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New RP Mod, Asper.


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Really now people, the next time someone brings up the Hotel I'm going to delete their posts and anything related as such.  No one wants to keep hearing about it for the millionth time in this topic.  How hard is this to undersatnd? 

He is doing a huge favor by summarizing for people who are unwilling to tl'dr walls of text, and he every right to - as long as he's accurate in doing so that is.

He's also making it sound very one sided User that's what I do not like about it and so i find it as a inaccuracy.


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He's also making it sound very one sided User that's what I do not like about it and so i find it as a inaccuracy.

In your opinion that is, this wouldn't be the first time you've found something said by Milky incredibility lopsided while most everyone else hasn't.  I'm not saying you're wrong in this case but it would be hard to look past precedences you know? 

If you're going to counter his argument than (and this goes for everyone) do it logically, intelligently, and avoid being belligerent.  I mean, if people can do this in the debate threads in the Pub on more controversial issues (and they do a damn good job at it) than what's so hard about doing it here?

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Can we give up on the FVCKING Hotel discussion?  We all know it had flaws, stretched rules, and was a giant monolith that consumed the section (even if we don't like to admit it, hell ESPECIALLY if I don't like to admit it).  The RP section, as it is, is certainly in need of some type of intervention, and there is no room to argue about what has been said and done.  Forget about it, and focus on rebuilding. 

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Not only that, but this entire debate was derailed. may we get back onto the origional discussion plz? if truely it bothers you so Pm them and deal with it like responsable intelligent human beings we all know you are OWA.

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Can we give up on the FVCKING Hotel discussion?  We all know it had flaws, stretched rules, and was a giant monolith that consumed the section (even if we don't like to admit it, hell ESPECIALLY if I don't like to admit it).  The RP section, as it is, is certainly in need of some type of intervention, and there is no room to argue about what has been said and done.  Forget about it, and focus on rebuilding.

Really now people, the next time someone brings up the Hotel I'm going to delete their posts and anything related as such.  No one wants to keep hearing about it for the millionth time in this topic.  How hard is this to undersatnd? 


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User, I suggest this gets a temp lock on the topic till Asper is back tomorrow, unless you think all is well and handled. What really happened is ridiculous.

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User, I suggest this gets a temp lock on the topic till Asper is back tomorrow, unless you think all is well and handled. What really happened is ridiculous.

Since I'm going to be heading off shortly I'm prone to agree.  Discretion is the better part of valor.  This will be resumed in the morning or whenever it needs to be.

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I've unlocked this topic for now since it can be monitored now that a mod is online. FFS people this topic was to congratualte Asper, not bring up the past and hate on people. I have a zero tolerance for drama, and I will be deleting hate posts now. So watch what you say. If anyone has any problems or concerns, PM me. I'll be online all day.

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And, locked again.Smirk-2.gif With a new topic for the further discussion of the RP boards future, this topic has served its purpose.

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Haha, I'm glad. I thought a temp lock was a little silly but I just went along. :3

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