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Movie or Book?

Sol-Ratcht Saporro

Which would you choose? Book Or Movie?  

  1. 1. Which would you choose? Book Or Movie?

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Would you rather read a book or watch the movie adaptation of a story?

Me, I prefer Book. Most, if not all the stories originated from books. Movies tend to leave off a lot of details that are found in the book and sometimes change events that happened origianlly.

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The book by far. THe movies tend to leave parts out or completly change them. PLus by reading it you get all the motifs and imagry and diction and stuff if your and english nut. (I don't look for them, I'm a science/math guy, but still fun to consider from time to time.)

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NEVER read the book first. I always try to see the movie first, then read the book later if I liked it.

But then, it seems like people nowadays want movies to be exact adaptations of whatever they represent. I don't understand this, personally. If I wanted to see the exact same thing, then I wouldn't bother with the movie, just watch the book, play the game, etc.

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The book's usually better. However, I can fully understand why someone would rather watch the movie.

Namely, if it's a really old book filled with big words and convoluted sentences. LotR is a prime example of this. Unless you are absolutely hooked into Middle Earth, reading the books can be a chore. The movies managed to stay fairly close to the books in a format that was much easier to understand. Of course, some things had to be sacrificed to make the movie short enough (the Scouring in RotK, for instance), but what was included was fairly accurate.

Problem is, most book-to-movie adaptations don't include this level of faithfulness. Unfortunately, most of these include the required reading books in English class. :P

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LotR is actually a great example. Take it from a writer, Tolkien's writing is horrible. But with the movie, you get a huge chunk of the storylines, complete with faces, sounds (Elf language anyone?), and scenery. That's why movies are worth seeing, because sometimes it's just too hard to keep track of everything in your head. And that's why I like seeing the movie first, because then I have an actual face/voice to put with the book when I read it. In the reverse, there's a good chance the face/voice won't fit what I've dreamed up while reading.

I'd point to V for Vendetta as well. Had I read the comic first, I probably wouldn't have been that impressed and skipped the movie. But the movie honestly is an improvement over the printed form in this case. They did an amazing job in all respects.

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as much as I usually like the movie more for the sole fact that it's visual

I said book because you get more details in most cases. This can be seen especially with the harry potter series as some of the movies had gaps where their was sometimes important information and Some of the more interesting parts are dropped all together which sometimes changes the story itself

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I'd have to go with the book. For the most part, you tend to see far more movie-adaptations of a book, rather than book-adaptations of a movie. And yes, since the books are the starting point of such adaptations in the first place, they always have all the details.

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Even though I bearly read( out side of class), I like books more then movies.

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Well' date=' you can see/hear things in your own way, and so..[/quote']

I didn't really think about that, since everyone has a different mode of learning. Some see better than they read, and some read better than they see.

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Books are better in most cases, but The lord of the ring movies where worth it. Even though they had to cut out a lot of the good parts.

I'd say the same thing about Narnia and almost all the comic book series that were made into movies.

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