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Minnesotan Fan Art

El Zorro de la Estrella

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So yeah...

I've been working on this on and off for like a month and ended up being really proud of it

SO, I decided to share it with you all  :friends: (and to use it as an avi  :lol:)





Whaddya think? 

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I think Krystal doesn't look good in a jersey, and I liked your old avatar better. It's still your first attempt though so..... Meh.

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what happened to "be gentle plz"........

it's alot better than what i could've done, so that gets credit

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I was just about to say..... >.>

The one time user was about to do his job he gets stopped. Shame. (Of course I am kidding)
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Due to popular demand, I have amended the topic title  :lol:

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Her leg looks broken. Given her jersey and lack of cast, I'd say it's safe to assume it was a recent sports related injury. However, she is standing upright, making the piece symbolize strength and the ability to press on despite any cripples you may have.

10/10 piece so deep... ='(

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  • 2 weeks later...

So yeah, I drew another pic.

Imma upload the original chere for now, the color version is still WIP  :lol:


Just like click on it if ya can't see it :lol:

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Hope it's cool to do another post so soon...

But, Finished the colored verison of Krystmas 2010!  :D


In a lil' bit I'll prob. move both versions up to the orginial post (for posterity, ya know  :lol:)


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Hope it's cool to do another post so soon...

But, Finished the colored verison of Krystmas 2010!  :D


In a lil' bit I'll prob. move both versions up to the orginial post (for posterity, ya know  :lol:)


But it's November! D=

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Yeah, see...

I dunno, lol, I just wanted to draw her that way.  :lol:

Also, I didn't think I would get it done that fast, last one took like a month, this one like 2 weeks  :shock:

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Yeah, see...

I dunno, lol, I just wanted to draw her that way.  :lol:

Also, I didn't think I would get it done that fast, last one took like a month, this one like 2 weeks  :shock:

Alright, well, my opinions.

She seems a liitle too lanky in this pick, she's pretty tall.  Her tail is too skinny, it portrays the rat tail she had in Command.  The squirrel marking she has on her thighs is too low, it shouldn't be visible in this pic.  The head and the eyes...to small.

Just thought I'd give a small critique, you know, to help get you better. :)

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Alright, well, my opinions.

She seems a liitle too lanky in this pick, she's pretty tall.  Her tail is too skinny, it portrays the rat tail she had in Command.  The squirrel marking she has on her thighs is too low, it shouldn't be visible in this pic.  The head and the eyes...to small.

Just thought I'd give a small critique, you know, to help get you better. :)

Oh yeah, it's cool.

I totally appreciate your opinions on it!  :friends:

Imma have to practice some more  :lol:

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So, I took Fire Yoshi's advice and have revised bits of Krystmas 2010:

th_Krystmas2010COLOREDIT2.jpg                        th_Krystmas2010COLOREDIT2-1.jpg


EDIT: I have decided to allow the fans to decide wether the tattoo stays!  :wink:

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So, I took Fire Yoshi's advice and have revised bits of Krystmas 2010:



Well I do see a difference. But you removed the tattoo on her leg.
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Ah, you think it should be back?

I kinda thought so, but was told otherwise...  :?

I think I shall post both versions of it (Tattoo and No Tattoo) and let the people decide.  :cool:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just a sketch...


EDIT: I will put my quick turkey day drawing up here too, I guess...



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Some Christmas-y goodness right chere:


NOTE: First time drawing Fox McCloud

NOTE 2: Krystal's tail ties are Christmas ribbons! (stol- er, borrowed that from another art I liked  :lol:)

NOTE 3: Not likley to get colored (or maybe it is, IDK  :lol:)

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  • 1 month later...


I started this one on New Year's Eve at work, but just now finished it.

Tell me what you think and what to change, I guess...

And here's the colored form of my Krystal sketch...


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Fox Dylan :cool:


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  • 2 weeks later...

Fox Solo k_e_cool.gif


Inspired by someone in the "Disposition on Fox?" thread.

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A first look at Wild Krystal


I haven't finished it yet, but I have made some good progress! k_e_smile.gif


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  • 4 weeks later...

Just in time for St. Patrick's Day (Literally, I did these in my class today when I realized it was St. Paddy's k_e_animesweat.gif) I'm here to reveal my 2-Part St. Patrick's Day Series! (Redundant sentence, much?)

Anyways, Part Two is a direct continuation of Part One; so to "get" it you gotta see both.

th_StPaddysDaySeries002.jpg th_StPaddysDaySeries003.jpg

I dunno, I wanted to draw a St. Patrick's Day Krystal, then got the idea for Part Two (Electric Boogaloo! :razz:) as I was working on Part One.

Anyways, I hope y'all enjoy it! k_e_smile.gif

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