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Gamesh ,I beat em, I make em, I eat em


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Apparently my head is to big for headphones... The part that goes over my head always breaks.

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PIANOOOOoooo. I don't get why parents force kids into learning it so young, I bet if I started when I was young I would have hated it, and It would have been a hundred times harder to learn, but I didn't so it's tones oh fun. Also music is hard to compose :/ but also fun.

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Kid has no interest in piano. Kids wants to play drums (for sake of example)

Middle class pairent heard that kid is into music, but instead makes kid learn piano from some bitchy overpriced teacher as a status thing.

Kid has no interest and get's little out of the teaching.

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Funny, I was forced into drums, never liked it much, and now I'm taking piano.

Also, I ♥ my cat.

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uhhh... warning... blood... An old DOS fighting game with some gameplay and the intro.

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Git learning Time, While working on ProtoMaster trying to make the ship shoot, I totally broke the game, so I started again from scratch and got it to before the game blew up, now to be on the safe side imma use git, a version control system, so that if it ever blows up again I can just go back in time to before it started being dumb.

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FRAME RATE LOST!!!!! SOOOOO MANNNNY BULLLLLLLETS!!!! Forgot to make a timer, so it made new bullets every millisecond, and I hadn't made the bullets delete when they reach the end of the screen yet Either... Terrible experience.

Also derp, I made this really awesome 11 hit (so far) no air combo(I could easily have gone to air right after and increased the hits in the combo massively at the end to) as Amaterasu in MVC3, then I found out that because of the thing where the higher the combo the less damage each move does, that by skipping the bit where I use the disk and then switch to the sword mid combo, and just going right to using the sword, it does an equal amount of damage...

Edit, In the end, after doing the air combo at the end with a hyper move at the end... the cooler looking one that's a bigger combo and has a weapon change in the middle did less damage then the cut down version of it.

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Oh YEAH!!! I got a krunkin' reference letter, now all my scholarship applications ect. are going down in style!accidentally replied rather then edit. Deciding on what school to go to/when to go is hard... should I wait a year or two and get some money, or student loan it up? I mean with the education I could make the money faster right, but then I also already HAVE the student loan if i do education first. Also do I go to the super expensive private school, or the less so public school.

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Well bit coins are awesome, I now get free money for leaving my computer on when I'm not using it (which I do anyways) It's crazy complex but basically my computer is mining tools and the solutions to random mathematical equations are gold.

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I really have no idea, but I can trade in the bit coins for Master card gift cards which I can use to buy games, and that's all that matters.

Apparently as more of these bitcoins are generated it has the reverse effect of devaluing, the bitcoins go up in value because as more equations are solved the new equations have to be more complex or something, I'm having trouble with the concepts myself.

So think of a gold mine, gold has value, but gold doesn't really do anything for us, it just kinda sits there being gold signifying value, you get gold by mining it... Bitcoins do the same thing, your computer mines for the bitcoins.

If I where you I'd ignore everything I've said on how it works/ makes sense and just google how do bitcoins work.

Also... I'm having some crazy error, I can't uninstall my video drivers, because of a compatibility error... HOW DOES THAT MAKE SENSE!!!



MY GOODNESSS!!!! It is soooooo hard to sleep when you are making a game.

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HAH! I can finally say what my favorite T.V. Shows are, The ol' "Hitch hikers guide to the galaxy show", and "The Critic."

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HAH! I can finally say what my favorite T.V. Shows are, The ol' "Hitch hikers guide to the galaxy show", and "The Critic."

Which hitch hikers? The 80s one? Never heard of the critic.

If you don't mind old stuff, check out the original Twilight Zone. Some people can't stand black and white, but if you get past that, then it's awesome.

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For my Art project in school (a painting) I'm making it of Fox, Nathan Spencer, and Renard. Fox = My love for video games Nathan Spencer = me I guess, he has the same first name as me, and Renard = my love for music.

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I spilled a little bit o' juice On my computer and steam came out >_> scary.

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A'right! time for some collision detection... Where to start. I already made something that tests if to Objects collide, now its just using said thing I made properly.

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I quote myself, "I would have forgot my backpack at home but I forgot I had forgotten it in my locker..."

So I have made hit collision, my game engine (if you wanna call it that) is pretty well functional, just gotto design the way the waves of enemies should appear / give em a bit of AI, other then that, the rest is up to art people, and whatever extras I decide to add.

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I'm sad now... Crysis 2 sure looks like a call of duty clone :((((( :( If you are going to do that just make Call of Duty: Future warfare, or something dumb like that. I sure hope its not a CoD clone, and that the videos just don't do it justice.

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