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Gamesh ,I beat em, I make em, I eat em


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And thats the good ending. In the original they eat each other iirc.


So I just drew this really awesome Picture of a bear in a business suit, gonna have to scan that and put it up here.

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Wikipedia says its

"The Master is left alone again, and returns to drinking. He is once again asked to consider living in a nursing home, and this time he agrees. Crying, he takes his shotgun from the wall, leads Copper outside, and pets him gently before ordering him to lie down. He covers the dog's eyes as Copper licks his hand trustingly."

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:lol: Saber, You're remark about Nova and Script kids got into my dreams, I set my alarm to wake me up randomly in the night, where I would then see this sheet of paper that says what did you dream, I then right down what I dream. So during dinner, I just remember OH SNAP, I wrote a message to myself, cause this is my first time doing this, I had no idea what I wrote down, so when I looked hear is what I read,

"A Beach

A Bear

Little John

And Script Kids."

I have no idea what these dreams where about but still, Lol.

I do, however, remember being to tired to write down more then one word about each dream though. I take it little John and the bear are related to the animated films I watched, Robin hood, Little John being a bear, and the bear at the end of Fox and the Hound.

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Programed an infinite loop by accident... but it was a full-screen application... and i couldn't close it...

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Gots to be careful when programming... or mebbe just make the program not fullscreen so if it stops responding I can actually do stuff...

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Drew some Robin Hood Fan Art, as well as Street fighter... As well as some horrible picture about some guys arm falling off because he doesn't need it anymore, for mind controlled games have been released.

also that bear I drew.


I'm starting to not suck at drawing animals, so that's cool!!!

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"Oh, OH LOOK AT ME!!! I'm a cube, and I don't want your dumb texture to be applied to me," says the cube I just programmed. Apparently rotations are not as "Mainstream," as textures so it's willing to do that. Stupid hipster cubes.

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I have now programmed a cube displaying this on all sides.


also it spins.

And now that I've learned how to use direct 3d rather then direct draw, time to start Working on ProtoMaster again

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HAH!!! I've done it! The ProtoMaster ship changes sprites when you press different directions.

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I know how to use adobe flesh cs:s 5 (seriously, i can use the adobe flash cs5), but i don't know how to apply the stuff to codes and things like that....  :oops:

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I used to try and make games with flash Cs:5, but then I decided making games in flash was dumb, I've never played a fun game made with flash, when things get to intense in a flash game everything just screws up.

C++ seemed more beneficial to learn, but my times with flash did help me a bit with c++, not really, but kinda.

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I used to try and make games with flash Cs:5, but then I decided making games in flash was dumb, I've never played a fun game made with flash, when things get to intense in a flash game everything just screws up.

C++ seemed more beneficial to learn, but my times with flash did help me a bit with c++, not really, but kinda.

Welcome to the last smart thing milky said.

Basicly just because 99.99999999999999% of flash games are complete crap, doesn't mean they all have to be. I'm using game maker and that is natorious for crap due to the low barrier of entry.

Starting raw code is a pain. My advice, Game Maker, it's faster as a learning tool. Esp the debug stuff. Provided you name stuff right.

On a related note, here's a good flash game.


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Sorreh, Don't like tycoon games. :) and I don't like the music loop...

99.99999999999% is good enough for me, I'm an optimist I round up rather then down. :trollface:

I will admit, I've played good ones, but the rates are high enough for me to say they all suck and not feel bad, they don't have to suck... but they do. The majority of the seem to be little boring games that are designed to be "addicting," then you realize the game you just played was really boring and you had no fun at all whilst playing it. I'd way rather program in c++, less limitations, and things just move so smoothly, I love it.

Also I'm fine with game maker games, they don't bug me nearly as much.

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Huzzah, Things is going good, The ship can now move around on the screen, and changes sprite depending on what key is pressed, and changes color depending on what firing type you want to shoot with.

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After not workin on my game for a week, it can now shoot!!! little pink squares... no picture in it... but it shoots, and depending on the type of firing mode you are in (explode laser or spread) it makes pink squares at a different speed!!!

Side note... Stupid accidentally making never ending for loops instead of if statements and then being completely confused as to why your program is not working.

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Made a new song, but this time rather then just posting the song I think I will wait till I can make a new album. Before all my songs have gone in the album pity party, called so because the songs in it really suck, and are the first songs I've made, so it's Kinda exciting that this is the first song I feel does not deserve to go in pity party.

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After a long series of nothing working and me being to lazy to fix anything... I fixed stuff that wasn't working. Oh yeah, and with the fixing of the stuff I got a deeper understanding of pointers... Pointers suck cause at first it's like, why the heck would I use these, they just point to crap, but then you are like man, sure is nice to be able to point to this crap.

Thank you logic.cpp for being an incredibly useful file.

Also this

and weird... For a second I thought I was sixteen, even though I've been not sixteen for quite some time.


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I never saw the use of pointers. I guess I'm still missing something. It took me a while to see the use of classes when you have functions.

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It's kinda like.. Say you make a class in one file, then you want to use it in another file, so you make a pointer to the class in the other file, that's one use, as well as easily moving through lists and arrays, there's probably more uses, but it's slowly unwrapping itself to reveal a useful center.

Also agreed about the class's thing at first.

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I think I'm gonna resort to deleting everything on my computer related to my programming and restart... Things that used to work don't anymore for no apparent reason... they just stopped working... I think something is wrong with my compiler.

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DAMN IT!!! WHY ARE YOU SO EXPENSIVE!!! I finally found the StarFox pin from the super weekend... but it's 84 dollars... I have the Jacket, Shirt, Pen, Poster, watch ect... but the pin... it temps me so... but 84 Dollars... must resist... should I resist... will I resist... I DON'T THINK I WILL BE ABLE TOOOOOOOO!!!

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