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Enclave Radio


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Greeting sweet SF-O, this is Reynard (Formerly and still secretly Lucario at heart), I'd like to have a chat if you've got a moment.

Today was the second day of school since my 2 week break (Christmas Break), and well....i guess its kay going back....i feel a little different, but i usually cant tell that well. Uhm...what else it there to say? I felt really tired and slept right before the bell rang for second period to end and you can go for a small break. Then, during said break, i slept in my 3 third class, until the bell rang for the class to start-lolz the best part was, i was already in class before anyone else-. I did my best to stay awake in my thrid period class. I dont know what it is about that class, but i always seem to almost fall asleep everytime; its US History Class. I mean, it is very intersting to learn the history of our Great Nation (minus the dark, atrosious parts), but i find it hard to stay awake. Otherwise....not much else happend of interest....besides the fact that i finally got tot come onto this site alot longer than i id yesterday.

And now my Darling SF-O people, we must part; This is Reynard, signing off (but not from the site ^_^).

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*Messing with the radio*

This radio is useless, so far all I've gotten on it is some British guys talking about things I'm not sure exist.

*Hits it and activates Enclave radio*

Ah, that's better. I never actually fell asleep in class, but I know how you feel when it comes to the day after the break.

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lol yeah...im sure ill "shape up" and feel better...but i cant wait for the weekend xD

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