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Possible Star Fox movie. Spread the word.


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Although I feel sorry for Fredy.

What why? What does he have to do with this?!

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2. He's a mercernary, that's true, but before he joined StarFox he wasn't, he was a rebel who was leading his own gang. So yeah, there's a difference between doing it as a job and being just a rebel that punches someone directly in the face when he feels like it.

Well that's the positive side about learning Japanese and searching the web via Japanese language. It was mentioned in a Japanese wikipedia site about StarFox, and there was a small story about Falco that said that "he was the head of a motorcycle gang called [Free As A Bird] in the past and ran around the space with them". Taken and halfway selftranslated from the Wiki site. Don't believe me? Here's the Japanese original text: "?????????FREE AS A BIRD????????????????????????"

A wiki, you say? No official source? No comic book, manga, brawl trophy, or anything from anywhere that can't just be edited?

Looks like his past is still as unknown as it ever was, I'd say. There's too many explanations for Falco. Maybe he's ashamed of a life of crime and wants to hide it, redeeming himself as a hero. There's too many possibilities, and a lot of them make sense. Claiming to know how Falco would act when there's a big blank spot on his history suggesting he always wasn't such a great guy is a bit odd, to me.

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She's talkin bout the manga, bro

Free as a bird is supposedly the japanese original name for the Hot Rodders

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Free as a bird is supposedly the japanese original name for the Hot Rodders

Huh. I didn't know that.

Just out of curiosity though, what games does Falco brag about killing people?

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Huh. I didn't know that.

Just out of curiosity though, what games does Falco brag about killing people?

Only like all of them.

You are aware the enemy ships have pilots, yes?

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A wiki, you say? No official source? No comic book, manga, brawl trophy, or anything from anywhere that can't just be edited?

Looks like his past is still as unknown as it ever was, I'd say. There's too many explanations for Falco. Maybe he's ashamed of a life of crime and wants to hide it, redeeming himself as a hero. There's too many possibilities, and a lot of them make sense. Claiming to know how Falco would act when there's a big blank spot on his history suggesting he always wasn't such a great guy is a bit odd, to me.

Well it's not official, but do you have anything better to bring up about his past and his life as a "member" of the so called "hot-rodders"? If I could get my hands on something official from all Japanese manuals of Starfox I could check it for good, but sadly it's hard to get the hands on it. But I also know how companies like to change simple names for gangs because it doesn't sound "hard and cool" enough for them, so maybe they have changed it in the US version of Starfox. And here's the site if you wanna see it for yourself: Japanese Falco Lombardi Wiki site

Yeah true, it sounds odd to you and others, but I am one of those people who also cares about the characters and their story, and I'm somewhat talented for getting into those roles very quickly and feel/act the same way. Maybe it's because Falco is my favourite, but I actually like guy's that are acting like the way he does.

I just don't like the way how this guy is representing Falco and Katt in his "movie", he is changing their personalities a bit too much.

And the most hated part for me: "He LOVES her". Sorry, I never was a fan of this pairing and I probably never will. Also I don't want to start some arguments about Falco's past here, I'm somewhat tired and I can't really concentrate myself today. So I say a "sorry" if I missunderstood something about anything here today, it's just absolutely not my day.

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Well it's not official, but do you have anything better to bring up about his past and his life as a "member" of the so called "hot-rodders"?

No, because I'm not the writer of the games or this movie. I know nothing and any explanation I think up is as good as fanfic material. If it's not official, it's not very credible in judging it's affect to the canon character itself.

Yeah true, it sounds odd to you and others, but I am one of those people who also cares about the characters and their story, and I'm somewhat talented for getting into those roles very quickly and feel/act the same way. Maybe it's because Falco is my favourite, but I actually like guy's that are acting like the way he does.

>implying I don't. I'm not arguing this to argue it, I'm arguing it because it's a chance to move Falco forward. If the movie is greenlighted, we'll finally have at least something building onto them, and honestly, a past he wants to forget about concerning Katt's brother is a nice and dramatic twist to his otherwise jerk-ass reliable friend image.

I just don't like the way how this guy is representing Falco and Katt in his "movie", he is changing their personalities a bit too much.

And the most hated part for me: "He LOVES her". Sorry, I never was a fan of this pairing and I probably never will.

That is your personal opinion, and while valid, it in no way is an excuse for talking as if you are the authority. There's enough hinting at a romantic connection between Katt and Falco to be written off as a coincidence, and their personalities that are allegedly changing are near nonexistent anyway. Falco's hand being dirtied in cold blood isn't beyond him, especially if it were over something he cared about, namely Katt. Depending on how it's delivered, it'd be just the sort of character developement those two need. Krystal and Fox have the token "perfect" romance anyway, or so the Fanon religiously believes.

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No, because I'm not the writer of the games or this movie. I know nothing and any explanation I think up is as good as fanfic material. If it's not official, it's not very credible in judging it's affect to the canon character itself.

>implying I don't. I'm not arguing this to argue it, I'm arguing it because it's a chance to move Falco forward. If the movie is greenlighted, we'll finally have at least something building onto them, and honestly, a past he wants to forget about concerning Katt's brother is a nice and dramatic twist to his otherwise jerk-ass reliable friend image.

That is your personal opinion, and while valid, it in no way is an excuse for talking as if you are the authority. There's enough hinting at a romantic connection between Katt and Falco to be written off as a coincidence, and their personalities that are allegedly changing are near nonexistent anyway. Falco's hand being dirtied in cold blood isn't beyond him, especially if it were over something he cared about, namely Katt. Depending on how it's delivered, it'd be just the sort of character developement those two need. Krystal and Fox have the token "perfect" romance anyway, or so the Fanon religiously believes.

I guess you don't understand my point O_o

1. It's Japanese and mostly the Japanese sites have more information about things like that as any other language and that may never got spoken out. Though it's nothing official stuff, it still COULD be possible that Nintendo of America changed the Name "Free As A Bird" to "Hod-Rodders" to make it sound more like a "hard gang". More I didn't wanted to point out.

2. Falco is a character that got developed in the same way as Fox and the other characters. Though he often leaves and rejoins the team, he got more of a personality from game to game. That's also a evolution even if it's a small one, and it's mostly seen in Assault if you closely watch his reactions. I think the mysterious side is something that makes Falco special as a character and there should be things that shouldn't be revealed, no matter if it's a good or a bad story.

3. If I would be the authority it would be at least more original as the plot I needed to read from this guy that wants to make a movie. I wouldn't bring such DRAMA crap into Katt and Falco, instead I would put the things up I know from the official Mangas and videogames, that's all I need, the rest could be something that still has sense for both of them without making it a love drama between those two. I have more interest in the characters personality and if I see how something like this gets totally SCRAPPED, then I lose my actually always smiling mood. You wanna develop them? Start thinking about their real personalities you know from the games/mangas and don't get exited about a movie that ruins the characters more than Starfox Command did back in 2006. Falco cares about Katt like a normal friend and not as a lover, and friends DO care about each other.

Fact is I don't like this project and I won't change my opinion about it. I don't need a drama love story between Falco and Katt and a story about murdering a "brother" that never existed or got mentioned in the games/mangas nor do I need a movie that hasn't anything to do with the original plot of the franchises storyline. Nuff said :D

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3. If I would be the authority it would be at least more original as the plot I needed to read from this guy that wants to make a movie. I wouldn't bring such DRAMA crap into Katt and Falco, instead I would put the things up I know from the official Mangas and videogames, that's all I need, the rest could be something that still has sense for both of them without making it a love drama between those two. I have more interest in the characters personality and if I see how something like this gets totally SCRAPPED, then I lose my actually always smiling mood. You wanna develop them? Start thinking about their real personalities you know from the games/mangas and don't get exited about a movie that ruins the characters more than Starfox Command did back in 2006. Falco cares about Katt like a normal friend and not as a lover, and friends DO care about each other.


I was actually thinking earlier that there was a flashback in Farewell Beloved Falco that could be expanded on in Falco and Katt's relationship. It's fits better that other random junk when you pull tidbits and expand on actual things from series material.

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I guess you don't understand my point O_o

1. It's Japanese and mostly the Japanese sites have more information about things like that as any other language and that may never got spoken out. Though it's nothing official stuff, it still COULD be possible that Nintendo of America changed the Name "Free As A Bird" to "Hod-Rodders" to make it sound more like a "hard gang". More I didn't wanted to point out.

And my point is that that's speculation and isn't any evidence for anything.

2. Falco is a character that got developed in the same way as Fox and the other characters. Though he often leaves and rejoins the team, he got more of a personality from game to game. That's also a evolution even if it's a small one, and it's mostly seen in Assault if you closely watch his reactions. I think the mysterious side is something that makes Falco special as a character and there should be things that shouldn't be revealed, no matter if it's a good or a bad story.

This is a valid point, so I've nothing to say in combat. So you like things remaining a mystery, I'm down with that.

3. If I would be the authority it would be at least more original as the plot I needed to read from this guy that wants to make a movie. I wouldn't bring such DRAMA crap into Katt and Falco, instead I would put the things up I know from the official Mangas and videogames, that's all I need, the rest could be something that still has sense for both of them without making it a love drama between those two.

That's... exactly what he's doing. It's a love drama because there's enough in the source material saying it could happen. It's simply the direction he chose to go. Out of curiosity, what would you have done, and on what grounds?

I have more interest in the characters personality and if I see how something like this gets totally SCRAPPED, then I lose my actually always smiling mood. You wanna develop them? Start thinking about their real personalities you know from the games/mangas and don't get exited about a movie that ruins the characters more than Starfox Command did back in 2006. Falco cares about Katt like a normal friend and not as a lover, and friends DO care about each other.

Only it doesn't. How many times do I have to point out that there's enough in their "real personalities" to suggest they'd let a relationship take off eventually, under the right circumstances. You're stating your opinions and personal fanon as fact again, as for each piece of evidence for you, there's some against you. I for one think it would be nice to see, as on paper it doesn't mess with their characters at all.

Fact is I don't like this project and I won't change my opinion about it. I don't need a drama love story between Falco and Katt and a story about murdering a "brother" that never existed or got mentioned in the games/mangas nor do I need a movie that hasn't anything to do with the original plot of the franchises storyline. Nuff said :D

And I think you're being unreasonable, and a bit hypocritical if you're that set on arguing and then writing off counter arguments as just "trying to change your opinion." I think for the movie to be successful, it has to make stuff up, and that "stuff" doesn't necessarily have to be bad. A brother wasn't mentioned in any source material, but neither is Andross's mom. Guess he's been there since the beginning of time, then.

Do you see my point? Katt can easily have a brother worked into the plot, as it doesn't necessarily make an impact on anything that's happened ingame, unless I missed something about her being an only child as a major plot point. You admitted yourself there's not enough in the source material for a successful movie, and your purist attitude is making what is otherwise a potentially interesting twist into a bad thing before it's even launched. There's sticking to the source material, and then there's thinking that all we've seen is all there is. You're going way, way overboard with your stubborn rage mode to even give it a chance.

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And that's all you'll know about Falco Lombardi that is truly canon. He is a "Rowdy kid with enough street savvy to fill an encyclopedia".

So, I totally agree that things has to be invented as to make this movie a bit more... Interesting. If it was just a run in the Lylat System, I would as well play the game instead of watching the movie. As long as you acknowledge the movie won't be canon, it doesn't matter at all to find weird things. He proposes his own interpretation of things, why the drama?

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haha and no we're not off topic, this is how we don't like to see Falco

it's mostly the glitter in taht pic that puts me off, actually but w/e...

Yeah.. I agree with you guys, saying that there isn't enough material to make a movie so you gotta invent new stuff and whatnot.

But even that I take for granted dammit. It depends on HOW it actually is executed.

gotta give what the audience [i guess fans, eh?] want

well there ain't no collective of fans who all want the same thing. Of course there will be guys not liking this

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Okay, a couple of things.

I think "Slippery Toad" may be a spellcheck error. When I type "Slippy" into MS Word, it flags it as misspelled, and "slippery" is the first suggestion. A careless mis-click could have caused that. Note that he calls him "Slippy" everywhere else.

About Falco being a murderer, it doesn't actually say that Falco killed anyone. It says this:

[Falco's] relationship with Katt Monroe complicates his life, as she blames him for his brother's death. Not only must Falco help the team take on Andross, he must prove his innocence to the girl he loves.

It's quite contrary. Falco DIDN'T kill him and is trying to convince her of that. While there aren't any details, it sounds like the classic "you could have saved him but you didn't" angle to the blame.

There are some minor canon issues, but that is to be expected in a film adaptation. I don't think it's that bad.

Also, remember, Star Fox as a game series has, like, zero character development. Character development is a must for a film, so some details will need to be created by Rathore's team.

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It's still bothering me personally....

Their whole relationship in this movie is based on Falco trying to convince Katt that he's not the murderer of her brother. Ok got that.

But yeah, their affiliation AS A WHOLE deviates a lil too much from the one we know from the games and the manga.

Katt, being the sassy girl she is, trying to impress and flirt with Falco while he is constantly annoyed by her is the relationship we are used to. It is tonally an utterly different approach. I don’t think you can translate this mood into this guy’s idea.

Also, remember, Star Fox as a game series has, like, zero character development. Character development is a must for a film, so some details will need to be created by Rathore's team.

With all due respect… this can be achieved while staying true to the original ideas of the characters. NOT saying he’s screwing it up, coz there just ain’t no details. So anything is possible.

But I guess we underrate our beloved franchise

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But yeah, their affiliation AS A WHOLE deviates a lil too much from the one we know from the games and the manga.

Katt, being the sassy girl she is, trying to impress and flirt with Falco while he is constantly annoyed by her is the relationship we are used to. It is tonally an utterly different approach. I don’t think you can translate this mood into this guy’s idea.

That's what bugs me about it too. It's not that Falco's image looks bad from the plot scenario but it's just sort of a major deviation from the two characters. Like R3D5 said, Katt was a flirtatious and sassy girl trying to get under Falco's skin and woo him at the same time while Falco on the other hand tried to play the cool dude and act like he has no feelings for her whatsoever, and is actually annoyed by her presence.  Now when you say something like "To prove to the girl he loves" that's implying that the relationship in in the opposite direction, that Falco wants to woo and win HER, and that she is upset from what he did in the past and she wants nothing to do with HIM.

Edit:  And I think I know what was bugging me about this movie before in general. Movie franchises have a tendency to stray WAYYYYYYY out there from original source material, and this guy come from that sort of background. It was mentioned that he even did the storyboards on the X-men movie and even though I liked it from a certain perspective, (*coughforthespecialeffectscough*) X-men deviated DRASTICALLY from the comics. He may say he doesn't want to deviate from the original plot-line, but then again, haven't tons of people said that and ended up doing so anyways just at their attempt to make what they may think is an more interesting movie?

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Whoever directs this movie, if it's more than just a rumor, they should make sure he knows everything he needs to know about the source material. We don't want it to be like the Street Fighter movie, or an obnoxiously depressing and rantish parody like There Will Be Brawl.

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Whoever directs this movie, if it's more than just a rumor, they should make sure he knows everything he needs to know about the source material. We don't want it to be like the Street Fighter movie, or an obnoxiously depressing and rantish parody like There Will Be Brawl.

Well said. Street Fighter the movie wasn't TOO bad when compared to the "Legend of Chun Li" one, (Which sucked raw eggs) but it was done pretty poorly too.

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I think the main problem here is that basic fans are raging that the plot doesn't stick to their interpretation.

Katt is not flirtatious, "OH WOW YOU RUINED THE SERIES"

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I think the main problem here is that basic fans are raging that the plot doesn't stick to their interpretation.

Katt is not flirtatious, "OH WOW YOU RUINED THE SERIES"

It's not OUR interpretation. It's the game's. It's Nintendo's if you will.

This isn't really about how we would like things to go. It's basically that we know how the character are because we play the games. The personalities of Falco and Katt we're talking about here are plain as day in 64, so there's really no "personal" interpretation to be had from them.

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It's not OUR interpretation. It's the game's. It's Nintendo's if you will.

This isn't really about how we would like things to go. It's basically that we know how the character are because we play the games. The personalities of Falco and Katt we're talking about here are plain as day in 64, so there's really no "personal" interpretation to be had from them.

No, they kind of didn't. Katt has like 15 lines total. Neither of those two characters have any sort of depth to them, we know nothing about them except that Falco is kind of a jerkass.

So yes, it IS your personal interpretation off the vaguest hints to what they may be like.

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Are you gonna hog ALL the fun?

Beautiful! I could kiss you for that!

You trying to damage my pretty face?

...this is still flirtatious, don't you think?

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I hope they get a good cast picked out for this movie. Somebody like Josh DuHamel as Fox or Lance Henrikson as Wolf (IMO).

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R3dfive I could kiss you for that because now I don't have to go through the trouble of posting those quotes. XD

Sorry couldn't resist.  :P

But yes to reinforce the point those lines are flirtatious. It's pretty plain to see.

btw ArwingCommander.......you do know it's a FAN film right?  :?

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