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Flash Phoenix


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Some of you may have played it before, some of you might not have, but here it is:

Flash Phoenix Demo

Please note, it is -still- a WIP.

For those who don't know what Phoenix is, it's a game for the TI 83+ calculators, widely regarded as one of the best one avilable for it. I have it, and it helps a lot to kill time at school when there's nothing else to do and the teacher doesn't like Game Boys.

So, after I finished up with Pong (my first -pitiful- attempt at games in Flash), I decided that I might wanna make Phoenix in Flash. So, sometime in March 2005, I began to try and figure out how to get it to shoot, how to recognize multiple enemies, and just generally work out how to get the mechanics to work. Sometime in April, I produced what could only be called a Beta version, which featured a single ship, one or two levels, the shop, the reload bar, and the health bar. Gradually, I added, evolved, and got rid of concepts, and after about a year, it has evolved into what you see now.

Now then, the reason I post this is because I'd like feedback on it. The limited audience at school and a couple of other sites already give me ideas and suggestions, and the more diverse the feedback, the more concrete the foundation can be.

I ask simply for opinions and suggestions. Just don't suggest smarter AI: it's a bit late for that at this point, and besides, smarter AI would draw away from part of what I believe makes Phoenix so great; simplicity, replayability, and upgradability.

Have at it!


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ITS AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I like how you added multiple ships and new weapons. Plus the overheat thing is kinda neat too. Easy to control I liked it a lot 10/10.

For improvement. Um, maybe unlockable ships and/or weapons. Like on the second go-around if you didn't get a high score (I wasn't able to play that far on your versoin) then new weapons show up. Or after you get a certain score you get this or that weapon.

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Not bad, a fun little game.

My big complaint is it could honestly be smaller. It doesn't fit on my screen completely, and that's kind of a problem. You wouldn't lose much by scaling the whole thing down some.

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That is awsome...........

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Yes, I'm planning on unlockables once the game's completey finished. This thing's still a WIP, despite the time I've spent on it.

I hadn't thought of unlockable weapons, though....

As for the screen size, I'll fix that. Just resizing the iframe a bit. I needed a decent size, and this one has exactly 64 times the area, which worked well on my screen.


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As the first post says (OK, implies), a little over a year.

But that's what happens when you make something in a language as you learn it. ^^;;


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Yes, I'm planning on unlockables once the game's completey finished. This thing's still a WIP, despite the time I've spent on it.

I hadn't thought of unlockable weapons, though....

As for the screen size, I'll fix that. Just resizing the iframe a bit. I needed a decent size, and this one has exactly 64 times the area, which worked well on my screen.


the TI version had an interesting approach to weapons upgrades....Ya had to buy 'em....or sheids or a buddy...

Galaxian for ION is cool too.....but not as fancy

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The TI calculators I speak of are graphing calculators, so you get a nice normal screen, albeit a terribly low-res one.


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MUCH better on the size.

One thing I'd like is a new game button. I mean, after I've gotten game over, I honestly expect to go back to the title screen. If I want to play again, starting over with a new ship, then there should be an option to do so.

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MUCH better on the size.

One thing I'd like is a new game button. I mean, after I've gotten game over, I honestly expect to go back to the title screen. If I want to play again, starting over with a new ship, then there should be an option to do so.

I've though about that...Instead of having the "Game Over" screen decide what to do, I let the user choose between Quit or Revert. I should probably get on that....

Thanks for the remark, Steve! :banghead:

I have purpose!


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umm... how cn you get some kind of game to wrok on a calculator?

like inuyasha said:

this is the calc that Phoenix was origanally desinged for :


As you can see it has a large screen and lots of buttons....SOPPOSED to be used for school (statistics, phyisics, caclulus, ect.)

but it has a flash chip inside that can hold custom programs made in the calc's native machine code, thus you have games.

you can even program simple ones on your calc with a verity of BASIC...

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that mario game is fun! I used to have final fantasy, but there was a bug because in order to advance you needed a key to open the door, but the key was behind the door.



/___*_______/ o-


you were where the * is and the key id the 0-, and the door you needed to open was the one left of the key.

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Ohh, Super Mario nothing. I remember Sqrxz. Ohhhh man, that game would kick your ass and swallow you whole, chew you up and poop you back out. Then you'd go back and play it again.

I miss my days of TI-85 gaming fun in high school. :banghead: Yaknow, bullseyeing Womprats and all that, back home.

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Ohh' date=' Super Mario nothing. I remember [i']Sqrxz. Ohhhh man, that game would kick your -the buttox- and swallow you whole, chew you up and poop you back out. Then you'd go back and play it again.

I miss my days of TI-85 gaming fun in high school. :cry: Yaknow, bullseyeing Womprats and all that, back home.

YEP, or the dumbest game for anything anywhere, Drug Cartel, that was reatrted!

I hvae just lost some IQ in thinking of it!.

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I can't recall if I played Drug Cartel...

How about that game where you play a Redneck and go around beating up lunch ladies? You win when your BAC reaches 100%.

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I can't recall if I played Drug Cartel...

How about that game where you play a Redneck and go around beating up lunch ladies? You win when your BAC reaches 100%.

HEHE.....Yeah someone at a shcoll I used to go to Got expelled for making "Medina High School Massacre"

The objective was to beast bozo the clown or somthing.....

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  • 4 weeks later...

Just a little head-up: there've been quite a number of updates since the last time. Mostly music, but some game stuff, too.

Oh, and I got a new host, so it should load faster, despite the now 1.5MB filesize. The link in my sig I -know- is updated.


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