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Meh new journal.


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I abused the other one, and i'd like a fresh start.

So, Thursday i had a rough day....I came home to some problems that were mentaly and phyisicaly conserning. I Even ended up crying a little in my room...So then i oppended a door next to my bed, where i keep anything that has Extreme emotional value to myself. I found i Picture of Martin, And i realissed I felt safe when i looked at his picture.  :hehe: Dumb in know, but it kinda reminded me of why i really looked up to him. I was going through hard times then too.

Friday was much better. I went to school, came home, went to bed  :lol:

Saturday(today) Was Great. First i awoke at 6 to get ready for a wreastling tournment, and I got 2nd! The kid i lost to only beat me by 2 points(9me)11him) so that made me and my dad really proud! Then i came home a played some basket ball with some friends. I now i am posting here. 

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I just had 2222 post! oh, well. So i went to church today. and as usal i got alot out of mass. We carreid on to eat at this really good salad place for lunch. The i came home and worked for 3-4 hours before going to ca sandwich ministry. We made 599 meals (two sanwichs per meal) So thats was good. There also this really cute girl there and we talked a little after we were done. Made me felel alot better after my last few days of my love life.

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Well, nothing new today either. Ecept there was a fight to day at school. TO groups started flaring up. then the first punch was thrown. Before i new it 26 people ended up with ISS. Oh, well. Glad i wasn't o' part of that.  :P Also our school scored the highest ITBS scores again, thats 3 years in a row.

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