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Did you love or hate SFC?


Did you love or hate SFC? And if you did, why?  

30 members have voted

  1. 1. Did you love or hate SFC? And if you did, why?

    • Because it's portable
    • because it has Wi-Fi
    • Storyline
    • Gameplay
    • Endings

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Endings [what an idiocy!!!They have ruined game's spirit!]

Gameplay [Maybe Interesting "New Style"]

And i think that this is UNFINISHED game..i mean this is just commercial s**t...and storyline is strange..

Dear developers make a new starfox game....that can be like Assault, but better....

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  • 1 month later...

I loved the heck out of this game. At first I hated it, but I soon grew use to it, and found it to be very addictive and replayable.

For the record, I loved the story, and having multiple endings gave more incentive to play and do things differently, as well as give the player the choice of what really happens. I also felt that it was a nice way to end the story and tie up some loose ends. It didn't feel all that climactic because of it being on a portable.

Of course, I think the canon ending is the happiest ending.

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There is no canon ending.

The way I see it, that's up to the player. Even if the man in charge himself said there is no canon ending, I think there's nothing wrong with the player to make the decision.

It's like Mass Effect. There is no "official" canon way the story goes. It's up to the player. The way I see it, the happiest ending is the canon ending to me.

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In my opinion Fox was completely out of character as was Krystal, game-play didn't like it to much I hated the missile but it was fun. but the whole thing with the "find your enemy" rpg style not a big fan of, multi-player was fine I enjoyed it, storyline...(sigh)

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In my opinion Fox was completely out of character as was Krystal, game-play didn't like it to much I hated the missile but it was fun. but the whole thing with the "find your enemy" rpg style not a big fan of, multi-player was fine I enjoyed it, storyline...(sigh)

bam! i agree in the fact that fox and krystal were out of character, but fox hasn't ever had a stable character :/

i think i can asume the title the biggest hater of SFC because i fell into a 5 month deppresion after playing dis game. Nuff said as for my reason of hating it

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I thought the game was good however I personally think the endings ruined it a little, and the story line could have been better.

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I HATE IT! Nine Endings of terror and a storyline to match, misery misery misery.

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I really didn't like it. The multiplayer was fine, but the campaign mode was a series of boredom and Z-grade storyline... :/

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I really didn't like it. The multiplayer was fine, but the campaign mode was a series of boredom and Z-grade storyline... :/

Z grade. Dear god!

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I liked the Multiplayer, it was decent. The gameplay was repetitive, but overall decent. I disliked the storyline though, it felt very off...

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Star Fox Command is just Star Fox 2 recycled, cleaned up, given a story line with tons of characters implemented. Just think about it-

You can choose from different pilots

Each pilot has a different ship with different stats

You move around in turns fighting the enemy

You move your pilots around on a map

You have to protect a certain place (Corneria - Great Fox 2)

You have a time limit while fighting

A kind of choice of the final boss (Andross/Demon Andross - Anglar/Pigma)

So yeah. Star Fox Command is portable Star Fox 2. I'd prefer the Star Fox series if Command didn't exist though.

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I lol'd! :-P

I meant given a different storyline. I wasn't really concentrating D:

EDIT: Now that I think about it I think I meant put into canon as well :(

Edited by Furygun81
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I hated it. :|

Too many choices that lead to too many endings.

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So you don't like it because it gives you choices?

Because it lacks a definite closure as a result with no canon ending.

Star Fox was built on strict, forward-flying, on-rails action. Each stage has a defined beginning and a defined end, sometimes offering alternative paths along the way, but otherwise keeping things locked down.

Command threw all that out the window. It tried to marry the flight action gameplay with the strategy genre, having you trace out your attack paths and plan intercept vectors down on the touch screen. It just didn't feel like Star Fox anymore.

Oh, and Krystal looked really ugly. :3

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The way I see it, that's up to the player. Even if the man in charge himself said there is no canon ending, I think there's nothing wrong with the player to make the decision.

Well, the man in charge says there is no canon ending, and that is a problem when it comes to sequential games. Mass Effect can noodle around with it because it doesn't even have a fully canon protagonist. Star Fox does.

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Mass Effect can noodle around with it because it doesn't even have a fully canon protagonist.

The thing with Mass Effect is that you have a "canon" Shepard. It's a story you can write, in a way.

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The thing with Mass Effect is that you have a "canon" Shepard. It's a story you can write, in a way.

Yeah, but you can still alter his appearance and gender and dictate so many other aspects of his/her actions and personality. Star Fox has never been like that, and Command didn't do a good job of attempting to be like it. The fact that the global stakes (the Anglar invasion) were never altered based on the endings didn't help, it was all relationship crap.

Command had some good ideas, a few bad ones too, but they were all executed haphazardly and boring. I see the appeal to being allowed to just do what you want in the universe, but Command was actually very restrictive of what you could do. It was more of a dating sim than a sci-fi RPG.

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Liked the gameplay, didn't care much for the humdrum story.

But then again, how is that different from any other Star Fox game thus far? (rhetorical question. Answer if you must, but I probably won't reply to it.)

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  • 8 months later...

In My Opinion,SFC was pretty good,especially the Multiplayer.And i liked how you could control each pilot seperatly.

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I officially recommend this topic for purging. It has been dredged several times, and everyone on the site has long since made their opinions of Command clear.

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I officially recommend this topic for purging. It has been dredged several times, and everyone on the site has long since made their opinions of Command clear.

Agreed. Topic will be purged through the flames that spurt forth via the Pyro's various flamethrowers.

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