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Guest Fox235

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*The F7 and F5 collide into each other, detonating the building, and shaking the underground chamber. They combine to form an F12 tornado, fifteen miles across.*

That doesn't sound good...

*A horrendous roar fills the bunker*

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*Gets back in ship*


Compy:"Ignition failure, Ignition failure, please replace coils and try agian"

DF:*Sream like middle scool girl*

DF:"look out, I'm goin in there!"

*runs tword bunker.*

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*After several minutes, the tornado divides into twelve F1 vortices that travel in all directions. A few minutes later, the tornado warning expires.*

"Hey, I think the storm's over." *I set my controller down.* "Anyone want to survey the damage with me?"

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As Raj noticed the twisters splitting, a sudden realization came over him.

How the hell am I getting down?

A casual oversight then, a major crisis now. Even the strongest Xenth couldn't survive a drop of that height. And the tornados were rapidly weakening...

He assessed the situation for a moment, then quickly went into action. Raj nosedived through the tornado, throwing caution and debris to the wind as he sank to about one fifth of the twister's full height. From there, the Demon spread out into a wide steel parachute, catching the strong winds enough to slow him down enough to survive the fall. It would still hurt like hell, but it would certainly beat faceplanting from about a mile up.

Eventually, the storm weakened past the point of supporting his frame, and the steel parachute dropped like a rock. Raj grabbed the biggest piece of debris he could find, the siding off one of the buildings, and fell the rest of the way on top of it, aiming for the relative softness of the lake and not the crushingly hard-looking ground next to it.

Meanwhile, the survivors proceeded from the bunker to survey the damage. They conversed about how lucky they were, how bad it must have been, when somebody brought up an interesting point.

"Hey, where'd Raj end up?"

[next poster decides if he makes it in the water or not]

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I was the first to walk out. "Wow, there's like......NOTHING left."

There were no remains of the building to see. All of it's components were tossed miles away by the 800+ MPH winds of the former F12 vortex. An eerie silence was all that was left.

That is, except for the sound of someone screaming as he plummeted to the earth.

"What the--?! RAJ?!!" I point at the figure that's falling at terminal velocity. A minute later, he crashes......into the pond. A gigantic splash and much water displacement follows, and he soon surfaces over a depth of around a hundred feet.

((You're welcome, Kal. :shock: ))

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*sinks like a rock*

*slowly but surely walks along the bottom back towards the shore*

*emerges covered in mud, algae, etc.*

Well, I almost got killed, stuck rusting on the bottom of a pond, and ended up looking like a dumbass in front of everybody...but I'll be damned if that wasn't fun! :P

Y'know, I think that's the first time I've seen him laugh like that...

Now, none of you happen to have a vat of HCL on hand, do you?

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"Nope, sorry!"


"Where's my ship....... :P "


*Ships falls about five feet in front of him*

:evil::evil::(:( :(

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Just need a little cleaning. Damn, that was fun...

I'm good. You usually need to own something in order to lose it, so I'm set.

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"So, what do we do now? All we have left is the floor of a building. And assorted uprooted trees."

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*Walks up from the shelter*

JEEZ It looks like shadow went overkill with the chaos blast technique

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"Hey, I've got an idea!"

I run back into the shelter and come back with the gamecube and some other gear. The gamecube is set down beside us, and several electric border beacons are placed around the giant slab of concrete that remained. A wi-fi router is set next to a box that housed electrical equipment, that is set next to the gamecube. A wire from the box is plugged into the game's back; it provided power and also allowed the transfer of data. When everything is ready, I turn the game on. The entire area, including the volume up to three hundred feet in altitude, goes dark. Then a hologram of the title screen appears in front of us.

"Who wants to play?"

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Oooohhh...*picks up controller*

Feh, I've got better. *holds up Wii*

:shock: How did you...I mean...WTF?!

Who said Iwata didn't have free crap for us in LA?


Stole? Never! I borrowed it without general knowledge or consent but with every intention to give it back.


...In a few years.

*shakes head*

But I'm not letting you play it. It's mine. ALL MINE! :twisted:

Good, at least it won't have my fingerprints on it...

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"And I've got the game...The directors cut of adventures!"

"I too, have borrowed this."

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I scrolled through the screens and picked the Corneria City vs. level. However, instead of chosing characters, holographic images of outfits appeared to clothe us in the hologram. We select our outfits from a menu and begin the game. During the loading process, the blank room suddenly glows white for a minute, then fades in the Corneria City level, only it's all a giant hologram for us to run, drive and fly through. Our bodies are then teleported to the center platform in the level for the starting countdown. We are literally in the game.


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Sweet! Wait a minute...I picked Sheik...

*appears on stage in Zelda's dress* Oh God, this sucks Someone push me off the edge, please.

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*appears as Link*

wait Zelda I'll protect you *runs over to Zelda*

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Get the fruitcake away from me, you pointy-ear'd freak!

I feel this is a good time to point out your own ears...


Wait, WTH are you supposed to be, anyways?

You act as if you've never seen a black-and-grey Ridley before.

But Ridley's not-

Backwards compatability, mate. :shock:

...Well, poop.

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*uses hurricane attack* (b-up)

saaaaaaaaaaaaaaiiiit!!! *watches Zelda fall off stage* I always wanted to do that

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Ah, the sweet embrace of death-*BOOM (I refuse to do the girly scream she does)*

*respawns* -to take away...the...embarassment...DAMMIT! >_<

*grabs Link and pimp-slaps a la MP3: Corruption trailer*

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*gets pimp-slapped*

why you

*activates Link's special move from SSBB vid*

take that and that and that and...

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Filthy *******...*grab + forward + jump off + down throw + flap five times + ^B*

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AUGHHHHHHH *gets pwnd, respawns and uses downword stab move before Ridley can get back on stage and kills them both*

take that biznitch

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