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Human-alien romance?


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So I've been thinking a lot lately about this. Let's try not to get too mature in this one, but do you think it's okay for a human and non-human sentient alien to fall in love, marry and so forth? I'm not gonna decide until I hear from some of you first. Remember, keep it clean, nothing too explicit.

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Assuming sentient non-humans do exist, I wouldn't have a problem with it. Who a person decides to be with is no business of mine, and as long as it doesn't directly interfere with anything I do then there's no real harm.

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I support it. Hell, I have one myself in a science fiction metaseries I'm writing.

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Assuming sentient non-humans do exist, I wouldn't have a problem with it. Who a person decides to be with is no business of mine, and as long as it doesn't directly interfere with anything I do then there's no real harm.

Good argument there. :wink:

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The only problem with inter species relation ships is the fact that if you can have children they will 9 times out of 10 be born as something from the Hills have eyes. Adoption is a valid option, depending on the culture you are adopting from and many diffrent other nitpicking things that are swept under the rug often.

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I-I guess that could be okay....the only "problem" i have is that this might be a species that hasnt been encountered, so we dont know of any diseases or STDs that it might posses. That, and you had better hope it doesnt try to eat you ^_^

Otherwise...i guess its okay....like i voted: It depends!

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I-I guess that could be okay....the only "problem" i have is that this might be a species that hasnt been encountered, so we dont know of any diseases or STDs that it might posses. That, and you had better hope it doesnt try to eat you ^_^

Otherwise...i guess its okay....like i voted: It depends!

I can See my daughter intodusing me to her (alien boy friend) I'd might get really mad when i'd find out.
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I can See my daughter intodusing me to her (alien boy friend) I'd might get really mad when i'd find out.

again, It depends! xD
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DNA doesnt work that. It's like saying you could have sex with a dog and get a furry.

well i was going with the "Scientific" and "safe assumption" aproach. i didnt know if you wanted to be specific or not ^_^
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DNA doesnt work that. It's like saying you could have sex with a dog and get a furry.

Wait... It doesn't?! X( XD Jkjk. Of course it doesn't. *Tries to ignore all images that popped into mind because of it*

And on that note, sure. Whether what people think of it for that matter is different, but everyone has different emotions and perfectly normal thoughts. I think it is completely possible.

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Just so you all know, this is about romantic relations, not specifically sexual ones.

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Just so you all know, this is about romantic relations, not specifically sexual ones.

Still certain "Xenomorphs" can emit or radiate things that other animals or species could be alergic to or even be negativly affected; mabye even fatal. Thing is , can you feel or detect the effects, if any.
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Still certain "Xenomorphs" can emit or radiate things that other animals or species could be alergic to or even be negativly affected; mabye even fatal. Thing is , can you feel or detect the effects, if any.

I'm not even getting at that. I'm referring to everyone going "you'll get space STDs!", and I'm just reminding them you won't if you don't put your dick into the alien poon.

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I'm not even getting at that. I'm referring to everyone going "you'll get space STDs!", and I'm just reminding them you won't if you don't put your dick into the alien poon.

i wasn't trying to mention that, but for the sake of the topic, romance can lead to an "intement relactionship" and the "need" or "want" for reproduction may occur.  Im simply saying because they havent been encountered before, approach at your own risk.
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Just so you all know, this is about romantic relations, not specifically sexual ones.

Exactly. There are even human couples out there today. They get married and everything, mainly because they love each other's vibe and how they make the other feel. Not for sex at all. It may sound odd, but tis true.

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Way I've looked at things is, if it doesn't bother those involved, who're those that are unaffected either way, but still trying to cast judgement?

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Way I've looked at things is, if it doesn't bother those involved, who're those that are unaffected either way, but still trying to cast judgement?

Welcome to the world of hate.

Be it gays, blacks, or in this case, inter species lovers, are hated and frowned upon not for the claimed reasons of morals, faith, ect. but rather because humans work on a tribal mentality. People like to think themselves above others, as better, be it as a group, or a indervidual.

Let's look at some examples

Group. Ever heard people say how life was better during ww2 despite bombs, death, rations and so on? The reason for this is that, along with the usual nostalgia, is that everyone got on. This was not because the culture was better, it was because the enemy wasn't blacks, or that guy down the road, it was nazis. Everyone was united in one hatred.

On an indervidual level the best example that we both know is almost any thread started by Milkyway. Rather then opinion for the usual reasons, he starts threads with a firmly held belief and when others post opinions, preferences or simply pokes holes in his belief, he sets about making fun of people with what amounts to "Lol Ur Wronggg" with the goal of boosting his ego. In his mind it works.

A more generic example is when people get a known expert, someone with a reputation for being smart, whatever, and proced to embarress or upstage them with an artificial problem that the 'ivory tower smarty pants' can't solve, but the original guy can. Add in technobabble to impress onlookers and boom, instant superiority.

So, to bring it back round. When people have a problem with gays, blacks, xenos, whatever, it's a conveniant target. They are different, not part of the 'best' group, and without any tangable, logical reason for it, they resort to claim immorality, genetic inferiorty and so on.

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Welcome to the world of hate.

Be it gays, blacks, or in this case, inter species lovers, are hated and frowned upon not for the claimed reasons of morals, faith, ect. but rather because humans work on a tribal mentality. People like to think themselves above others, as better, be it as a group, or a indervidual.

Let's look at some examples

Group. Ever heard people say how life was better during ww2 despite bombs, death, rations and so on? The reason for this is that, along with the usual nostalgia, is that everyone got on. This was not because the culture was better, it was because the enemy wasn't blacks, or that guy down the road, it was nazis. Everyone was united in one hatred.

On an indervidual level the best example that we both know is almost any thread started by Milkyway. Rather then opinion for the usual reasons, he starts threads with a firmly held belief and when others post opinions, preferences or simply pokes holes in his belief, he sets about making fun of people with what amounts to "Lol Ur Wronggg" with the goal of boosting his ego. In his mind it works.

A more generic example is when people get a known expert, someone with a reputation for being smart, whatever, and proced to embarress or upstage them with an artificial problem that the 'ivory tower smarty pants' can't solve, but the original guy can. Add in technobabble to impress onlookers and boom, instant superiority.

So, to bring it back round. When people have a problem with gays, blacks, xenos, whatever, it's a conveniant target. They are different, not part of the 'best' group, and without any tangable, logical reason for it, they resort to claim immorality, genetic inferiorty and so on.

tl;dr: there will be assholes who will get on your shit about things they dislike.

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tl;dr: there will be assholes who will get on your shit about things they dislike.

and therefor all we have learned is that the internets is chaotic , a mish mash of ideals that come togather to fester and rot. Oh, and rule Thirty Four.

Anyway, are we just talking about Anthrophmorphic aleins? or more bestial types? i reacently read a very stunningly good novella about a Woman who travled around with her xeno husband, a quadropedic species not to atractive. which brings up another questioin. is the love we are talking about love based apon looks?

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Exactly. There are even human couples out there today. They get married and everything, mainly because they love each other's vibe and how they make the other feel. Not for sex at all. It may sound odd, but tis true.

It was certainly odd for me.

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ever seen robotech?  Zentradi and Human marriage, Human loving a Invid. I think  i'd support it seeing as it would promote peace. (likely

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ever seen robotech?  Zentradi and Human marriage, Human loving a Invid. I think  i'd support it seeing as it would promote peace. (likely

And of course there's Tenchi Muyo, where he's living with several girls, quite a few of them have taken more than a liking to him, and not a single one is human. Ryoko even has a tail.

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