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Save Starfox!

Asper Sarnoff

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(yeah it sort of comes and goes. The whole RP section seems to be like this so i figured I wouldn't be to quick to close things up. And I'm pretty sure there is a delete and edit post options at the bottom of every post.)

"It's very small, almost like a capsule. The only problem could be that it has drifted to close to the derilict station in the belt, and has been pulled in. I doubt it though, there's been no activity from the station in years, and Mr. Kane has given us no reason to be worried."

"Hot shit," Feila grinned, "this is gunna be fun."

Faye rounded on her. "Need I remind you that this is not a game. Just because the satellite has no active defense doesn't mean you won't have to worry about asteroids, pirates, or any number of problems. Do not take this lightly."

"I got it, I got it," Feila promised, waving her hand dismissively. "It's not like I'm gunna' go all yippy-kay-yay on everybody. But it sounds to me like no one wants to come in and get it with me, so..." she grinned. "Unless someone wants to speak up, I'm gunna peace out and check out this place." Faye grimaced at her slightly.

Don't tell me we've got another Falco on our hands...

(Yo, where did Tib go?)

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(Haven't forgotten this. Haven't got anything to post at the moment really, but this needs to move foreward a bit.)

It was at that moment another person entered the room. A black-haired puddle bearing the Cornerian Navy uniform. Lithe build, and very obviously almost bursting with unspent energy, he ran up to the group and greeted Faye formally before speaking out to the rest of the group. "Hello everyone! Cadet officer Jackson at your service." The speed at which the overly enthusiastic dog spooke made it hard to seperate the words from each other. "As I'm sure you've all had a long day, I'll be going to show you to your quarters. Now, if you'd follow me?" He gestured as he started heading for a one of numerous corridors leading further into the ship, seemingly struggling with having to maintain a walking pace.

After a couple minutes walk, and a crammed elevator ride, they had arrived at the crew deck, where a small sector had been closed off for them. A large central living room, with a large holo-projector table squarely in the middle, surrounded by sufficent seating to accomodate them all. 6 doors lead to each their identical private room, complete with a workdesk , a chair and a comfy bed. A small bathroom was also connected to each of the rooms. A small wardrobe was also placed in each room, with ample space for clothing, and containing a full Cornerian naval uniform. Just in case someone would ask what a group of obviously "capable" civilians were doing on a military grade ship, they'd be able to blend in, Jackson explained.

"Now, I'll leave you alone for the night. If there is anything you need, you can reach me trough the intercom system. We'll officially kick everything off with a briefing tomorrow at seven-hundred. Don't be late!" He said before waving goodbye, turning tail and leaving the same way they had come in.

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Blaze nodded and headed into his room, checking it out.

The bed was a lot confier than he was used to, but he fought the urge to simply lie there for now, and went to take a look at the wardrobe and grimaced at the uniform. I don't care what that guy says, I'm not wearing that thing. He hadn't lived on Corneria since he was three, outside those few years when Zoness had been so brutally polluted by Andross. He had no intentions of pretending to be part of any branch of their military. He'd been hired for a job, and that was that.

Making his way over to the desk, he sat in the chair, and pulled a small holographic device out of his pocket, and clicked it on. A technical image of the Spotflash sprung to life, allowing Blaze to inspect it from every angle. For the next little while, he simply stared at the image, deep in thought.

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"Hot shit," Felia murmured again when she got to her room. It wasn't anything fancy, but she liked it that way. she didnt really sleep that much anyways. "Hey! Jackson! What has this ship got in the way of runnin' around space?"

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The poddle stopped dead in his tracks and turned to face Felia. "Eh, propulsion? We have four Airspace Dynamics NTD-FX9 series plasma engine. Don't ask me what that means however, I'm no mechanic." He added with a short laugh. "However, should you ever require a guy who knows his way around engines, then the chief mechanic, Bonzo, is the man to ask. You can usually find him on the hangar deck, where your personal crafts have also been stored. Be warned though... he can come of as kind of..." Jackson looked like he was searching the air for a suitable word, "Gruff... if you get what I mean. But he's good. Really good. Anything else I can be of service with?"

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Feila blinked at him for a few seconds, then started laughing so hard she doubled over. the poodle looked extremely confused, but waited patiently for her to recover.

"Sorry dude, let me rephrase that. By "running around space", I meant like, a gym, or something like that," she explained, still chuckling slightly.

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For a split second, Jackson hesitated, before his face suddenly exploded into a warm smile and the room echoed with laugher. "Ah, you had me fooled there for a moment ma'am! Well, we do have a sizeable training facility on board. It is almost mandatory on ships of this size and with this kind of crew. Long travels in low gravity will cause the muscle tissue of even fit people to degrade and soften from less use than normal. Training is therefore critical to stay in shape. The gym is at this very deck. Just follow the signs hanging from the ceiling."

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(Guys, don't forget you can also explore the station. You can make up anything you want to be onboard, just don't be too outlandish, okay?)

"Sweet, thanks," she replied with a smile. She could tell by the feel of it on her face that is was cracked and fake, but the poodle didn't seem to notice. He simply exclaimed something about being happy to be of service, and trundled off for some other duty. Feila was intent on making a beeline for the treadmills, she was starting to sweat, and felt like she was going to be sick if she didn't get her runner's high, and fast. All that time sitting motionless in the back of the car had made it so her skin had started to crawl. That meeting had been torture. You find the stupid thing, you bring it back, it doesnt take a rocket scientist to figure that out...

Passing by Blaze's door, she rapped on it hard, then yelled loudly through the door "Hey! I'm heading to the gym, come stomp a treadmill with me and we'll get to know each other!"

She slammed on Steve's door too. "Yo man, this is a big ship! Don't be sitting in there all day!" And then she left before either had a chance to react. Hopefully at least one would follow her, or this was going to be a very boring trip.

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Turning his gaze suddenly to the door at the sound of the knocking, Blaze raised an eyebrow at the suggestion. "Hm. You know, that's not a bad idea." He said to himself, getting up. Throwing his trenchcoat and some of his extra equipment onto the bed, he left the room, and made his way out toward the gym.

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Feila stripped off her coat and shirt as soon as she stepped in the door, so that she stood only in a pair of tight jeans and a work-out brassier. She cast the rest of it into a corner and eyed the room. It continued the aethstetic elements of the rest of the station, an incredible amount of windows and clean, light coloured metal fixtures. Bright lights spilled down over a room filled with exercise equipment. Facing the windows was a line of treadmills, she made a beeline for those, turned on the most punishing setting available, and went for it.

She wasn't sure how much time had passed before the doors opened again, admitting Blaze. She didn't really acknowledge his presence, she simply pricked her ears and waited to see if he would speak.

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Looking around the Gym, Blaze saw the girl hitting the treadmill already. Shrugging a bit, he made his way over, and set it for a more sedate pace. Noting that she was on the highest setting already, he spoke. "You really don't put much stock in the term "warm-up", do you?"

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(lol sorry for the long delay we've had a lot of activities lately))

Steve heard the slam and wondered who could it be, but when he opened the door there was no one there. Misunderstanding this for paranormal, he set out of his room to find something to work in. He wondered if there was any training rooms in this ship, and explored it. He found some strange signs onboard and it seems that the most common ones like the bathroom or the dining room didn't have any signs leading to those rooms. At last he found a gym and as he entered he already saw it was occupied by two people. He located the punching bag and started training wth it.

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(Don't worry Geo, its sort of the same for everyone ^^; )

Looking around the Gym, Blaze saw the girl hitting the treadmill already. Shrugging a bit, he made his way over, and set it for a more sedate pace. Noting that she was on the highest setting already, he spoke. "You really don't put much stock in the term "warm-up", do you?"

Felia laughed a little as she let out a heavy breath. "Nah, doesn't help me. I'd rather feel my blood pumping right away. I don't get sore anymore, I've been at this for so long, and I've already broken and pulled everything I can break and pull!" She explained through several breaths. Her legs were already starting to burn. "So what do ya think of this? This whole operation I mean?"

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Blaze shrugged a bit. "If you say so." He turned his head, still jogging on the treadmill at her question. "Hmm... the way I figure, this is gonna go one of two ways - false alarm, and they're fine, and simply lost communications, or they're in real trouble. In the first case, all's well, and we see how things go from there. In the latter, well... that's what we're here for. I have a favor or two I need to repay that I never really got to thank them for, so this works out well for me either way."

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"Favours eh? Care to tell? we're all friends here. I hope your right about the false alarm, I don't care about the glory, I'd rather this all be one massive understanding."

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Blaze chuckled ever so lightly. "Well, you ever hear about the situation with Owari and that creep Shadow a decade or two back?" Feeling that he'd gotten enough of a warmup, Blaze turned up the setting on the treadmill, going to a proper run. Still not quite as fast as Feila, but he was going a decent speed now.

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Feila watched him run absentmindedly for a few seconds. He wasn't quite as fast as her, but he was here to work out, not to burn himself out like she was. Every part of her body was screaming, but that only made her want to run faster. The runner's high was making her light-headed.

"Mmmmm, sorry man, that's before my time. Fill me in."

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"It's a little planet on the outskirts of Lylat occupied by a shady group that called itself "Shadow's Claws". Their leader went by Shadow, so you can see where that all goes. The whole situation came to light when a bunch of mercenaries, some pretty well-known, started disappearing. Apparently, they'd been putting out fake distress signals, and tricking the mercenaries, then taking them prisoner for one reason or another. I ended up as one of the unfortunate, but not long after my arrival, a breakout was organized." Blaze intentionally left out the details of his own greater involvement in that particular part of the story.

"During our escape, we shook some pursuers, or we thought we did, and some of us headed back to Corneria to lick our wounds and organize while the rest stayed behind to keep them busy. A few of them followed us though, and nearly took one of us out, but we shook them off with some help from a cruiser Captained by a guy called Beniz. General Peppy found out about it, and though we'd originally intended to handle the situation ourselves, I'm glad he decided to investigate for himself. While we headed off to Zoness to regroup, Peppy got Krystal and Falco to screen Beniz's crew and send those that made it through as backup for us. From that point it turned into a period of preparation, planning, gathering strength and supplies before we confronted Shadow and brought him down - and while Star Fox showed up, they respected our wishes and held back as support rather than rushing in to play the heroes. In those days I was a bit annoyed with Star Fox, if only because it seemed Lylat was helpless without 'em. I wanted to show people that there were other people that could handle a situation too. Still, their help was invaluable, and I never got a chance to thank them for the part they played."

Blaze watched her running for a moment or two. "You sure you know what you're doing? At that rate you're gonna burn yourself out. Do more harm than good."

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"Eh... yeah man, maybe your right, I'm done for now," she decided, and set to something a little lower. To any normal person it was a steady jog, but for Feila it felt barely above a walk. Just enough to keep her high going. "Sounds pretty serious dude. Hell, it sounds like your baddies could be in on this. Did you ever find out what they wanted from you?"

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Blaze nodded very slightly as she turned it down. "I doubt it - we never found out if we finished Shadow off, but the organization was completely destroyed. The planet's been free of them ever since. Nah, if Shadow was involved, he'd have come for me, not Star Fox." Blaze turned his treadmill up a small amount. "As for what he wanted from me back then... a weapon. I'd stolen an early weapon schematic from Andross years before, during the Lylat Wars, and that's what he wanted from me. From the rest, he just wanted to steal various equipment from them for different reasons. After everything was over, I turned it over to the Cornerian government, partly to get the hell rid of it, and partly because it's what I should have done in the first place. That and they... sort of asked for it."

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  • 2 weeks later...

'Once they're done, I'd be happy to take on the treadmill', Steve thought, watching the two from his corner. He got out of the gym to look for the dining room, and found just across the hallway. He found it odd that the kitchen wasn't anywhere near the dining room. He wondered if he could order some food in here, perhaps some soup or a vegetable salad. He got himself a glass of water and sat down, thinking if he was really prepared for this. Steve stood up again, and returned to his room, and, wanting some privacy, attempted to lock the door, but it had no locks or whatever. Just a simple door. He sighed and just went down on his comfy bed, imagining being honored by people for saving Star Fox.

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"Well, it's a good idea in theory. Why put all the time and energy into making tech when you can steal it instead?"

Feila let out a long sigh, she couldn't keep up any longer. SHe turned off the tredmill and stepped off it.

"Asked for it? You mean thee CDF just walked up and asked nicely? I would expect the busting of kneecaps. I need some water..."



Faye was sitting alone in the breifing room, the lights dimmed, as she poured over paperwork that she still had to do. She was so focussed that she didn't hear the soft hiss of the doors moving back to admit two shadowy figures. Neither did she hear one creeping quietly towards her, until they were so close they were standing over her. The figure bent low, until their lips nearly touched the back of her neck, and drew there fingers along the sensitive part between her shoulders.

"Hey you," the figure's femine voice breathed, then moved slighly to avoid being struck in the face by Faye jumping out of her skin in surprise.

"Miyu! I swear to god every time I tell you not to do that, and every time--"

"And every time I do it because I know you love it," Miyu laughed, drawing Faye into a tight hug, which Faye was more than happy to get out of her seat to return

"I'm glad your back, you were taking so long that I was afraid something had happened."

"I wasn't away that long, you worry-wart," Miyu replied, brushing a stray bit of hair out of Faye's face. "But it takes more than a little elbow grease to track down that prick Kane, he's making my job difficult on purpose."

"What did he tell you?"

Miyu sat heavily on the polished metal of the table, taking the weight of a leg she had been favouring slightly. "He told me that he'd been able to locate the basketball that's supposed to be holding our message. It's apparently in a bit of a nasty spot and he's hanging back until we get there to provide "support"." Miyu sarcastically indicated the quotations with her fingers. Faye settled back into her chair, visibly surprised.

"He's going to be a team player this time?"

"Hell no! He's just being a sneaky bugger like usual, him wanting your team can only be a bad thing love, I'm telling you."

"...So what do you want me to do?"

Miyu tapped her fingers on her elbow, not sure what to say.

"You haven't got much choice but to brief your team and then send 'em in. I'll go with them to make sure no ones dies."

"How chivalrous of you, you just want the glory."

Miyu shrugged. "Well, you would know baby," the lynx purred, leaning in for a kiss. It'd been weeks since she had last seen her girlfriend, and just the sight of her got her blood running.

A sudden cough stopped her half way, and she hung her head in frustation.

"Right, Faye, I forgot to mention, this is Brian Exige, he was my wingman on this mission to Kane. He's CDF's token grunt for this."

Faye turned to regard him. He was a young man, german shepard, still in his flight suit. He had a sour expression on his face as he took in the roon and the two women. Faye looked at Miyu quizzically, but she just shook her head; he does it to everyone.

"Listen doll, it's been a long day, I'm gunna grab a bite to eat and show grumpy to his room, if you get all your work done, make sure you wait up for me. Tomorrow, I wanna' meet your peeps." And at that, she gave Faye a peck, and left the toom in search of the quarters and kitchen.

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A loud thump echoed trough the silent room as Brian dumped his bag down onto the floor.

"You know the drill. Appreciate what R&R you can get, but be ready to move out on a moments notice." It came from the siluette of the lynx in the door behind him.

The shepher nodded silently. "For how long have you and Fay been together?" He asked, his voice surprisingly soft and light. There was a second of silence before a reply came. "That's not really your concern soldier. Keep in mind that while I'm a freelancer, I've been made your superior for the duration of the mission. I expect the same amount of respect you show your officers elsewhere." Miyu replied emotionless. A sly smile flickered over Brians lips. "That you allready have... Ma'am."

Miyu chosed to ignore his baiting insults. "It's o-two-hundred Cornerian time. Good night. Exige." She said before turning around, the door gliding shut behind her.

Brian waited in silence, listening to the steady taps of her boots against the floor untill they dissapeared, and the only sound he could hear was the barely distinguishable drone of the engines propelling them trough space.

He had heard talk that most of the bounty hunters he'd be working with was gathered in the gym, but he didn't fancy going there right now. Partially because he needed sleep more than excersize right now, but mostly because he didn't fancy sharing a room with yet more arrogant freelancers, bragging about their glorious deeds and the huge bounties they had collected. This was just another job he had to do. Unnecesary socialising wasn't a part of it, not in his mind. He'd see them the next day anyway.

With a loud yawn he let himself collapse down into the lone chair in the room, starting to unlace his boots, kicking them off in turn. The flightsuit followed soon after, revealing a well-toned body, criss-crossed with numerous scars. It had been a small wonder he had lived trough some of the battles he had gained them in. He knew he would probably not live to grow old, not in this profession. He still wouldn't have it any other way.

His head barely hit the pillowe before he fell into sleep. The sort of half-awake, dreamless sleep one only learned trough necesity.

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Looking to the clock on the nearby wall, Blaze also stepped off the treadmill. "Nah, they didn't send a few grunts to collect it. Peppy Hare talked with a few of the guys involved after everything was over, including Captain Beniz, since he was the one who sent him to help us out. When he came to talk with me, we both eventually came to the conclusion that the plans for that thing were better off in the hands of the CDF."

He let out a yawn. "Look, it's 2 AM, I'm gonna get a few hours sleep before we need to head out there."

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The door opened to General Pepper's room, a young 24 year old Wolf of the Cornerian Army stood at attention, saluting to the old Houng Dog. "Private Suzaku reporting for duty sir, you wish to speak to me?" The young son of Kethor asked Pepper with a usual soldier face.

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