splatterhouse games to play on my PS3, but that apparently has to wait until two days before Thanksgiving. Oh yeah, that'll be a great mood setter. Family comes over to say hi, they walk into this room to greet me, and several monsters become gruesomely splattered on the wall via Rick with a massive wooden beam. Classic Thanksgiving day.

As for other things, Fallout: New Vegas is awesome. Bit glitchy and such, but nothing game breaking (and every Bethesda game I've played has been prone to glitching and freezing). Ordered my Faux Pas prints (especially the Cindy as Krystal one), been enjoying the webcomics I read, still addicted to listening to Mayhem, gotten into a few interesting gun related arguments (best was when an idiot tried to convince me his friend had a stock AK-74 that fired 5.7x28mm rounds, and that the 5.7 round is a Russian round that they use for most every of their guns.  Oh the face palming and place-putting that ensued).

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Aight, so I spent the majority of the day watching Friday the 13th part III to VI. Forgot how awesome Jason Voorhees could be. Also forgot how stupid people could be in those movies.

Also, hung up my Star Fox pictures again, and in the course of doing it, won a bet against my mom, and so now she owes me another vidja game. Probably getting Mass Effect 2.

Still addicted to Mayhem, guns, knives, violent games, being lazy, etc etc.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Alright, so I now see that I need monies. Lots of monies. Apparently some company has been making lots of Star Fox wall scrolls. I want them. Especially the one 28"x16" one exclusively of Krystal. However, they cost $23.99 plus shipping, and there's nine of them. That'd be $215.99 plus shipping. Damn, really? Hmm, for $180 I could get a custom made Krystal plush.... Hell, if I had the money, I'd likely just get the plush and Krystal wall scroll. Anyway, that's neither here nor there. Point is, I need money, which sucks, as I have no money, and I don't really want to/can't really get a job, and selling crack, while completely viable in SoCal, is not without great disadvantages, so I can't do that either. As Sarge would say, "I'm up pooper creek without a paddle."

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Alright, so I now see that I need monies. Lots of monies. Apparently some company has been making lots of Star Fox wall scrolls. I want them. Especially the one 28"x16" one exclusively of Krystal.

I would like to see this website. :P

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I would like to see this website. :P

Actually it's eBay.


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Actually it's eBay.


This is quite tempting for me to buy, however I'd rather prefer an Adventures Krystal picture instead.

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This is quite tempting for me to buy, however I'd rather prefer an Adventures Krystal picture instead.

In the same position I'd assume? You're sick!

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Way, waaayyyy too much money for what these are.

It's almost robbery.

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I'd actually agree, you could probably order a custom made print cheaper then that, same picture though... I'll take a look.

hmm, 18*24 is roughly 19.99,  16 by 28 roughly 24.20...

I truley am suprised... for a custom print, it's not that bad...

although in another sense i still agree, cause there is no reason they should be that expensive...

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