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New Staff Position: Game Server Admin II


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I think having a second gameserver admin is a good thing for us, so I am opening the floor for applications.


1. Knowledge of Source Engine games and their tools. Knowledge of sourcemod and sourcebans is a plus.

2. Ability to impartially judge the actions of other players on the fly: Willing to learn how to recognize hacks, cheats, exploits, griefing, etc.

3. Willing to attend official game meets on a regular basis

4. Active SFO member for at least 3 months with regular appearance in scheduled games


You can control many server settings, such as map, voting, player marking, and spraytrace actions. You also get the power to kick and ban players from the server. You do NOT get rcon access. All duties can be performed through SourceMod's admin menu.

Access to SourceBans where bans can be monitored and removed or manually added after the fact (all info required to ban a player is logged by hlstatsx) for asshats that jump ship before you can ban them.

Questionnaire (fill out and PM to me):

Do you own Team Fortress 2  and Left 4 Dead 2? If not are you willing to purchase them?

Why do you want to be a server admin?

Why should you be a server admin?

You suspect someone is hacking, but you can't tell for sure. What do you do?

Can you try to make it to as many scheduled games as possible?


BTW, OneWinged, I need an email address from you to give you access to SourceBans. Please PM one to me.

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Any word on this yet?

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Been out for the holidays. This week I will make a decision.

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Last Call for applications. I will pick someone tonight.

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