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Hate the Game, Love the Music


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Are there any games that you hate, but the you love to listen to the music from?

For me there are 2; Tetris and Heroes of Might and Magic 5.

Tetris has always been that arcade game that hates me. But I love the authentic Russian score, and I love listening to remixes of it. The other is HoMM5, epic score but very difficult game-play that involves the winner is the guy who makes the least mistakes, while your actions have very little affect on the opponent.

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At the moment, all I can come up with is Fester's Quest. For a broken game, it sure does have some pretty fine tunes, but thats to be expected from Sunsoft.

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If there is one game that I hate but love the music, it would have to be Castlevania 2: Simon's Quest.

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Tetrissphere. I hate the game....... I love that music.... It's so addicting.

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River City Ransom Remake Scott pilgrim the game.

A game Ive not played and have no wish to play that has great music, Ilo Milo.


Try and listen to it with a frowny face. Can't be done.

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(Heeey... I loved "Tetrisphere," but yeah, it did have a great soundtrack.)

For me probably the 8-bit Game Gear/Master System version of Sonic 2. (Wich is a completely different, and a much more frustrating game then the much better Sega Genesis "Sonic the Hedgehog 2.")

It has good music for an 8-bit game though, even has a cool song that was a year later used as the theme song for "Sonic CD." (Japanese version.)

Check it out yourselves.


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I can't believe I forgot this one, Ocarina of Time. I don't hate the game, but I find it pretty boring. With that said, I love the Gerudo Valley song.

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Love is a pretty strong word, but the music was pretty much the best thing about Tales of Phantasia.

Same with 7th Saga, Ghouls'n'Ghosts, The Goonies....

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Halo, though I wouldn't use love and hate, really. They're alright games that I'd rather not play, but the music in the series is pretty cool. Not mind-blowing, like in the Touhou series or Final Fantasy music, but pretty cool nonetheless.

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Any game with good music I've played was just a good game in general.

Not necessarily. Take Sonic 06 for example, the music in that game was actually pretty good, but the gameplay and story were god-awful, not to mention extremely glitchy.

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Not necessarily. Take Sonic 06 for example, the music in that game was actually pretty good, but the gameplay and story were god-awful, not to mention extremely glitchy.

On the whole, though, a good soundtrack accompanies a good game because it's all in the good name of effort. There are exceptions, but they are uncommon.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Halo Wars; i wasnt too thrilled after a while o the gameplay (hey, at least they troed right?) , but the music was fantastic! i listen to it everytime i play JCA on 360.

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Starfox Adventures

TBH, I've never played a game I hated long enough to notice it had "good" music. :P

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Not necessarily. Take Sonic 06 for example, the music in that game was actually pretty good, but the gameplay and story were god-awful, not to mention extremely glitchy.

which in turn was due to Microsoft's rushing of the project to get it out in time for the 360 launch. but as you said. props for the music - and cutscene graphics which were the most realistic I'd seen in a Sonic game, but that's off topic. In any case though, agreed.

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I kind of liked Star Fox Command's sound track (SOME of them, but others just made you want to tear out your ears, like the missile slipstream stage).

I also liked Sonic 2 Game Gear's sound track, especially the opening cutscene/scrambled egg zone.

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  • Owner/Technical Admin

For a while.. I hated Sonic 4. The game was a pain in the ass and I wasn't good at it. I started playing again and I've really improved on it. I fell in love with the game.. The music is addicting, and the game is actually fun, now that I know the levels pretty good.. Very much fun with Super Sonic too..

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Any bad game Tim Follin did the music for. He made some pretty amazing tunes for mediocre games like Target Renegade.

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I used to like Sonic games. Now, i hate them and love the music. p.s. Crush 40 Rocks!

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I've never played a game I hated with good music,maybe Pokemon Billy Hatcher.

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Call of Duty ModernFail-i mean warefare 2. I love the music, but i do not like the game anymore-or any call of duty games for thst matter. I just gets boring sfer a lonmg time of playing it. Oh, i almost forgot! I also loved the theme from COD2-the menu/sneaking through the pipes in the Russian trainyard level! It was soo cool and calming/unvering that the Germans would eventually find out you were in the tubes ^_^

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