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Should I be, like, worried that I used the concept of Lethe already? Also in a Star Fox context?

Why would you be worried..?

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Okay. Back at my own desk and was able to go back over that Krystal picture. I have to say, even if it's quite a bit darker now, it has much more of a mood.


Thank you so much for the critique. The picture was really bothering me before and I seriously couldn't figure out why. Just goes to show that you always need a few more pairs of eyes :>

OH MY...! The previous version was already good, but this one is just awesome! I can feel the magic cominc out of this picture! Great job (glad the critique helped you)! Definitely going to my faves on dA!

EDIT!: It's titled "Lethe," by the way, on the deviantart page. I thought I might bring it up, or I'll confuse people, Sorry.

Should I be, like, worried that I used the concept of Lethe already? Also in a Star Fox context?

"In the ancient myths, Lethe was the name of a river, one of five that flow though the underworld where the spirits of the dead go. The other four rivers are: Styx, the river of hate, Acheron, the river of pain, Cocytus, the river of anguish, and Phlegethon, the river of fire. These other four are unstable concepts, unpredictable, uncontrollable. No, I prefer Lethe. In its original language, Lethe means 'oblivion', 'forgetfulness' or 'concealment'. Those who drank from this river would experience a state of utter forgetfulness, a complete amnesia."

-Serge Noire, "Star Fox: Legacy"

But here, I think I can glean meaning from this. To step into the waters of Lethe is to forget. If we want to dive into Krystal's backstory, she lost her home, an entire world destroyed, and everyone she'd ever known, dead. Such a traumatic event is going to leave mental and emotional scars which will never heal. How relieving would it be if there were a way to make the pain go away, to erase it, to forget it. But, clearly there's more going on here. I'm going to offer up one of the possible interpretations swirling around here in my strange head: our lady has made the decision to forget, and cast the staff into the river (more symbolic than practical, but hey: symbolic license), however, the river gives the staff back. In essence: "this is something not even Lethe will let you forget." sending her off with more than a small touch of destiny.

Anyway, that's what I thought of when I looked at this picture and turn on the "Artsy" switch in my head. I hope you didn't mind too much.

(This is a duplicate of a post I made on DA on this picture, just in case)

I like your story, I can imagine that going on in the drawing.

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Why would you be worried..?

I don't know: stock phrase I use when I see intriguing coincidences. :lol:

But seriously, what was the thinking behind the title? And don't tell me there isn't any meaning: I'm a theatre dork, dammit! I'll extract meaning if I have to beat it out with my bare bloody hands! :rant:

heh. :-P

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Now THAT's a good piece of Krystal artwork if I've ever seen one Myu. :)

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Wow, it looks really good, Mya!

But... I still don't understand what she's doing, so forgive my ignorance. :lol: Is she supposed to be giving the staff to the water? Or is the water giving her the staff?...Or is it something else all together?

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I'm not telling~ Some people probably wouldn't like the picture as much if I said what I intended with it. I guess I can say that the water is taking the staff though.

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This is some seriously great stuff.

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I'll be the first to say that the above picture of Miyu is possibly one of the best things I've ever set my eyes on. Hot Lynx + Tight Jeans + Packin' Heat = ABSOLUTE BEAUTY. :D

Out of curiosity, was there any particular firearm you based the one in the picture off of?

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No, I just started drawing one and hoped it would turn out looking like a gun lol

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More Miyu~



I guess, uh, two different sides to her personality lol. I was also trying out a different way to go about anatomy that an artist I like uses. You probably can't tell, but that's okay.

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oh god



That first picture of her being a badass. That picture is badass. You're badass.

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Myu, you do realize that you're possibly one of the greatest artists I've ever had the chance of admiring, right? Not only is your artwork phenominal, but it gives some much-needed fanservice to an underappreciated and oft forgotten character.

Oh wait, I mean;


:lol: That top bit of text is still true though! I honestly don't think you could ever draw something that didn't look good in your style.

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For not being your typical "style" you still tackled it like you have been doing it for a long time. I wish I had some sort of critique to give you to help improve something, but I am afraid I enjoy it all too much to be much help there :)

Its truly a pleasure to see you update this thread with more of your work

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Holy moly, that Krystal pic makes me actually gain some appreciation for the character again. Funny that it takes a piece of fanart to do that!

But really, it's a beautiful piece and if I weren't worried about what other people would think I'd have it framed and put up on my wall simply because it's really evocative and professional. I've never seen a piece like that from you, Myu, and it has elevated you from 'fan artist' to 'artist' in my mind, no offense intended. It's like it isn't even fan art any more, and wouldn't be out of place in an exhibition. More like this!

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omg Thank you so much for the super generous compliment D:


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omg Thank you so much for the super generous compliment D:



For The Win!

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I love the big boots yet fear she may trip while walking in 'em at the same time. Ah, how we suffer so for fashion. ;)

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For The Win!

Yes FTW indeed. :P

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Loving that style of attire; her calm demeanor is also quite refreshing. A good way to celebrate the fixing of the "like" button! ^_^

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Loving that style of attire; her calm demeanor is also quite refreshing. A good way to celebrate the fixing of the "like" button! ^_^


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*Sees Myu's fan art thread updated by Myu*

*Clicks on link hoping to see more artwork*

*Is not disappointed*

Yet again, I am convinced that the drawings you make puts more personality and feeling behind every character, without actually speaking any words, than Nintendo/Rare/Namco could do in an entire game. You are converting me to a being a Myu fan by the way.

It might just be me being weird, but does the part where the mouth meets her jaw/cheeks feel a bit odd? I can't put my finger on it, but its like my mind is expecting something different. Maybe I am used to seeing more of a jawline and mouth but this angle sort of obscures it. I love the picture and think its awesome, but there's something on the left side of my head that feels odd when seeing the face.

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It might just be me being weird, but does the part where the mouth meets her jaw/cheeks feel a bit odd? I can't put my finger on it, but its like my mind is expecting something different. Maybe I am used to seeing more of a jawline and mouth but this angle sort of obscures it. I love the picture and think its awesome, but there's something on the left side of my head that feels odd when seeing the face.

The left side (or HER right I guess, viewer's left) of the muzzle could probably stand to have a softer line or flow into her head instead of looping back to her nose, if that's what you mean. She might need a smidge more of a jaw too but I'd have to sit and fiddle around redlining it to have a better idea of whether she needs one or both of these things, and just how much.

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Of course. I have no problem with people using my images for personal things like that. Save away. :>

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