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Did I miss something?


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Everyone has this GIF of a Fox flopping his head around in their sigs lately:

Why? Does it stand for something?

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It's Eevee doing the Carmelldansen (sp)!

...And I actually don't know how it got over so fast. k_e_animesweat.gif

Pobably cuz of teh cuteness!

I just kinda jumped on the bandwagon at the urging of others (ok, so 1 person said I should join, but hey, I'm a sucker for these types of things!  :lol:)

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Redfox started it, then everyone else had one, but most of the people actually removed theirs so no, you didn't miss anything.

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Its teh furry and its weeaboo, what do yo expect?  :trollface:

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I noticed that (at least a while back) it was contained only to people that hung around Star Fox Galaxies, I just thought it was their badge sorta.

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Lol. I saw it too, thought it was cool, but I love my sig too much to replace any of it with an eevee. Lol

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as everyone stated, TheRedFox8 posted it in the pokemon thread under my request....and everyone took it into their sig, does not mean anything by a clan or anything (even though we joke it is) all good fun to admire how damn cute it is =D

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Guest Mr. Mario


as everyone stated, TheRedFox8 posted it in the pokemon thread under my request....and everyone took it into their sig, does not mean anything by a clan or anything (even though we joke it is) all good fun to admire how damn cute it is =D

^ Yeah...I kinda got annoyed with it after a few weeks.

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Yes, yes. I am the culprit.

I put it in my sig, Cortet wanted the link to it, and then we decided to try to spread it like a virus.

For a while, it worked much better than I thought it would ^^

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