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Does Bill need another game?

Four-eyed Vulpine

Should Bill appear in another Star Fox game?  

  1. 1. Should Bill appear in another Star Fox game?

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I would like to see Bill return in another Star Fox game. Who's with me on this?

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I'm indifferent. I wouldn't be affected either way.

Really, the reason he was in SF64 to begin with was to further the satire of Independence day (One of the generals was named Gen. William Grey) so I doubt we'll see him again.

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Yes I would like to see it, yes I would like pie(apple perferably), and no I don't think he will actually come back

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Guest Kit Airheart

I realize that the odds of Bill coming back are slim to none...but I still liked the character, so I vote yes.

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Yes, or a spin off game where you play as the Cornerian army. You get to design your character and stuff and fly in Bill's squadron.

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Guest Grimloq

The only reason I really liked Bill was the way he said 'Foooooox, that was one of ours!'.


The first time I played I just kept getting 'Fooooo-' over and over, not reading what he was saying. I was going after the wrong guys.

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Yes, Bill should come back in another SF game. The poor soul doesn't get that much exposure and neither does Katt. I would like to see both characters in the next game.

And pie always makes the vote count go up. :twisted:

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Bill needs to be in another game, as does Katt. They should most definitely put as many characters as possible in the game. During levels, you should get to see them but the Star Fox team itself should stay as it did, but during levels, it should be similar to Star Fox 64 or Lylat Wars. I would love to be able to play as Katt or Bill, maybe even a cornerian soldier, venom soldier, ect. that would be soo cool!!! I definitely think that the Assault's multiplayer mode should stay the same but include more levels and possible download levels as well as additional computer players. I also think that the single player needs to be longer and Star Fox definitely needs to have Co-op. Oh wait, this should be in SFG sorry. Yes Bill should come back, as should Katt

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I'm indifferent. I wouldn't be affected either way.

Really, the reason he was in SF64 to begin with was to further the satire of Independence day (One of the generals was named Gen. William Grey) so I doubt we'll see him again.

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Well, with this next DS game, I think we got our wish! Although, it would be nice if Bill was in a Wii game too.

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^Hey, you never know! It just might happen!

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Rumour has it that he IS coming to StarFox DS!

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^Yah, but I don't think it's a rumor though. In the trailer, I saw a retro Katinian course with motherships and all. So, he has to be there. But, I would like to see him in the major console game. (Like the Wii).

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If Bill DOES come to the Wii, I hope the developers don't do a horrible job with him.

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I'm indifferent. I wouldn't be affected either way.

Really, the reason he was in SF64 to begin with was to further the satire of Independence day (One of the generals was named Gen. William Grey) so I doubt we'll see him again.

Woo Hoo, I'm not crazy, you noticed that too, Horray

I said yes, satire or not.

Last part of easy venom= Way over-used trench-run satire.......

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