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I didn't leave

Mr. Krystal

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So apparently people believe that I left the site. Admittedly, I've been super duper busy with job hunting in the worst economy since the Great Depression, but I still think of my time away as temporary (even if it's turning into months). Without the need to update the site, and lacking any authority on the forums, the site dropped several rungs on my importance ladder. But still, I DO plan to return to daily posting in topics. I just wanted to bring this up because apparently the drama recently found here was so bad that a now-banned user (who wishes to remain anonymous) brought it up to me in a completely separate place out of the blue. Come on guys! What happened to the great community that could last for years with only two mods and take care of their own problems? Can we get back to no drama and start talking about the thing we signed up for: Star Fox?

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I wondered about this. Glad to see you're still around. :)

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Well I did see you doing the odd sign in/ sign out here although I didn't speculate a return for some time. Well it's good to see you back.

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Yay! Some of the old crowd is coming back! ^^

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Cool, I saw on the KA that you in fact did find a job. Good to know you're back, and god-speed in whatever else you do.  :wink:

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Welcome back

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Talk about Star Fox?! You mean those awesome games that got crappy sequels?! That's boooooring.

Let's talk more about how gay Dermot was or something. Gossip!  :trollface:

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Talk about Star Fox?! You mean those awesome games that got crappy sequels?! That's boooooring.

Let's talk more about how gay Dermot was or something. Gossip!  :trollface:

This post made my day.

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I'd guessed you have to busy to post frequnitly here, by reading your post on the Krystal archive. No problem at all RL first everything else seconed. As for what has been happening. It seems as if every thing has been calming down quite nicely.

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Well, it is good to hear you are alright, Mr. Krystal :)  I have been wondering if you were alright in this dire circumstances, but everything looks a lot brighter now.  Also, it does not matter if you were caught up in other real life things to have came back to this site to check up on it; you are still apart of this grand community and deserve to be recognized for it!

May clarity and grace be with you, my friend! :wink:

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Thanks for your kind words (mostly), but...

:bill: Don't get too excited!

My leave of absence will continue for a bit longer. I just wanted to check in.

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Thanks for your kind words (mostly), but...

:bill: Don't get too excited!

My leave of absence will continue for a bit longer. I just wanted to check in.

It is a honor to see you here still.
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This post made my day.

even if Rob's joking  I find both your post a bit disturbing...

To me Mrk when you stepped down... you kinda left... in a way  i knew you were still around just didn't feel the same

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Glad to hear you're still thinking of this place and want to increase your activety to old heights. I'd also like to congratulate you with having found a job last week. Well deserved.

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Talk about Star Fox?! You mean those awesome games that got crappy sequels?! That's boooooring.

Let's talk more about how gay Dermot was or something. Gossip!  :trollface:

even if Rob's joking  I find both your post a bit disturbing...

Me too. Stuff like that(even when you joking) can hurt

It is a honor to see you here still.

It is. Your sort'a a living legend
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This post made my day.

That post did not make my day. It was pointless.. Both of them, in fact.. :?

I agree 100% with Mr. Krystal! Let's talk about STAR FOX!!

Good to see you're still checking the forums regularly, Mr. K. :)

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Man you guys wouldn't know a joke if it walked into a bar with a Catholic, a Rabbi and an Imam.

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Well hello, I don't even know the inter-forum drama that happened (again...) but its good to have two mods. With DZ's post I thought you were gone for good.

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