Icy Posted May 3, 2013 Author Share Posted May 3, 2013 IM3 was great, I saw it on Friday and it was epic. I kept looking at the bad guy and was like WEYLAND. THAT'S WEYLAND. But you know. XD I'm a Prometheus fangirl. XD Healthy living is always great, good for you. I can recommend some awesome foods if you feel like being adventurous. Please do, please do. Can't guarantee I'll be able to find it and try it but it's worth a shot. And haha, I didn't even realize that was him in Prometheus! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Redeemer Posted May 4, 2013 Share Posted May 4, 2013 Well my favourite thing right now is my own version of this salad I tried in Starbucks last week. You will need: Tuna Lemon mayo Mint sauce Spinach Broad beans Peas Cucumber Basically just mix all this together and top with the lemon mayo. I prefer to actually mix the peas with the mint sauce first, then throw it all in a bowl and drizzle with the mayo. The original thing in Starbucks has potato in it too but I like to cut out my carbs sometimes. Also, tomato and chickpea curry. There is no real recipe for this because I always use different curry sauces, but I just use lots of tomato and chickpeas instead of chicken. The spicier the better really, it's quite cleansing. Also if you are a salad hand like myself, I recommend getting a mix of spinach, rocket, and pak choi leaves and just going to town with that. Full of vitamin K, which is great for general well being. Oh, and if you're having chicken, perhaps try turkey instead. It's higher in protein and tastes pretty much the same, at least I think so. XD 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Thu'um Posted May 5, 2013 Share Posted May 5, 2013 Okay, okay, okay. Redeemer your trying to be helpful, but I understand that as a man, icy is intimated by ACTUALLY HAVING TO MAKE FOOD. (as we are use to having it made for us) So here is my quick and easy to make salad. 1: get what ever you like, Lettuce, onions, mushrooms, spinach, or what you usually eat in a salad. I prefer spinach, mushrooms, and onions. 2: then get a 1/4 a cup vegetable oil, 1/4 a cup soy, diced fresh ginger, and 1 teaspoon of sesame oil. Mix it together. 3: shake and put it on the salad. Makes it taste SOOOOOOO good, and a little goes along way. 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Icy Posted June 2, 2013 Author Share Posted June 2, 2013 Delayed replies, as always! Thanks for the suggestions. I've started making a salad with dinner every couple of nights. It's hard to get things like that done in this house, but I'm trying. c: -- So it's a new month! A good month! My birth month! Only downside to June? Bugs. Actually, there's another one too (down here, at least): Heat. Good sides? ....everything else! Anyway, May was a good month, as expected. I had a lot of fun and stopped being so lazy regarding some important things. Although I still haven't been putting as much work into my projects as I really need to, which is frustrating me every day when I realize I haven't worked enough. That's over starting now, though. It's a new month to start fresh on some old things! On the 12th me and my sister are going to make a trip to a nearby city's Best Buy, since that's the closest one where Nintendo will be demoing their unreleased games during E3. I love going down there, a nice place. It will be even nicer since I'll be trying out some new games, hehe. That is, assuming it's not, like, too packed to get in, which is a distinct possibility... :V But eh, I'm sure that won't happen! There are also a lot of great movies coming out this month that I'm going to go see. ... And of course, the biggest thing happening this month doesn't involve cake or whatever... It's E3 time!! Rumors, rumors, and even more rumors leading up to E3, then announcements, more announcements, gimmicks, criticism, complaining, etc, during E3, then all the gathering of info and hype after E3! Oh, yes, then the whiny "fans" and their disappointment! Can't wait! 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Redeemer Posted June 2, 2013 Share Posted June 2, 2013 Okay, okay, okay. Redeemer your trying to be helpful, but I understand that as a man, icy is intimated by ACTUALLY HAVING TO MAKE FOOD. (as we are use to having it made for us) So here is my quick and easy to make salad. 1: get what ever you like, Lettuce, onions, mushrooms, spinach, or what you usually eat in a salad. I prefer spinach, mushrooms, and onions. 2: then get a 1/4 a cup vegetable oil, 1/4 a cup soy, diced fresh ginger, and 1 teaspoon of sesame oil. Mix it together. 3: shake and put it on the salad. Makes it taste SOOOOOOO good, and a little goes along way. Lol @ "quick and easy", dude you're DICING things. Ah June. Start of summer. And E3, which is great. What date is your birthday Icy? 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
StarFoxfan-FUR_ever Posted June 2, 2013 Share Posted June 2, 2013 *pulls out listings of zodiac sign dates in anticipation of Icy's birthday* Litterally, this is how June started for me. Bugs crawling on the windows, and flies mysteriously finding their way into the garage. Fun times, especially when you finally get the chance to wear short sleeve clothing outdoors for the first time all year, and then bugs chase you around. But yeah, at least I know I won't wake up in the equivalent of a freezer now for the next few months. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Thu'um Posted June 2, 2013 Share Posted June 2, 2013 Lol @ "quick and easy", dude you're DICING things. Oh, i forgot that might take all of three seconeds :3, but your welcome to throw whole ingredients in. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Icy Posted June 3, 2013 Author Share Posted June 3, 2013 Lol @ "quick and easy", dude you're DICING things. Ah June. Start of summer. And E3, which is great. What date is your birthday Icy? Yeah, the start of...summer. asfdjagkjh D: The 22nd. *pulls out listings of zodiac sign dates in anticipation of Icy's birthday* Litterally, this is how June started for me. Bugs crawling on the windows, and flies mysteriously finding their way into the garage. Fun times, especially when you finally get the chance to wear short sleeve clothing outdoors for the first time all year, and then bugs chase you around. But yeah, at least I know I won't wake up in the equivalent of a freezer now for the next few months. I know, they're just everywhere after June, and I hate it... But yeah, it certainly isn't freezing anymore in the summer, hehe.. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
StarFoxfan-FUR_ever Posted June 3, 2013 Share Posted June 3, 2013 That would make you a Cancer, Icy. If that is your real b-day of course. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Icy Posted June 3, 2013 Author Share Posted June 3, 2013 That would make you a Cancer, Icy. If that is your real b-day of course. I've never looked that up, to be honest, but I just did and I can't say I disagree, haha. Although I do think Astrology is a bunch of BS. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
StarFoxfan-FUR_ever Posted June 3, 2013 Share Posted June 3, 2013 I dont take it that seriously either to be honest. It's just interesting to see how they study the movement of stars, well at least to me it is. But if you ever look it up seriously, you might be surprised that you may have similar characteristics to the descriptions you will find in this link: http://www.psychicguild.com/horoscopes_explained.php Either way, it isn't supposed to be definitive to who you are entirely so it doesn't really matter much imo. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Icy Posted July 31, 2013 Author Share Posted July 31, 2013 Well, it's been nearly two months since my last post here. Things have been going great. I mean GREAT. It's amazing how good things have been, how well I've been, and how many awesome things have been happening. I always sound too optimistic and enthusiastic, but I have reason to, because things are really just that great. I hope everyone here has also been well. If you haven't, then I wish you well! I never said, but my birthday was really fun and I got a few really cool things, had a really nice day. 17, huh. Nothing really interesting to note about that, except that it's one more than this time last year, haha. E3 was not disappointing at all. Some amazing stuff coming our way, as expected! Nintendo's Direct was, to be completely honest, a tiny bit disappointing in two areas: No Metroid OR Star Fox! Why? But hey, it's alright. Not really disappointed about Retro's project. I would've rather had Metroid or SF, but Retro has proven they know how to handle DKC and I'm fine with more of that! From everything I know about so far that comes out this year, I'm going to get The Wind Waker HD, Link to the Past 2, and DKC Tropical Freeze. Next year, of course, there's Mario Kart 8 and Smash Bros, and probably quite a few more that haven't been announced yet, which is exciting! -- Anyway, my first season of Highlander TF2 was really fun! My team went 5-3 and we improved quite a bit. I can't wait for football season to start! Exactly one more month. I've been getting back into writing and drawing. Maybe I'll actually stay focused on those again... That's pretty much all for now. Until next time... 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Thu'um Posted July 31, 2013 Share Posted July 31, 2013 Yea, we'll have to see how the crimson tide does this year. I live in SC now so i'll be routing FOR SC. But ot be honest I've got know idea what the team is like other then there fantastic season last year. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Redeemer Posted August 1, 2013 Share Posted August 1, 2013 Good to see you're doing well, Icy! Can't wait to see some of your creative works too! :3 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Icy Posted October 15, 2013 Author Share Posted October 15, 2013 So last night I spent two hours completely cleaning my room. I hadn't even vacuumed in over two months. It was scary. Don't think it's ever looked more clean now. Also... Soon I will have creative things to show. ANYWAY! The past two months have been good... or rather, okay! Honestly, compared to the first half of the year, these past couple of months haven't been all that special, but there's no real reason for that... SO! I've decided to make the rest of the year awesome no matter what. I don't know what I'll do, but I'll do something to make the next couple of months exciting. Of course, September and early October are usually kind of dead months for me anyway. Football season is there, sure, but other than that, they're kind of dull. Not as dull as January and February, though. I'd be fine with just skipping those months every year. Lately I've been trying to get into extremely amateur stargazing/astronomy. The universe is a beautiful place and I'd love to see some of those beautiful things with my own eyes. I've been saving up quite a bit of money for months now. I'm thinking of buying a better telescope than the terribly old, fragile, insignificant scope I've been using. But, then, I suppose I should really get more serious before I waste money on something I might not need yet. The fair should be here in the next couple of weeks. I'm really looking forward to that. Been going every year for a while now. One of the main things I love about it is this certain food stand/booth, which serves the most wonderful Fajita Nachos you could ever imagine. Bama's 6-0 and I'm trying to enjoy as much of this amazing run as I can before it ends. Between July and October, I watched the entire 7-season run of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine. I think seasons 3-7 are sci-fi entertainment at its best. It was just an amazing show with a great storyline, great writing, characters, top-notch acting from most of the main actors, and the list just goes on. So yeah, I've been watching a lot of Star Trek (Not just DS9) since May (not because of the new movie) and I can't believe I never really got into it until now. Didn't have a clue what I was missing. I intend to go see Gravity in theaters pretty soon. It kind of hit out of the blue. I had seen trailers but I certainly didn't expect everyone to love it so much. It's great when a movie just sneaks in and blows everyone away. And since I love space so much, it's definitely something I want to see. I also love movies with a minimal cast, and apparently Gravity only has those two main characters throughout the entire film. Really cool, if you ask me. I don't think I mentioned it before, but that trip I took to Florida around the time of E3 in June was so much fun. I really like it there. If I ever "settle" somewhere, I think somewhere around the southeast coast of Florida would be perfect. You've got great weather, great people, great views, etc. You also get a lot more events (like concerts and all) over there than you do here... I hope everyone is doing well. I certainly am, and writing up this post helped my mood even more. Until next time... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Redeemer Posted October 15, 2013 Share Posted October 15, 2013 Sounds like things are going well for you! I'm excited about the telescope thing, post a pic of it if you get one! I wish I could afford one. o3o Gimme dem creative things pls. :3 Also I have a badass Mexican style burger recipe if you're interested. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Icy Posted October 16, 2013 Author Share Posted October 16, 2013 Sounds like things are going well for you! I'm excited about the telescope thing, post a pic of it if you get one! I wish I could afford one. o3o Gimme dem creative things pls. :3 Also I have a badass Mexican style burger recipe if you're interested. I am most certainly interested! I always love recipes and I love Mexican food, so go ahead! I will definitely make a post about it when I do get more serious and buy a better scope. May not be for a few months, though. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Redeemer Posted October 16, 2013 Share Posted October 16, 2013 Okay hold onto your boxers because these burgers make you feel very inappropriate things believe me. They're the tastiest thing I've ever cooked, I don't even know how it happened, I just mixed a bunch of stuff one day and hoped for the best. They delivered. For 4 burgers you will need: 500g ground beef 250g red kidney beans 20g chili powder one whole shredded/finely diced onion 2 cloves of minced or diced garlic one egg Try to get the beef to be around room temperature, it makes mixing it a lot less icky. Basically, mix everything up with your hands until it's equal. Split into 4 balls, and press them down on tin foil on a baking tray to make them patty-shaped. Bake in the oven (healthier than frying) at 160C or 320F for about 15 minutes on each side. Serve in buns with cheese, sour cream and salsa. Or take one to your room for private time. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Thu'um Posted October 17, 2013 Share Posted October 17, 2013 Or take one to your room for private time. Me gusta..... 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Icy Posted December 3, 2013 Author Share Posted December 3, 2013 I tried those burgers a few weeks ago. Pretty good! Something seemed to have gone wrong, though, and I know they weren't at 100% tastiness, so I'll try making them again sometime. Also, pls gimme more recipes. :3 Also!! A telescope is on the way! My brother and I researched it for days, trying to figure out what we needed. Ended up choosing this: http://www.zhumell.com/telescopes/dobsonian/z8-dobsonian-telescope/ It will be perfect for what I/we want to see. I know enough about this sort of stuff already, so those concerns I stated in an earlier post don't really matter for now. Also, once it gets here, if it's what I'm hoping it will be, we'll be getting more lenses, filters, etc, to aid in seeing what we want to see. Hopefully I will even be able to take some amateur (maybe better) photos through this thing. Been researching that, as well. It appears I won't need a bunch of expensive equipment to take good pictures of the Moon, for example. Planets are a bit more complicated, but doable. Galaxies, nebulae and so on, won't be easy at all without more professional equipment (as well as a different type of telescope), but I'm fine with that. Astrophotography certainly wasn't my main reason for wanting to have a telescope right now. But for planets & the moon, all I need is to do the research before I try it and I ought to be able to get some nice views. Looking ahead at the near-future positions of certain celestial objects... This seems to be a good time for me to start getting into astronomy, so that's good too. -- Anyway, other than that, there's not too much news. Well, that is, aside from Bama's absolutely heartbreaking loss this past Saturday. "Incredible" is one of the only words I've been able to accurately describe it with. Been kinda down because of that but it's getting better. If they can't make it back into the BCS championship, then I hope it can be Auburn so they can keep the trophy in the state for a 5th year in a row. Still, though, all hope is not lost. Next Saturday will be interesting. Hoping Ohio State and Florida State lose.They're guaranteed to get back in if that happens. A good bowl game will be just as fun, though. I've been doing really well aside from a few small issues. I got a cold a few weeks ago for the first time in nearly 2 years. I blame it 99% on going to the fair. There's a lot of people there...... The worst part about it was that for a whole week, I kept feeling the urge to sneeze but it wouldn't come out. Felt horrible. Now I seem to have another one, which is maddening. Hopefully it doesn't last as long as the last one, though. I always think the sore throat phase is the worst, but once that passes, it's your nose... Lately I've been watching through all the Rocky movies. I don't know why I haven't seen them until now, but I'm glad I decided to. Inspirational and motivating. I guess that's all for now. P.S. Creative stuff still coming, sooner or later Until next time... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Icy Posted January 2, 2014 Author Share Posted January 2, 2014 I started my journal here right before Bama's bowl game in 2011, and now here we are... 2014. All things considered, I had the best year of my life. So far, of course. I'm going to make this one even better. Time to get to work, I suppose... After a short recap of what's happened since my last post. Got the telescope, and after many expected nights of rain, I got to use it and was pleased with the quality. There have only been a handful of clear nights in the 3 1/2 weeks I've had it, but on those clear nights I was able to see some fairly cool, basic stuff. Moon, planets, Orion nebula, Andromeda, and so on. Even though I'm in a fairly dark neighborhood, the light pollution here is pretty bad, apparently. Even the views of something like Andromeda are slightly disappointing, but I'm also just not trained to see its detail yet. It's also certainly not the most eye-popping galaxy out there, much less the most amazing thing to view at all. There are better things to look at. I also have to remember that nothing is ever going to look like the pictures you see, that's for sure. With all that said, someday, if I'm serious enough, I will look at more interesting objects, move to a darker area, maybe even get into serious astrophotography, provided I really want to get into that. I'm not really sure. It takes a lot of money, care, and dedication, but it is very interesting. Before any of that, though, I just have to keep taking it out there and gain experience. We have a truly remarkable sky, and I don't care at all about all the specifics of how people think this or that may have formed. I just love to see and appreciate what's out there. -- December was fantastic overall. Christmas was as pleasant as ever, but people need to learn to relax... I've been trying to get back into writing again lately. Maybe I can post something on SF-O sometime soon. That "creative stuff" I've been promising is getting closer, heh. Anyway, I'm sure there's more to say, but I just don't know what. So I will end this post here. BUT WAIT I almost forgot... I have a new obsession. omg best thing ever even if it's not the most super healthy thing I am going to try and buy like 20 of these to make throughout the year. The one I got last night didn't expire until Aug 2015, so hopefully they're all like that. They're a limited, seasonal thing, and all that stuff is going away as fast as these stores can sell it, so I have to hurry. Have a great 2014, everyone! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Icy Posted January 3, 2014 Author Share Posted January 3, 2014 Bama lost to Oklahoma 45-31. Don't even have much to say. No excuses. Both teams played well. (OU especially so - great game plan) All said and done, they won the turnover battle and, naturally, won the game. Four turnovers from Alabama and OU scored 28 on them combined. Sucks but it is what it is. I'm not even really affected by this game. It's a new year and I have work to do myself. This just kinda motivates me to go get things done. ... until next time ;c Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Icy Posted March 18, 2014 Author Share Posted March 18, 2014 Well, January was a pretty good month, all things considered. There are some insanely exciting things coming soon, and the stuff I did in January helped pave the way for these things.February was alright. Got a lot of work done, learned so many new things. I got kinda sick a couple of times, though... not very fun.And, of course, March, so far, has been good. I've mostly been locked up in my own room most of the time. In a way, I kind of like that, not interacting with anyone for an extended period of time. Helps me think and get work done.On the other hand, though, I don't like having no one to talk to. I really do need to get out of here from time to time.Regardless, though, I've been doing extremely well for the past three weeks. Feeling great, thinking clearly, being productive.I also just got back in contact with an old friend from a long-dead forum. That has made me immensely happy. I kind of feel like after those forums went down and I lost contact with them, I stopped being able to carry on a conversation with anyone at all. Kind of weird. Maybe it's not true, though. Not sure.Anyway, I played half a Highlander season with a cool TF2 team. Tonight was our last match. We barely lost and missed the playoffs, but oh well. It was a lot of fun. I'm going to be starting my own team for the summer season, so if anyone reads this and wants to join, just let me know on Steam. I'm handpicking the people I want, though, so I may have to respectfully decline.Gonna need backups too, though. I may even rotate between mains/backups each week if the backups really want to play. :3I binge-watched Continuum on Netflix last month, and the first episode of season 3 premiered last night. Amazing show. I recommend giving it a try if you can.--So"Creative stuff"Hehe, still coming. I'll just keep saying that. One day it will come!Although, I do have a supertopsecret surprise to show off next month. I think at least a few people here will be interested in it... ;) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Icy Posted April 29, 2014 Author Share Posted April 29, 2014 I feel like I can do anything right now, and I'm never gonna let this stop. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Clearwater Posted May 3, 2014 Share Posted May 3, 2014 Yeah, life is sweet right now for all of us. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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