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Dated Horror


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I was talking with my mam today about horror films. She mentions films that were terrifying back then are laughable now. The Nostalgia Critic recently reviewed "IT" which is one example of that.

What nostalgic things, be it horror film, comedy, or even a game, has not been treated well by time or memory?

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To comment on Nostalgia Critic's review of IT, I'd have to say that I've never laughed so hard in my entire life.  :lol:

But back onto the topic, several games that I can think of don't hold up too well today.  A prime example of this was early 3D gaming, in the N64, Playstation, and Saturn era.  Looking back upon them now, even if you have fond memories of games on those consoles (as I do), it's hard not to admit that they have aged HORRIBLY.  Most of the games just don't stand up well at all.  On another note, 2-Dimensional gaming, on platforms such as the NES, SNES, Genesis, TurboGrafx16, Master System, etc, has actually aged quite well. 

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I wish good films and games were like good wines. That they only got better with age. Sadly, they often age more like milk.

Luckily, some manage to stay fresh despite their age. Just watched The Fly (1986), and that's still got it. Carpenter's The Thing (1982) is still deliciously horrid even now. The original Jaws (1975) is still a favorite of mine.

Despite my love for the genre, old zombie movies are unwatchable by modern standards. I've tried to sit down and watch "classics" like Night of the Living Dead (1968) and Dawn of the Dead (1978) on several times, but I simply couldn't be bothered to watch them trough.

As for anything else than horror movies, I'll have to think about it for a while, and get back to it.

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Despite my love for the genre, old zombie movies are unwatchable by modern standards. I've tried to sit down and watch "classics" like Night of the Living Dead (1968) and Dawn of the Dead (1978) on several times, but I simply couldn't be bothered to watch them trough.

As for anything else than horror movies, I'll have to think about it for a while, and get back to it.

I have to disagree about Night of the Living Dead. :D That's still my favourite zombie movie (and I don't like zombie movies!)

Otherwise, I'd definitely have to agree about Playstation games and those middle-gen games that were so awesome at the time, and now... just don't hold up. They're still fun, in some ways, but they just aren't as visually impressive as they used to be.

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Otherwise, I'd definitely have to agree about Playstation games and those middle-gen games that were so awesome at the time, and now... just don't hold up. They're still fun, in some ways, but they just aren't as visually impressive as they used to be.

In a way....... GoldenEye actually fits this bill. The game remains popular thanks to the nostalgia that it brings, and that's why I still love this game. But in terms of game design, it hasn't aged well when compared to modern shooters, which offer physics, realistic environments, and varying weapons and actions. I'm not saying its a bad game, I love it, but it just hasn't aged as well as some games out of that era.

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In a way....... GoldenEye actually fits this bill. The game remains popular thanks to the nostalgia that it brings, and that's why I still love this game. But in terms of game design, it hasn't aged well when compared to modern shooters, which offer physics, realistic environments, and varying weapons and actions. I'm not saying its a bad game, I love it, but it just hasn't aged as well as some games out of that era.

Not... really. Goldeneye was the pinnacle of what games had to offer for their time. A "dated" game is moreso one that is simply not what it used to be. Resident Evil fits this bill well: how anyone took the original game seriously even in 1995 is beyond me. Goldeneye however is a superb shooter from its era.

Anyway, dated horror really only applies to games and shit you watched as a kid, because when you';re a kid everything is scary. Most films that are meant to be scary still are if you take care to watch them with the right mindset, although some do it better than others. Like the Fly '86. Between Jeff Goldblum's hair and the revolting effects....

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Not... really. Goldeneye was the pinnacle of what games had to offer for their time. A "dated" game is moreso one that is simply not what it used to be. Resident Evil fits this bill well: how anyone took the original game seriously even in 1995 is beyond me. Goldeneye however is a superb shooter from its era.

Anyway, dated horror really only applies to games and shit you watched as a kid, because when you';re a kid everything is scary. Most films that are meant to be scary still are if you take care to watch them with the right mindset, although some do it better than others. Like the Fly '86. Between Jeff Goldblum's hair and the revolting effects....

I disagree. I believe Goldeneye is dated. The controls, framerate, AI, glitches ect are all really horrible. Half Life 1 has dated really well. You can play it today and understand what all the fuss was about, Goldeneye is only great when taken as a historical piece. In order to be dated it has to have lost the appeal that came within it's time period.

I also believe Resident Evil 1 stands up really well. Issues people had then are ones people have now. Bad acting and controls being the main 2. I'm still holding on for a DS remake of 2, but that isn't going to happen I think. Speaking of, Resident Evil 2 has only aged in terms of interface stuff.

Also Dawn of the Dead is a classic film. I can't see how you don't like it, but each to his own I guess. I agree on the Thing being great.

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I disagree. I believe Goldeneye is dated. The controls, framerate, AI, glitches ect are all really horrible. Half Life 1 has dated really well. You can play it today and understand what all the fuss was about, Goldeneye is only great when taken as a historical piece. In order to be dated it has to have lost the appeal that came within it's time period.

I also believe Resident Evil 1 stands up really well. Issues people had then are ones people have now. Bad acting and controls being the main 2. I'm still holding on for a DS remake of 2, but that isn't going to happen I think. Speaking of, Resident Evil 2 has only aged in terms of interface stuff.

Also Dawn of the Dead is a classic film. I can't see how you don't like it, but each to his own I guess. I agree on the Thing being great.

I never found Goldeneye's controls to be dated, but then again FPS games are hard to guage compared to say an adventure game. But I digress.

Resident Evil is terribly dated. The bad actings hurts it a -lot-. It effectively kills anything scary in the game, and just in general the atmosphere doesn't work much. 2 has aged much better, however (the acting is I dare say almost good) and holds the suspense much better.

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But the acting was bad back then (jill sandwhich, can of fizz) and yet still managed to deliver the classic scares.

Thats what I am doubting: there is no real sense of fear. The atmosphere was botchy, and the acting really hurts it even more. With the exception of how easy it is to die in the original, I never felt any sense of dread playing it.

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Turn to the GCN remake, however...

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Would this count as dated horror?

Nostalgia Critic Leprechaun Review


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