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Oh Wolf?

I remember a time where you didnt even WANT to draw Wolf and now he's among your fav characters to draw?

See, I knew you could totally do it haha

Never be unsure of your talents, myu, never!

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Lol, I didn't want to draw him because I was afraid I'd ruin him. One day I will draw him perfectly.

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The great Leon. Partly for R3d since he said he likes how I draw him :3


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I'm trying to make sure I don't get stuck doing that. Krystal and Wolf are the easiest for me to draw (and Katt I guess), but I don't want to be known as "that person who draws Krystal and Wolf" lol

Here's a picture of Miyu so you don't feel so let down D: http://myuinhiding.deviantart.com/gallery/?catpath=scraps#/d3il20f

xD Thanks. Yeah, this is my first time drawing him. He's fun but... those eyes. THOSE EYES.

Oh, you didn't have to draw a picture of Miyu just because I came into this topic with expectations. Once again, another good drawing. It sucks because I can't return the favor by drawing you something. Reason being, I can't draw straight lines...or spherical circles for that matter. It always happens how I imagine I want to draw something simple, even a character with a more square-shaped head than usual, and then it becomes a 1-D image of just plain ugly. :rolleyes: Not to mention how my eye shapes are rarely equivalent in size.

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Oh, lol, I didn't just whip that up. I did it a few days ago and only had it on my DA.

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Yes, I do LOVE the way you draw Leon! And that pic is just AWESOME!

Thank you so much for that!


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I can't draw straight lines...or spherical circles for that matter.


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I'm trying to make sure I don't get stuck doing that. Krystal and Wolf are the easiest for me to draw (and Katt I guess), but I don't want to be known as "that person who draws Krystal and Wolf" lol

Ugh. I know what you mean. But I can't really draw anybody at the moment besides Fox. :P LAME.

Good stuff btw. :yes:

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>Krystal and Wolf are the easiest for me to draw (And Katt I guess), but I don't want to be known as 'That person who draws Krystal and Wolf' lol

I understand that, but oh, you and Icha-Icha's do such a good job on Krystal! LOL :krystal::cool:

Case in point: This morning I was listening to some early Genesis (When they used to be a progressive rock band), and long story short, I was looking at the 'Pseudo Screen Cap' on your DA account right at the time some 'Sad Mellotron Strings' was being played. I'll explain more about the Mellotron and how it relates to Krystal later, but 'Mgosh! Her expression of impending doom is…. :o:cry:

(And yes, put up the desktop size version please.) :wink:

And the staging of Fox And Krystal was nicely done also.

Somehow, I'm going to have to put some coinage aside for a commish from the both of you sometime.

Oh and StarFoxfan_Fur_ever and LoneWolf? You both typed that they can't draw very well, and neither can I. However, if there is some audio/video work to be done, I'm fairly good at that. I did the 'Friends Forever' video for the Krystal Archive back in February.

(A blatant plug I know....)

Anyway, great work Myu!

Now it's back to typing out a article with links, and Final Cut Studio #2….


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>You both typed that they can't draw very well

Ooops....make that, 'You two said that you can't draw very well.'

Guess I need new glasses....



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I'll make the desktop size available on DA momentarily :>

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Myu, you diserve a medal and a throphy for having such talent at drawing. :D

Chuck Norris, Leroy Jenkins and Barrell Roll King Peppy Hare approves!!

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Finally finished it.


Very nice. Is that guy in the backround stuck in the door or something.

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Very nice. Is that guy in the backround stuck in the door or something.

Lol I thought he was drunk. :blink:


Anyway, myu, awesome job on the picture! It looks amazing! :D

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Very nice. Is that guy in the backround stuck in the door or something.

Yeah, he's supposed to be drunk and stumbling through the door.

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Yeah, he's supposed to be drunk and stumbling through the door.

Ahh, well you caught that idea. :D

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Anyone can put lines on paper.

But it takes true talent to make them look good, and Myu, you got TALENT!

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A commission


I was asked to draw Fay and Miyu on an intense field mission :>

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A commission


I was asked to draw Fay and Miyu on an intense field mission :>

Fire, Explosions, guns...... I LIKE IT. :D

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Wow. You are insanely good at art.

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Very nice, What's the thang in the back round? :D

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