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Multiple images in sigs


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If you have multiple images in your sig, please make sure the images are placed side-by-side instead of stacked on top of eachother. Max image height for sigs is supposed to be 200px, and that includes all images.

If you want text to render on the images in a certain way, please use the table tag to do it side-by-side.

A couple of you had sigs that were taking up at least a third of my screen space due to multiple stacked images. That is way too tall.

I have two images in my sig, and as you see they are next to eachother.


BBCode: BBCode:


Slippy Fan TF2 Stats



Slippy Fan

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Alright, I am fine with this. But I am curious. Would you like me to switch my Sig so that I don't have the Faux Pas bar at the bottom?

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Yours total less than 200px tall, so you're fine.

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While you are at it, you might as well mention the sig issue I brough up yesterday if it's relivent.

Another request, again brought up before, more of a common courtosy really, to keep animated gifs to a minimum. It's fine in moderation, but it makes the board hard for some to read for some. In FireFox you can stop gifs by pressing esc.

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I've noticed the sigs here are quite annoying to me at times, and thanks for the new rule, DZ. ;)

I don't care for GIFs in sigs, unless they're small-ish.

So is mine okay or should I do this too?

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If your images in total are 200px tall or less, you don't have to worry. It is only when stacking them goes over that that you need to change them.

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