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Something about kursed that i don't get it

Hatsworth III

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Almost all of Command's endings were either 1: stupid or 2: nonproductive.

They're pretty much ALL bad. Let's evaluate!

Ending 1: Fox and Krystal

This one is one of the better ones, but its still flawed as all hell. Its pretty much a "status quo is god" ending, with everythin back to the way it was before hand. Starfox gets back together, Amanda joins the team, and all is well in the galaxy. Really the thing that bugs me the most is the name, because the ending has noooooooothing to do with Fox or Krystal.

Ending 2: Goodbye Fox

And this is one of the worst endings, hooray! I like to call it the "fanfic" ending, because its so.... perfect-happy. And basically Fox just wimps out and retires, totally defeating the purpose of him breaking up the team in the first place. And then we get the "next generation" crap of ending.... so yeah.

Ending 3: The Anglar Emporer

In what would have seemed to have been a HAPPY ending turns into an angsty one instead. Krystal decides to screw Fox over and join Starwolf out of the blue. I don't mind the concept of Krystal in Starwolf, but I -DO- mind HOW SHE GETS there. This just seems entirely OOC.

Ending 4: Starwolf Returns

Alot of these titles have jackshit to do with the endings, I've realized. Anyway, this is the infamous "Kursed" ending. Even more emo and angsty than the Anglar Emporer, Krystal not only screws Fox over for Starwolf, but then is in turned screwed over by everyone else and becomes an emo mercenary with a unoriginal name.

Ending 5: Lucy and Krystal

Another fanfiction-happy ending. Aside from the small amount of development we see between Lucy and Peppy, this ending is so generic it is almost laughable. It is nice to see Peppy's wife, but lolwomen doing all the cooking.

Ending 6: Dash Makes a Choice

Personally, this ending pisses me off the most. Out of NOWHERE, Dash suddenly becomes some crazy Andross-filler villain and attacks Corneria, despite in the game Dash being an admirer of Starfox. Its total rubbish, designed only to give us Andross without actually reviving Andross. And personally, I'd rather just have Andross.

Ending 7: Slippy's Resolve

Arguably the best ending. It accomplishes nothing, but we get to see Slippy in a tophat, and that's pretty damn cool.

Ending 8: Pigma's Revenge

No, not you too, Falco! Now he's a damn emo angstpot. And what does Pigma have to do with Falco, anyway?? This entire ending is stupid as hell. And you gotta love how they just thow Dash into Star Falco because they needed a third pilot.

Ending 9: The Curse of Pigma

Fox becomes his most emo yet. Hooray. Another stupid ending that messes everything up, and has relatively little to do with Pigma, because its Starwolf that steals Fox's thunder. Even the F-Zero reference can't help it.

Courtesy of myself from the "Worst Command Ending" topic.

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