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Star Fox Rangers


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Chapter 22

The Star Fox Rangers were shocked to recognize the hooded figure sitting at the counter in the Youth Center. It was Imp, Lord Zenn's abused henchmen thought to have been long gone after the incident on the Orbital Station. He appeared to have lost all memories he had of Lord Zenn, and being thrown into space and down to Fortuna the other day.

"Should we knock that demented grin off his face?", Falco asked.

"No.", Fox replied. "Don't do anything unless he attacks us first. Morph if he tries to hurt any bystanders.".

"Hurt people?", Imp asked.

"That's what he just said.", Slippy said. "You know, causing deliberate physical harm to other people, even though they didn't do anything to deserve it.".

"Why would I do that?", Imp asked.

"Don't you remember all those people you hurt?", Katt asked. "How you attacked their home planet on orders from your boss? You did it without questioning him.".

"Questioning who now?", Imp asked.

"Do you even remember who you are?", Krystal asked.

"No I don't.", Imp said. "I don't even know where I am or what planet it was I woke up on. All I know is I hitched a ride to this planet on a starship, it landed outside, then I got out and came in to buy food with what little money I had.".

"Speaking of which, are you gonna pay for this?", Farcus asked bringing out a pair of hamburgers. "It's $5 altogether for the sandwiches. You wanna eat first?".

"Actually I have no money.", Imp said. "Can I have a job application so I can work it off?".

"What can you do?", Eugine asked. "We could use a new custodian. How are you with scrubbing floors and washing windows?".

Seeing that the situation was under control, the Power Rangers turned their attention back to the baby shower, while their amnesiac acquaintance accepted his new job as the Youth Center's janitor.

Meanwhile, back in Zenn's fortress, Needle was busy preparing a new monster to keep the Rangers busy, while Zenn was looking through his spy monitor system, monitoring the Lylat System to see who'd be appropriate candidates for his evil Rangers.

"No, not that one.", he said while looking. "Too scrawny. Maybe him? No, he's far too nice! I need to find five people who are cruel and cold-blooded enough to be my evil Rangers. Are there no people good enough for such roles?!".

"What about Sargasso sire?", Needle asked.

"What do you mean Needle?", Zenn replied.

"The Sargasso Colony.", Needle continued. "It's a notorious space station near Sector Y that was abandoned 50 years ago. Nowadays it's known to harbor numerous criminals, ranging from ordinary bank robbers to merciless killers. Might I recommend that we look there Lord Zenn?".

"What do you mean WE?!!", Zenn shouted, smacking Needle with his staff. "Oh, I mean, of course! Why didn't I think of it before! Needle, while I'm gone, you must make as many monsters as you can to keep the Power Rangers busy. Make sure they actually do damage!!".

"At once sire!", Needle said, and got back to work in his workshop.

Lord Zenn set off to Sargasso to see if he could find the most horrendous scum he could to be his evil Rangers. Needle, on the other hand, had just mixed together a combination of cotton-wool and a nuclear battery. After completing the substance, he threw it down to Katina, shattering it on impact. The slime bubbled and expanded until it grew into a humanoid cloud creature with gold spikes sticking out of it's head, and a large, bloodshot eye on it's face.

"Shaboom!!", he shouted. "Today's forecast calls for a 100% chance of thunder storms. When I say thunderstorms, I mean bolts of lightning that shoot down from the sky, strong enough to blow down a skyscraper!! Let the light show begin!!".

The monster clapped his hands together so hard that he sent a large black cloud into the sky. The cloud shot bolts of electricity down into the ground, practically incinerating whatever they hit, from cars to phone booths.

"And now sports!", he shouted, sending bolts down to set an entire football stadium ablaze. "What a touchdown! Now if only the quaterback can recover from that shin injury, which I hope he doesn't!! Boom shakalaka!! Boom shakalaka!!".

The Cornerian army tried to fight the monster off, sending a fleet of fighters and bombers after him. However, the attempt was in vain, as the monster's thunderstorm clouds shot down all ships within only a minute.

Back on Corneria, the baby shower had come to a close and everyone had gone home. Everyone, that is, except the Star Fox Rangers, who received a call from their morphers.

"What is it?", Fox asked.

"Ay yi yi!", ROB exclaimed. "This is terrible! Lord Zenn's newest monster is burning up Katina! You need to take him out before he chars the whole planet!".

"Alright then ROB.", Fox said. "It's Morphin Time!!".

"Lunar Dager Power!!".

"Stinger Lance Power!!".

"Axe Cloud Power!!".

"Diamond Mace Power!!".

"King Lightning Power!!".

As the Rangers headed for Katina, what they were about to see next would be more horrific than anything else Zenn had done thus far.

To Be Continued...

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Chapter 23

The Star Fox Rangers had just observed the horrific damage done by Lord Zenn's new monster, when they encountered the fiend responsible.

"That's weird.", the monster said. "My forecast didn't predict any chances of Rangers! You can't control the weather!".

"Neither can you.", Fox said. "Who are you anyway?".

"Call me Nimbuster!", the monster answered. "I just arrived from cloud 9 to deliver the Lylat System's forecast for today! Speaking of which, we were expecting some hale today! Open your umbrellas!".

Star Fox found themselves rained on by enormous balls of ice coming from the sky. Each one hit the ground quickly, sending deadly shards of ice everywhere at the Rangers. Luckily they were able to smash the pieces of ice into dust with their swords.

"Time to get serious!", Katt said. "I never liked weather anchors. They're all full of hot air!".

"Hot air you say?" Nimbuster asked. "When hot air rises in the sky it creates lightning!!".

Nimbuster struck the Rangers with a volley of powerful lightning bolts, just like the ones he used to set his surroundings on fire. Slippy slashed at the monster numerous times, but his sword strikes proved ineffective. Then Krystal gave Nimbuster a wide slash, but she couldn't damage him either. Nimbuster seemed to be able to absorb direct hits like he was some sort of sponge.

"How are we gonna take this guy out?", Falco asked. "We can't use our swords! All they do is go right through him, and not in a good way!".

"Have your daily does of vitamin D Rangers!", Nimbuster said, and suddenly brought forth a blinding beam of sunlight into their faces. "Looks like you should've put on your lotion too! Too much sun isn't good for your skin.".

"I can't see a thing!", Fox said.

"It feels like my skin's going to melt off!", Krystal exclaimed.

"Wait!", Slippy said. "Nimbuster's nothing but a pompous cloud. Literally!".

"We're trying to beat him, not insult him.", Falco added.

"I mean I know how to stop him!", Slippy said. "Falco, you and Katt link your swords together by their handles! Fox and Krystal, you do the same!".

"Right!", the other Ranger said.

The other Power Rangers linked their swords together by their handles, then when Slippy gave the signal, they twirled their blades around like propellers. All of a sudden Nimbuster started to fade away, tiny bits and pieces of his body being blown away in the wind.

"What?!", Nimbuster said. "No!! This isn't what I predicted!! There wasn't anything in the sky today that even hinted of strong winds!!".

Before he could say another word, Nimbuster had faded away into nothing as his body was dispersed into the air. However, that wasn't the end of Nimbuster, for Needle was back up on Venom with Stitches to give the monster a hand.

"You know what to do.", Needle said.

"Of course.", Stitches replied. "The universe has yet to know what it's like when this monster grows!".

Stitches lobbed the meteor down to Katina, which made it break on impact, sending a surge of energy into the air, and bringing Nimbus back but now 100 feet tall.

"Good evening!", Nimbuster said. "Tonight's forecast calls for complete and utter devastation! Keep your pets inside tonight!".

"We need Megazord Power now!!", the Rangers shouted.

As usual the Lunar Dagger formed the right arm, the Stinger Lance formed the left arm, the Diamond Mace formed the right leg, the Axe Cloud formed the left leg, and the King Lightning formed the rest of the body. The King Lightning detached it's main guns, allowing 2 thighs to extend out from under neath, then it's dorsal fin divided down the middle and formed the waist. As the 4 other Zords attached to the King Lightning in their appropriate docking points, the cockpit of the King Lightning formed the head, opening up on top to reveal the face.

"Megazord activated!!", Star Fox exclaimed.

"Maybe now we can damage him directly.", Fox said, as the Megazord punched Nimbuster.

"Awesome!!", Krystal said. "This time we won't need to blow him away!!".

"We'll see about that!", Nimbuster said, and hit the Megazord with his lightning.

The fight continued as the Megazord punched Nimbuster continuously, causing him to break apart and blow away in the breeze, but that wasn't the end of him. Nimbuster quickly regained his form, and bombarded the Megazord with a large tornado. The Megazord tried to escape but the winds were too strong.

"This is where I come in I guess.", Sabre said. "Gold Ranger Power!!".

Sabre morphed right away, boarded Pyramidis and fly into the battlefield to aid the Rangers.

"Activating Ultrazord!", he shouted.

Pyramidis transformed into battle mode, then opened up the compartment in it's back that allowed the Megazord to stand inside it.

"Ultrazord battle ready!", the 6 Rangers shouted together.

"No!", Nimbuster shouted. "Nothing's too heavy to be blown away by my tornado!".

The Ultrazord took aim, and fired right on Nimbuster. Upon taking such heavy damage Numbuster fell to the ground in pain and exploded.

Successful in their mission, the Rangers put out the fires from Zenn's attack, and returned to Corneria. Slippy had something important on his mind as they returned, but he didn't want to tell the other Rangers because it would upset them.

"Are you okay?", Fox asked.

"I was worried about this.", Slippy replied. "I'm a family man now, so this is coming as a really big change in my life. A change that will have to keep me away from my old friends.".

"What are you saying?", Fox asked.

"I'm saying that I might quit.", Slippy said. "You'll have to get yourself a new Blue Ranger.".

To Be Continued...

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Chapter 24

The rest of the Star Fox Rangers were shocked to hear Slippy say he was considering leaving the team.

"Why would you do that?!", Fox asked. "You've been such a big help in fighting Zenn! What would we do without you and that supercomputer-like brain of your's?!".

"It's the kids.", Slippy added. "I'm now the proud father of 8 children. What if they lose their father when they're only a month old? If I continue to be the Blue Power Ranger I'll never have time with them, always having to fly off to defend the Lylat System from giant monsters.".

"Without you we'd have no idea how to defeat said giant monsters.", Falco said, not quite believing he just praised the teammate he teased more than others. "Besides, I can't think of anybody who'd be the new blue.".

"Don't look at me.", Krystal said. "I'm already blue-furred. I don't need to be the Blue Ranger.".

"Why not Peppy?", Katt asked. "He's had at least 30 years of experience in warfare, he'd be a great Ranger!".

"A Star Fox Ranger and the leader of the Cornerian Army?", Fox asked. "Don't you think that'd be too much for somebody to handle in their 50s? I had an uncle who was in his early 80s when he tried to fix his television by himself, and now he's got doctor's orders to not touch electrical systems.".

While the Rangers were debating over who should replace Slippy as the Blue Ranger, they heard a familiar voice from years ago walking in. It came from a greyhound carrying a surf board in one hand, and in the other a radio playing folk rock music. He sat down at the juice bar sapping his fingers to the music.

"Dude!", he said. "That was a major killer wave out there. First I was like WHOA! Then I was like GNARLY! Then, like, I crash-landed into a sandbar. Barley missed a reef too!".

"I recognize that laid back attitude anywhere.", Katt said.

"If I didn't know better, I'd say that was the same surf nut attitude as Bill Grey.", Falco said.

"In the flesh man!", Bill replied, giving the "Rock on!" salute. "You guys have been a really big help in pushing back Lord Zenn. Heard you talking about something really down in here, what's going on?".

"Slippy's quitting the team so he can spend more time with his family.", Fox answered. "We need a new Blue Ranger to take his place when he's gone.".

"I'm available if you need me dudes.", Bill replied. "Blue's my color too! It's the color of the ocean, and in the ocean I'm king. Permission to, like, come aboard captain?".

"Permission granted.", Fox said with a smile.

While the Rangers rejoiced at their new member, Lord Zenn, meanwhile, was up at the Sargasso Space Colony, looking for 5 people capable of being his own team of Rangers. Inside Zenn found all sorts of murderous thugs, thieves and con men.

"What a wonderful sight.", he said to himself. "This could be my home away from home. Who here is capable of being my Rangers?".

Zenn walked further into the vicinity, causing everybody else to stop what they were doing and scowl at him. Some of them were even ready to draw weapons and open fire on Zenn if he tried anything funny.

"Hello my friends.", Zenn said.

"We're not your friends.", one thug said. "In fact we have no idea who you are, or what you're doing in that stupid getup.".

"You don't know who I am?", Zenn asked. "It is I, Lord Zenn! Future ruler of all that is!".

Everybody else looked at Zenn, then at each other, then back at Zenn a laughed at him. Zenn glowed red with anger once again.

"Yeah, you live with that!", one said. "Where are planning on starting your regime mighty dictator? A comic book convention?!".

"Did your momma make that suit?!", another thug asked. "Don't scratch the fabric Junior!".

Zenn was so furious at the criminals mocking him that he whipped out his staff, and vaporized 7 thugs with a beam of energy.

"Have I made myself clear?", Zenn asked.

"Yes you have.", said a sinister sounding voice.

The voice came from a wolf in his early 50s with a bionic eye patch. Behind him were a deranged chameleon, an obnoxious panther, a quick-tempered albino monkey, and a nervous crocodile.

"We've heard of you.", the chameleon said.

"That you're trying to make a name for yourself like I.", the panther said.

"That you probably need a true genius on your side.", the monkey said.

"And somebody who's loyal to your cause.", the crocodile said.

"You're all exactly right.", Zenn asked. "Who are you, and are you capable of combat of any kind?".

"I'm Wolf O'Donnell.", the wolf said. "My claws can cut through anything possible.".

"I'm Leon Powalski.", the chameleon said. "Nobody sees me coming until it's too late.".

"I'm Panther Caroso.", the panther said. "All who see my rose die.".

"I'm Andrew Oikonny.", the monkey said. "I am the one and only true heir to Andross' empire.".

"I'm Caiman Kyle.", the crocodile said. "I will be with you until the end.".

"Very nice.", Zenn said. "Come with me and you will receive your own powers that will decimate even the Star Fox Rangers!".

To Be Continued...

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Chapter 25

Upon meeting the 5 who would become his new minions, Lord Zenn brought them back with him to his fortress on Venom. Having them each step into a special chamber, Zenn unleashed an energy wave in the room, transforming Wolf, Leon, Panther, Oikonny and Caiman into 5 evil Power Rangers for his own.

"I almost can't believe it!", Zenn said, starting to become overwhelmed with joy. "Five Power Rangers to call my own! This is the best day of my life! Welcome to the Zenn Empire, Chaos Rangers!".

"Nice change of pace.", Wolf said. "I haven't felt this kind of power before. Oh, to think of what I can do now!".

"My opponents will remember me in their nightmares if I don't kill them first.", Leon said.

"This color clashes with my eyes.", Panther said. "No matter. I have a feeling that I'll have myself an arsenal that can even knock down an entire city.".

"What fun.", Oikonny said. "When they see me they will finally know to respect my genius, or else face the consequences.".

"No weapon will pierce my armor.", Caiman said. "They will never take me out!".

"Excellent!", Zenn said. "Now go Chaos Rangers! Go and take your places as executioners of the Power Rangers!".

"Acknowledged.", the Chaos Rangers all said, and headed for Corneria.

Down on Corneria all was peaceful, until an explosion tore open a nearby road, sending cars everywhere off to the sides. Civilians looked up to see the Chaos Rangers land and to begin their reign of terror.

Wolf punched a nearby bystander so hard in the stomach that he sent the man flying.

Panther was approached from behind by a police officer, but turned around and gave him a high kick to the jaw.

Caiman walked towards a group of officers who were firing at him, their shots doing nothing except bounce off his suit.

Leon clung to the ceiling of a nearby tunnel, and when two policemen were right below him, he dropped down and smashed both of them on their heads.

Oikonny didn't engage his victims hand-to-hand, but instead he rewired a bus so that it now served as a bomb, then set it off.

The damage the Chaos Rangers had done to downtown Corneria City was nightmarish. Craters were everywhere in the ground, buildings looked like they had been melted, car parts lay scattered everywhere, and a nearby park was on fire. Luckily there was still hope.

"Ay yi yi!", ROB said. "Rangers!! You need to head to Corneria City to save the planet from Zenn's newest threat!!".

"What is it?", Fox asked. "Is it a new monster?".

"Worse than that!", ROB replied. "I don't know how to explain it, really. They're...They're...They're...".

"Like, what are they ROB?", Bill asked.

"They're a new team of Power Rangers!", ROB answered.

"What?!", Falco asked in shock. "These punks are rubbing dirt all over our image!!".

"This is even worse than when Zenn made Sabre think we were evil!", Krystal said in disgust. "We have to do something, not only for ourselves, but more importantly for the Lylat System!".

"You took the words right out of my mouth!", Katt added.

"Alright!", Fox said. "It's Morphin Time!!".

"Lunar Dager Power!!".

"Stinger Lance Power!!".

"Axe Cloud Power!!".

"Diamond Mace Power!!".

"King Lightning Power!!".

Upon morphing, the Star Fox Rangers flew to the scene of the crisis, jumped out of their Zords and prepared to engage the enemy.

"Hold it!", Fox said, stopping Wolf from choking a civilian. "That's as far as you're going, because when we're done with you you're gone!".

"Really now?", Wolf asked. "I could say the same for you Red Ranger.".

"It's time we showed you up.", Oikonny said.

"Dude, that's cold.", Bill replied.

"You're stinking up our look!", Falco said.

"It already stank to us before we even met you in person.", Leon replied.

"Something seems alluring about the Pink Ranger.", Panther said.

"Please stop.", Krystal said. "You're making me nauseous.".

"A male Pink Ranger?", Katt asked. "Now I think I'm gonna hurl too.".

"Better hold your tongue.", Caiman replied. "Otherwise you'll lose it in this battle.".

"Listen because we don't like to repeat ourselves.", the Chaos Rangers said in spooky synchronization. "We are the Chaos Rangers We're exactly like you in every way, but we're evil, because evil's a lot more fun. Try if you want to beat us, you will only hurt yourselves.".

To Be Continued...

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Chapter 26

The battle between the Power Rangers and Chaos Rangers had begun. Fox slashed at Wolf with his sword, but Wolf broke it with his armor.

"Can't let you do that Red Ranger.", Wolf said.

"I can beat you unarmed!", Fox replied with a punch, but Wolf grabbed him by the arm and body slammed him.

Panther engaged Katt, punching at her as she dodged, and attempted to flirt with her at the same time.

"What a curvy little Ranger you are.", Panther said. "We could use you on Lord Zenn's side.".

"Not on your life.", Katt replied, kicking Panther in the face.

Bill, for the moment, was able to hold his own against Oikonny, with a swift spinning kick to the Blue Chaos Ranger's chest.

"No offense dude, but you, like, fight like a girl.", Bill said.

"This coming from a Hippie drenched in sea water?", Oikonny asked, then grabbed Bill by his head and punched it repeatedly. "Maybe you have swimmer's ear? This is an effective remedy I have for it!".

"Don't underestimate me because I'm a woman.", Krystal said, drop kicking Caiman.

"I will not.", he replied, rolling across the ground to trip her. "You, however, don't know me very well either.".

"There's something familiar about you.", Leon said, swinging his fists at Falco. "It's as if I've met you before, and that I really don't like you.".

"Your breath seems familiar to me.", Falco said, punching Leon in the stomach before kicking him in the thigh.

"Time to finish this!", Wolf said, and hit Fox with his deadly laser rifle.

Fox was blown away by the shot and landed on the ground with a loud thud.

"What are you waiting for?!", Wolf asked the other Chaos Rangers. "We have something they don't, firearms, so use them!".

"Of course.", the other Chaos Rangers said, and hit the Star Fox Rangers with a deadly barrage of laser fire.

"That was quite fun, don't you agree?", Leon asked his teammates.

"Yes I do.", Panther replied. "Too bad we had to take down those gorgeous little Pink and Green Rangers.".

"Shut up Romeo.", Wolf said. "We came here to kill the Rangers, not to comment on their physiques. I say we unmask them to have their true faces to remember before we turn them into space dust.".

"Good idea.", the other Chaos Rangers said in agreement.

"Not so fast!!", Sabre shouted, the enemy turning their attention to him as he jumped into the fray. "If you want them you'll have to go through me!! Gold Ranger Power!!".

"Another cockroach to step on?", Oikonny asked after Sabre morphed. "The more the merrier.".

"You really are a genius.", Wolf added. "To think I always thought your head was full of hot air all these years.".

The Chaos Rangers fired upon the Gold Ranger, but he used his cape to deflect their shots back at him. Then Sabre rushed in to deliver several fast punches right into Caiman's upper chest area. Leon tried to shoot Sabre from behind, but the Gold Ranger deflected the shot right back at his attacker. Wolf saw the opportunity, and hit Sabre where his cape couldn't protect him.

"They...saw a hole in...my defense.", Sabre said, falling to the ground unconscious.

"No!!", Krystal exclaimed.

"Major bummer..", Bill added, just as Panther kicked him while he was down.

"Excellent!", Zenn said, contacting the Chaos Rangers. "Now bring them to me! I have plans for Star Fox!".

"So that's where I know you from.", Leon told Falco. "What's wrong little birdy? The bad old putty tat scared you?".

"Bring them back with us sire?", Wolf asked. "Wouldn't it make more sense to kill them now? After all, they've been in your way for far too long.".

"Tempting, but no.", Zenn answered. "Just bring them back to Venom. I'll tell you the rest of my plan when you arrive.".

"Understood.", the Chaos Rangers said, then teleported to Venom with the Power Rangers, and Gold Ranger, in tow.

Meanwhile, as the Chaos Rangers were taken to Venom as Zenn's prisoners, the mysterious Ranger in black armor had returned after a long leave of absence. He had been watching the fight the whole time, waiting to jump in if he was needed. Now it seemed that it was time for him to intervene and help the Power Rangers.

"Zenn..", he said to himself. "This time I'll do worse than imprison you.".

To Be Continued...

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  • 2 weeks later...

Chapter 27

As Lord Zenn's Chaos Rangers brought the Star Fox Rangers to him, the mysterious Ranger followed after the villains to Venom. Zenn was waiting for them in his throne room, eagerly tapping his fingers on one of his throne's arms.

"What's taking them so long?", he asked. "Even murderous tyrants like myself have to follow tight schedules! Bring me the Power Rangers already!".

"Here they are sire.", Ratsputin said, announcing the Chaos Rangers entering the room with their prisoners. "All five members of Star Fox in your possession, just as you wished. However, I could've done the same if you had sent me after them.".

Zenn said nothing to his henchman's remark. He just zapped him in the backside with his staff.

"Today's my lucky day.", Wolf said, throwing Fox to the floor. "After years and years my little fox hunt is over!! All that's left is to skin him alive and make an ascot.".

"You'll do no such thing!!", Zenn shouted. "I told you I wanted them here for a plan of mine!! You're the minion, I'm the master, so you take the orders I give you!!".

"Very well.", Wolf said, hiding a viciously clenched fist behind his back.

"What is your plan for them?", Caiman asked.

"Execute them in front of the whole System?", Leon asked. "If you ask me, it'd be quite the spectacle.".

"You're getting warmer.", Zenn added.

"Torture them first?", Panther asked. "A little messy for me, but still..".

"Not exactly.", Zenn replied.

"Allow my genius to make them into harmless slaves?", Oikonny suggested.

"Close, but no plutonium rod.", Zenn replied, and signalled Needlenose to lower a ghastly looking machine to the floor. "Put all 6 of them in there! Once Needle throws the switch, their powers will be transferred into me!! I will finally be master of the universe!!".

"In your dreams.", a mysterious voice said.

"Who's there?!", Zenn asked.

"Ask and ye shall receive.", the voice said, and revealed himself to be the mysterious Ranger from before.

"No...", Zenn said in terror. "Not him again! Not the Phantom Ranger!".

"Who's this?", Wolf asked, he and the other Chaos Rangers aiming at the intruder.

"Thousands of years ago there was a Phantom Ranger before me.", the Phantom said. "To this day I have been part of a long line of Phantoms, the Phantom Powers passed down from parent to child. Unfortunately there was an incident 30 years ago on my home planet, everyone was encased in volcanic rock. I was the first of my people to be resurrected the day you were released Zenn, and now I'm here to put an end to your reign of terror.".

Things started to clear up even further when Krystal started glowing a bright pink.

"Pathara!", she said. "Pathara! Ramoo keiga aiye pathara!".

"What's she saying?", Falco asked. "She sounds like she's going through a tropical fever dream!".

"So not funny.", Katt said.

"I know what she's saying.", Sabre said.

"What is it?", Fox asked.

"Is it, like, anything related to the dude in black armor?", Bill asked.

"Correct.", Sabre said. "She's saying 'I've found my father!'".

"That explains what happened to her a few weeks ago.", Fox said. "Krystal's father's the Phantom Ranger!".

"A touching family reunion.", Leon added. "Makes me want to throw up almost.".

Krystal became so enraged over Leon's remark that she broke free of Caiman's grip on her, grabbed Leon by the throat, and then she violently threw him into Zenn.

"Never underestimate the powers of a woman.", Panther added.

Krystal's rage wasn't over. Next the engaged Ratsputin, smashing him in the rips with her right knee repeatedly until he fell to the floor, then stomped on his chest. She then proceeded to attack Zenn, but Zenn defended himself by firing on her with his staff.

"You can't stop me on your own, fool!", he shouted.

"You're right.", the Phantom said, and attacked Zenn from behind while invisible. "This ends now Lord Zenn. You and I will finish this uninterrupted!".

"So be it!", Zenn said. "However, I have one last trick up my sleeve for my Chaos Rangers! Stitches, activate the Chaos Zords!!".

"At once sire!", Stitches said, and pulled a nearby switch.

This caused 5 hundred foot tall robots to appear outside Zenn's fortress, each one for a single Chaos Ranger.

"Then I guess it's that time again.", Fox said. "We need Megazord Power, now!!".

To Be Continued...

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I like it, plus I love the concept of basing the idea of Power Rangers into Star Fox.

Very creative I must say, heck make a Roleplay about it. xD

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Never thought of it.

Chapter 28

It looked like the final battle between the Star Fox Rangers and Chaos Rangers had begun, starting with the formation of the Megazord. As usual, the Stinger Lance formed the left arm, the Lunar Dagger formed the right arm, the Diamond Mace and Cloud Axe formed the legs, and the King Lightning formed the rest of the body.

"Megazord activated!!", the Rangers said.

"I call upon the power of Pyramidis!", Sabre shouted, activating Pyramidis' battle mode.

"Enough of the fancy transformations!!", Leon shouted.

"Agreed!", Oikonny replied. "It's time we finished this!".

The battle of the Zords began, starting with Wolf swinging at the Megazord, only for it to be blocked. Panther struck the Megazord from behind with his left hand, then followed up with a right uppercut. Caiman smashed into the Megazord from the side with an upper right knee strike.

"This is too easy.", Panther said.

"Don't be so sure of yourself.", Sabre said, and fired upon the Green Chaos Zord, knocking it on it's back.

"The bigger they are, the harder they fall.", Caiman said, and drop kicked Pyramidis.

The Megazord returned the favor to Pyramidis by grabbing Caiman by his arms, swinging him around 3 times, and letting him go, sending him smashing into a nearby cliff.

"Can't let you do that Rangers.", Wolf said, and delivered a powerful headbutt to the Megazord.

"Somehow I've heard that from somebody else before.", Fox said.

"Like, me too.", Bill added.

"Please be okay father.", Krystal said.

Back down in Lord Zenn's fortress, Zenn and the Phantom Ranger continued their one on one fight to the finish. The Phantom was able to land kicks and punches against Zenn almost completely undetected, thanks to his special cloaking device. Zenn, however, was able to do serious damage with the powers of his staff when he had the chance.

"Stop disappearing like a coward!!" he shouted. "Are you a warrior or a window shopper?! You can't get away that easily!!".

"I know you're not all talk Zenn.", the Phantom said as he flipped his opponent. "You're as deadly as the ancients told in the Cerinian historical texts.".

"Flattering will get you nowhere!!", Zenn said, kicking the Phantom in the side. "Pirrackors!! Come to my aid!!".

A squadron of Pirrackors jumped down from the ceiling and began fighting the Phantom Ranger, but they were no match for him, not even in groups. The Phantom was able to hold one Pirrackor above his head and rip it in half. Then he punched 2 Pirrackors so hard, his fists penetrated their chests. Finally the Phantom delivered a powerful kick to the face each to 4 other Pirrackors, and then threw one Pirrackor into another.

"I knew along you weren't honorable enough to fight me alone.", the Phantom said.

"I'm not dishonorable for it.", Zenn replied. "I'm just too intelligent to not come prepared.".

Cutting off their conversation, the 2 enemies began fighting again, Zenn trying to take the Phantom's head off with his staff but missing, and the Phantom delivering a double uppercut to Zenn's waist. Back outside, the Megazord was heavily damaged from fighting the Chaos Zords. Seeing as it was time, Sabre gave them the signal to form the Ultrazord.

"Activating Ultrazord!", he shouted, allowing the Megazord to merge with Pyramidis.

"I love a good challenge.", Leon said.

"Same here.", Panther added.

"Shut up and attack!!", Wolf shouted. "They think they're the only ones who can combine into one? Think again Rangers!".

"Activating Cyclopsis.", the Chaos Rangers said together.

Changing the shapes of their Zords, the Chaos Rangers merged into their own Megazord, which almost daunted even the Ultrazord by an additional 100 feet. The Ultrazord fired upon Cyclopsis, but the damage it did wasn't quite enough. Cyclopsis returned fire with a powerful laser beam from it's eyes.

Back down in Zenn's fortress, the Phantom Ranger had almost had Zenn beaten, but the vicious tyrant had one last plan up his sleeve.

"This isn't the end of this Phantom Ranger!", he said, and activated a nearby switch.

The switch caused something disturbing happening to Cyclopsis.

"What's this?!", Wolf asked.

"Our systems are failing!", Caiman replied. "The power supply's being sapped, but I don't know who or what's doing this!".

"Even I can't figure this one out!!", Oikonny exclaimed.

"It couldn't be Zenn, could it?", Leon asked. "He's deceptive, but not to that level, is he?".

Zenn had drained Cyclopsis' power, and dug his hands into the switch he used to do it, causing all that power to quickly rush right into his own body. His mask cracked into multiple pieces, revealing a new mask underneath that looked like the grill of a motor vehicle, and his eyes were replaced by a single visor. Finally, his brain was now exposed and slightly pulsating.

"Who the heck is that?!", Katt asked, as Zenn's new form grew 400 feet tall.

"Ay yi yi!", ROB said while watching the battle. "I don't recognize that monster from anywhere! Is this Lord Zenn?".

"Lord Zenn is no more!", the monster said. "I am now the most powerful force in the universe! I am Lord Zedd, emperor of all he sees!!".

To Be Continued...

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Chapter 29

With the Chaos Rangers out of the way, and Lord Zenn having transformed into Lord Zedd, the Star Fox Rangers were in for, what could've been, the fight of their lives. Zedd struck the Ultrazord with his staff, then the Ultrazord attacked him back. The Ultrazord unleashed a deadly plasma beam from it's chest, knocking Zedd on his back, but Zedd jumped back to his feet and blew the Ultrazord around with a large cyclone.

"Give it up!", Zedd shouted. "You're no match for me now that I've taken in more energy than ever before! The Lylat System, let alone the whole universe, will soon bow down before me!!".

"We'll see about that!!", Fox replied as the Ultrazord fired upon Zedd. "Protecting all who are good and pure from the likes of you is our job, and we're gonna keep it that way!!".

"Say your prayers radiator face!", Falco added.

"Cowabunga!!", Bill said. "This is such a rush!!".

"Just be thankful you're not fighting us up close!!", Katt said.

"You'll never defeat us!!", Krystal exclaimed.

"No more time to talk!", Zedd replied, and knocked the Ultrazord on it's back with a powerful laser from his visor. "Down for the count now are you? How pathetic! I expected something more from the Star Fox team!".

"How bad is it?", Katt asked.

"Like, our main weapons are only at 1/3 capacity!", Bill replied.

"Shoot!!", Falco cried. "Without more firepower, how are we gonna be able to take this guy out?!".

"Now to finish you off for good!", Zedd said, laughing maniacally while preparing to strike the Ultrazord with his staff.

"Hold it!", Wolf shouted. "You're not going to have all the credit. Is this the thanks we get after all we've done for you?!".

"Silence Chaos Rangers!", Zedd snapped. "You're no longer of any value to me! All I truly needed was your power!".

"This guy's an even bigger blowhard than you are.", Leon said to Oikonny.

"Go figure.", Oikonny replied.

"I've waited what feels like eternity for this!", Zedd said, ready to strike the Rangers down. "It's over Power Rangers!".

"Never!", the Phantom Ranger shouted, and quickly jumped into his ship. "I must aid my friends in doing to you what my ancestors should have done long ago. Activating the Delta Megazord!!".

The Phantom's ship transformed into it's massive robot form from before, and fired upon Zedd to deal heavy damage. While Zedd was engaging the Phantom Ranger again, the Rangers saw their opportunity and got back to their feet.

"You again?!", Zedd asked in shock. "You just won't quit! I'll have to knock some sense into you then, Phantom Ranger!".

"In your dreams.", the Phantom replied, and fired upon Zedd some more.

"Let's give father a hand!", Krystal said.

"I had a feeling you'd say that.", Sabre replied.

The Ultrazord joined the Delta Megazord in a fight to the finish against Zedd. By the time he had sustained near-fatal damage from the Rangers, Lord Zedd was on the ground, struggling to get back on his feet.

"You think you've one with your little toys?", Zedd asked. "My body is starting to overload! Anymore of this carnage and I'll die, but if that's the case, then I will take you all down with me!".

Using the last of his power, Zedd pinned the Delta Megazord and Ultrazord to the ground by their feet with a vicious heat ray from his hands. Then Zedd grabbed onto their shoulders as he awaited his demise.

"Never thought it'd end like this.", Katt said.

"Don't be so pessimistic, aye yi yi!", came a familiar voice.

The Rangers and the Phantom looked up to see ROB piloting the Great Fox towards the fray, firing it's main guns to free the 2 giant robots from Lord Zedd.

"ROB, you saved us!", Fox said. "Now we can get out of here while we still can!".

"I'll be right behind you!", the Phantom added, and joined the Rangers as they flew off of Venom with the Great Fox leading the way.

Up in space, together they watched Lord Zedd's final moments on Venom. Screaming out in pain, Zedd's visor shattered to reveal 2 glowing red eyes in pitch blackness, the letter Z on his head corroding off, and the rest of his body catching on fire until his bones were completely visible. With his final words, "I HATE THOSE POWER RANGERS!!", Lord Zedd exploded, in a blast that rippled all across Venom, and sending light shockwaves into space.

"Is that it?", Sabre asked. "He's gone for good? We don't have to fight him anymore?".

"One of the most viscous enemies to the Lylat System in history and we beat him.", Krystal said.

"All that's left of him is, like, a big crater, and like, little bits of metal and bone.", Bill added.

"Once again we kick tail!", Falco exclaimed.

"You said a mouthful Falco!", Katt replied.

"Congratulations Power Rangers.", said the Phantom Ranger. "The universe owes you much gratitude.".

"We all did it!", Fox said. "Had it not been for our teamwork we wouldn't have been able to accomplish anything like this!".

"Go Go Power Rangers!!", ROB shouted.

"Wha?", everyone replied in confusion.

"It's something I just thought of.", ROB explained. "I believe that it suits you and your efforts against the forces of evil. Go Go Power Rangers!!".

"Go Go Power Rangers!!", the all shouted together.

The End

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  • 2 weeks later...


The Lylat System was once again at peace following the death of Lord Zenn, who's remaining henchmen died with him in the explosion on Venom.

Fox and Krystal finally shared the groundbreaking question.

"What is it Fox?", Krystal asked as he got on his knees.

"I hope your family approves what I'm about to do.", Fox replied, taking out a small ring case, then opening it before Krystal. "Will you, the Pink Ranger, take me, the Red Ranger?".

"Yes!!", was all Krystal said, embracing Fox in both arms.

"We are proud to have you as part of our extended family.", Allen said.

"Promise you'll take care of my sister.", Sabre said with a smile.

The wedding was held on the newly revived Cerinia, denizens of the planet cheering for Fox and Krystal's union as husband and wife. ROB was busy trying not to cry over the beautiful moment, which was strange for him as a robot. Falco simply teased his newly married friends, the groom more than the bride especially.

"You dog.", he said, nuggying the Red Ranger.

"Ahem.", Katt said, holding Falco's hand in a way that suggested something romantic. "Aren't friends supposed to think alike? You are Fox's friend, right Falco?".

"Dude!", Bill added teasingly. "You just got, like, totally burned on that end!".

"I miss the old Blue Ranger.", Falco said, blushing.

"Ay yi yi!", Slippy replied.

"That's my line!", ROB added.

Everyone simply laughed together.

Meanwhile, back at the Youth Center, Imp continued working with Eugine and Farcus, still with no memory of his previous life under Lord Zenn's control. The Star Fox Rangers all agreed that it was best to not tell him who he once was, in case it turned him back to evil, or Imp just couldn't handle the shock.

The broken up remains of the Pirrackors, Zenn's robotic foot soldiers, were gathered up by the Cornerian Department of Sanitation, and recycled into playground equipment for young children across the galaxy.

Wolf, Leon, Panther, Oikonny and Caiman, were reported missing after the final battle with Lord Zedd. Authorities and civilians alike worried that they may return for more of their nefarious deeds.

A local musician on Corneria gave his career a major boost by performing a song he wrote in honor of Star Fox. Rodney Waters, a 23 year old coyote with blonde spiked hair, a white muscle shirt, jeans and small chains around his neck, created a musical tribute to the team and their fight against the evil Lord Zenn. Star Fox, along with millions of people everywhere, were touched.


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