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SMF Updated


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SMF Updated to RC4. Sadly, there are broken mods. Namely ALL of the anti-spam ones...  :rant:

So, until this gets fixed, all new registrations will require admin activation. FIX'D

Also, the member color mod is broke. Apparently they changed the package installer, and it throws errors on mods that make changes to xml files.

If you notice any bugs, let me know.

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Also the Youtube button is not functioning, and is missing.

Same as R3dFive I have problems with the layout also

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Youtube tag fixed.

Spoiler tag fixed

CSS and other visual bugs will be fixed later. Please report them, though, so I can have a list of them.

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Yahoo messanger icon is missing i tries with

Chrome it's show something i dont know what is it

i use IE it shows the Red X

as for firefox it works normaily i tried it with firefox 3.6 and 4 beta 7

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Firefox, Opera, Chrome, and IE8 all show the icon to me. Try clearing your cache.

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Yeah, some of the top main menu is missing, I occasionally have a white bar going across the screen, and when I make a new post, the site flashes white a few times and makes my head explode.

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Found an update of the staff name color mod. Now fixed.

I also fixed the issue with the XML parsing. Anti-spam mods are now back.

I did a little looking using a css debugger at that gap that appeared under the menu. So far, I can't seem to pinpoint it. The debugger is saying the gap is outside of any CSS classes. That means it is likely some kind of weird padding error or something... I won't be able to really rip the CSS apart until after finals, though.

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Spoiler tag had thrown almost 2 million (No, that is not an exaggeration) errors into the error log. I have temporarily disabled it until I can fix it.

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